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Eurobricks New Members
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  1. I am new to the forum and the whole Lego thing as a hobby. Anyway, today I received Temple of Airjitzu from Amazon Warehouse and it's the knockoff set. The pieces are missing the Lego symbol and bags are not numbered. I am SO pissed and feel this should not be allowed. Unfortunately, this is the world we live in. I have purchased many sets from Amazon and Amazon Warehouse and this is a first for me.
  2. I love it! I also love the last pic.
  3. Excellent!!!! I have been waiting for an International truck (CAT will work). Awesome job.
  4. Thanks for the instructions. My son is currently building 8052 and he loves to add PF so this should help a lot. Thanks again.
  5. @ Vassal or anyone who can answer, can you make Jurgens ultimate by buying 2 of the MKii sets (excld. PF)? I am sure it's noted somewhere but I am being lazy.
  6. This is my first post here as I just joined couple of days ago (from across the pond). This is a good post for me as I was thinking how I can better transition my son from basic Lego brick building to technic. He loves free play with the bricks and he is 8. I started him off this Christmas with the 42029 (Pick-up Truck). This set was a little advanced for him. He did OK building it and following instructions but didn’t get the gear switching right. I also helped him automate it so he can remote control the truck around the house. I felt he got what we were doing and with some practice, he will get it. However, I feel I should have started him off with something a little more basis like 42037. That unit is probably easier to modify (something he can do). The pick-up truck is big and has lot more pieces. I was thinking about undoing the pick-up truck and have him make whatever he wants out of it (MOC is it?). I think with some practice and encouragement the sets can be completed by kids under the recommended age. Now, I must say I have enjoyed reading some of the reviews and seeing what some of you do with “free play”. I will not tell you how many sets I have purchased over the past few weeks (a lot) but I plan on starting 42043 shortly and seeing if my son can help me. A way to get him interested in something BIG. If anyone has ideas on how to best engage or foster creativity from a young one, please do share.
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