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Everything posted by Hyagus

  1. All i'm sensing here is borderline racisim. Not Cool bro!
  2. Thats a pretty sweet, substantial looking buggy Erik. Loving the mean low down headlamps. Thanks for sharing. I think the biggest problem for me is bringing myself to take the original apart
  3. Much like the title really. I was having a browse around for c-models of 8880. None to be found. Maybe i'm suffering a nostalga attack but with it being 40 years anniversary for technic and such an iconic set I just thought someone might have done it. Make it the next competition maybe, if it's not too exclusive
  4. 42069 should be a half track. That would be perfect.
  5. Def 8880 for me. I must have got it when i was 10. Played an displayed it for ages. I just recently built it again… I'm 32 now. Still love it!
  6. Its all good. I looked again this evening and it's there. Dec 20th release for UK.
  7. Whats happened to the 42065? Theres no 'coming soon' place holder for this set. It's probably top of my wishlist, reminds me of an RC when I was a boy.
  8. Looks like an ADL enviro 200. Short wheel base and long long tailswing. Its a beut! Has there ever been an official set of a bus?
  9. Hi all. This is my first post. My own feelings are, not being a porsche fan, that this set looks pretty awesome. I'd only really go for it in orange tho. Where did the pic without the camo stickers come from? And how many new shape panels are we getting with this set?
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