- Heroica RPG - Quest #151: Send the Pain Below
- Heroica RPG - Quest #151: Send the Pain Below
- Heroica RPG - Quest #151: Send the Pain Below
- Heroica RPG - Quest #151: Send the Pain Below
Heroica RPG - Quest #151: Send the Pain Below
Ooc: sorry for being inactive. My internet is being really screwy and I've lost a lot of forms of communication. I'll have to post in mobile for now. I should have gone with you guys. I couldn't find anything new. But I did get to see how much of an megablocks the baron is in person, other than that my detour was useless. Kid curses himself under his breath for being such an impulsive idiot. Thankfully I got back in time to get those wolves to talk.
- Heroica RPG - Quest #151: Send the Pain Below
- Heroica RPG - Quest #151: Send the Pain Below
- Heroica RPG - Quest #151: Send the Pain Below
- Heroica RPG - Quest #151: Send the Pain Below
Heroica RPG - Quest #151: Send the Pain Below
We've barely gotten anywhere with our investigation, and it's already obvious that Maggie wasn't killed by any imp. The claw marks don't match up. Whoever did this wasn't even trying to frame these imps, or they would've made it match the biology. You seem like a smart man, so I have to wonder why you would accuse your newest inhabitants of a murder such as this when so far there is no evidence to support and only evidence against. So tell me, Kid taps his foot. Why do you blame the imps?
Heroica RPG - Quest #151: Send the Pain Below
Kid realizes that the sluice was the wrong place to look for information, and he probably should have waited for Ellaria's approval before going off on his own. But while he's away from the others, he'll try not to return to them empty handed.Sorry for bothering you. Kid goes to the Baron's office.
Heroica RPG - Quest #151: Send the Pain Below
Leprechaun. he answered dryly. Traveler. Looking for a lost cousin. While this was not entirely a lie, it was not the real reason for his questioning. He felt that perhaps that by isolating himself from the heroes he would receive more honest answers. He pulled out the note. -M. Mind explaining to me what this is?
- Heroica RPG - Quest #151: Send the Pain Below
- Heroica RPG - Quest #151: Send the Pain Below
Heroica RPG - Quest #151: Send the Pain Below
Cool! That's all we should need, right? This proves your race's innocence. The Baron wouldn't be completely ignorant to facts, would he? Well the lock seemed busted, but when I asked Shelby she said she had no idea what used to be in there. But I don't think it stood for Maggie, even though that's everyone's first guess. I'm sorry that people have been generally dickish to you through your entire history. If it's any consolation, I know how much it hurts to be cast out from whatever place you call home again and again by some bastards who have no right to boss you around. Kid scratches his head and realizes that might not have been comforting. That might not have been helpful, but.. I sympathize with you. And I'm not just saying that.
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