Hi there, fantastic effort. I'm currently bricklinking the Falcon, and not only gulping at how much the rigging for the rear is, but actually think you're looks much better. So I downloaded the LXF file and looked through it. Can you tell me is it a straight forward swap out of the piece in the instruction manual (page 81, the first building bit of the lights), i.e. does it just replace like for like and connect up, or do i need to do anything else specific? The rest of the LXF file shows the amendments to the covers, do i need to do those as well or can i just do the engine mod with the lights?
Not overly familiar with LXF files, is there a section that tells me which parts i need to buy and quantity/colour? I'd like to do that instead of the original.
Also love the dish, again can't afford the actual dish but I like the Force Awakens one, so I'm going to go with that.
Thanks in advance for your help