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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Really hoping for some TCW sets, Mandalore perhaps. I know... wishful thinking.
  2. That new episode was FILLED with lore and references.
  3. What did you guys think of it? In my eyes people take this movie way too seriously, it was just a side thing for a younger audience, if approached with such a mindset I think it can be quite enjoyable. Since I enjoyed Freemaker Adventures and it had the same writer, I knew I was bound to enjoy that short as well.
  4. I really hope we'll get a Malachor set this wave.
  5. Looking good, why no Malachor tho. ;(
  6. Why no Death Star leaks? :(
  7. 50 euro? I find that hard to believe. XD It will be at least 60, I am pretty sure.
  8. Well I know for a fact that AT-ST will cost no less than 60-70 euro in EU. That was the suggested retail price for AT-DP and I don't think AT-ST will be cheaper.
  9. 25% as well...
  10. It makes me so angry when I see the US prices lol. Meh, w/e. XD
  11. Just bought Rex's AT-TE (140 euro) and Vader's TIE Advanced vs A-Wing (110 euro) at my mocal store. That is pretty expensive right? :/
  12. Thanks for sharing. ;) Looking forward to AT-ACT.
  13. Will the next wave consist only of RO sets and the UCS Death Star or will it include some Rebels sets as well? I am still hoping for that Malachor set and the Seventh Sister minifig.
  14. If you post the photos on imgur, youtube or any other site then the copyright owner might request the said website to remove the leak. The user doesn't break any laws by uploading what he found on the web tho. Unless he signed something. Anyhow, do you honestly think LEGO is so bothered with these leaks? I wouldn't be surprised if it bumped their sales when the sets come out. The only reason I can think of that would cause them to be annoyed with these leaks is if they signed something with Disney and will have to pay them more. Obviously Disney has to provide LEGO with relevant movie information long before anything is made public. It is very likely that LEGO had to sign something that would force them to pay additional % of profits from set sales if something got leaked.
  15. Huh? If one stumbles upon these leaks and decides to share them there is literally nothing LEGO can do to him/her. If you leaked the material you were given for personal use and signed a contract of some sort (or any document that is legally binding) that is a different matter entirely. So, don't be afraid of sharing those pictures if you found them on the web, you are breaking no laws whatsoever.
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