[APP] BrickController2
Hi imurvai! i just test the 0.71 version and play 15 minutes with a MOC. I mainly test the triggers, and now during the 15 minutes of playing i did not have a disconnect using the trigger with 50% combined with full throttle. Do you fix this? or tweak something? Thanks!....the app is getting better and better!!!!
[APP] BrickController2
@imurvai Testing, the disconnect is produced at 1 meter or 10 meteres with no object in the middle, the issue is the trigger...if i go full throttle with the trigger i don't have any disconnection......Also i test in an open place (always full throttle with the triggers) and the range is very good without disconnection. MAybe is an issue with the triggers related to Moga Pro.
[APP] BrickController2
@imurvai Yea! sorry....i forgot to check in the settings the swap option. I do more test about the disconnect issue.....and found that the problem is the trigger, if i go to full throtle with the triggers i don't have the disconnection....but if i press the trigger at 50% a couple of times and play like that..... i have the disconnect (i replicate severals times with the same behavior)......hope this help. Many Thanks!!!
[APP] BrickController2
imurvai Tested the 0.6 version: - The trigger still wrong swapped for me (Moga Pro...maybe is something related to the controller) - With this version now i have again the issue with disconnect after 3 minutes of playing. go back and load the profile again fix it for another 3 minutes. Nice feature about manage the power output.....still don't tested. Thanks!!
[APP] BrickController2
@legolijntje I'm using both triggers with the Moga Pro (Left trigger to reverse and Right Trigger to accelerate). The issue with triggers is there are swapped in the profile. Left trigger is Right trigger and visceversa... maybe you test with the wrong trigger (happens to me the first time), @kendo12 To bad that Moga Pocket don't have HID mode. The lag is less noticeable with this the sbrick app i noticed a bit. Also the feeling to control a car with a joystick is way better than touch a flat and soft screen, specially with fast cars. I'm playing with a fast buggy (2 L motors for acceleration and light weight) and is a lot of fun!!
- [APP] BrickController2
[APP] BrickController2
Hi imurvai !! I just test the 0.5 version of the app and the multichannel works perfect. Now i can finally enjoy the sbrick. The only things i found is the swapped channels and trigger, just like i say before....but i can play with those tinny issues. I can test the triggers when gradually applying pressure if is needed with my Moga Pro. Any improvement will make this amazing app more perfect THANKS!!!
[APP] BrickController2
Hi imurvai! I don't know what you do, but now the permanent disconnect don't happens and the lag is gone. if you ask me, the response is better that the sbrick official app. Great Job! I still believe sbrick team should hire you....they take about 1 year to reduce the lag, you fix it in a couple of days. A few little things: - The port tester (in the sbrick manager) have B Channler and C Channel swapped. When i test the B Channel, the engine in my C Channel start to move. - The Left Trigger and Right Trigger is also swapped, when you define the Right Trigger works in the Left Trigger. I'm waiting for the multichannerl feature on pads and triggers.....and also the ones you mentioned :) Thanks!!! Amazing app!! PS: Today night i will travel for a week, so i can test again on Feb, 23.
[APP] BrickController2
Thanks for the response! - For the permanent disconnect i don't see any dialog with the reconnect message......just stop working. Reload the profile and all work perfect again - For the lag, is the same lag than the previous version of the sbrick app....with the last update they fix it... maybe they tweak some parameters. Tha lag don't happens always btw. - Great about the multichannel assignment. Also will be awesome to add the multichannel to one triggers (2 Channels, one inverted the other normal to Right Trigger using one direction). Thanks a lot !!!
[APP] BrickController2
Hi imurvai! I just test the 0.3 version: - Now the disconnect-connect-disconnect is gone. - Playing about 2 min i get a permanent disconnect. I have to reload the profile again and works again for another 2 min or 3 min. - There is a Lag/Delay in control (like the previous version of the official sbrick app) - Please add the possibility to asign 2 channels to the same Pad. Example: C channel to the vertical Right Pad (not inverted) and D Channel to the vertical Right Pad (inverted).....This will be fantastic!!! i have 2 MOC i need that feature. - Also will be fantastic if i can asign Right trigger to one direction movement to the motor (with the previous 2 Channel feature). For example: Forward acceleration. And the Left Trigger for reverse acceleration. This to simulate the controls of cars games :) It's impressive that you in couple of weeks you've accomplished this app....and the official sbrick team have take + 1 year to bring a semi-working app. They should hire you to lead the android app!!! (not a joke!!) Many Thanks!!!!
[APP] BrickController2
Hi imurvai! The firmware version is the 4.8 Great that you found the root cause......i can wait 2 days :) ** i've waiting 1 year for the sbrick android app to work correctly..LOL ** btw, my user in social sbrick community is "Denis H". i post this link in the android support thread. Another user post the youtube video. For the multi-channel to one single button action, will be great if you add.....all my cars have 2 motors for acceleration, so i need to asign 2 channels for the same action to control both motors at the same time. Two of them i have to invert one of the 2 motors. THANKS!!!
[APP] BrickController2
Hi! i just create an account in here, because of our app. Really GREAT!! I tested with my Moga Pro Controller (pairing the controller using MOGA PRO HID in the BT opitons). here are my summary: - The app engines star to move, stop, move.... i know is an alpha, so i suppose this will get better in time. - I can't assign 2 slots in the sbrick (for example C and D) to the same Button or trigger (with invert option for each slot, C and D) Thanks!!! Amazing app Cheers! Denis
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