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About jakbar

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    LEGO (especially castle), Total war serie, fantasy books, LOTR, Star Wars, Physics, History


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  1. It makes me think of some warhammer greenskin keep. The colors fit very well and the texturing is great... maybe even too great for my taste. I mean with all those rocks sticking outside the wall it looks a bit like if they couldn't build it straight...
  2. Fantastic! I'd love to see some more of Edoras built in similar style.
  3. Beautiful landscape and castle. Your army is impressive although I'm not sur they would all fit inside the keep
  4. Too simple and undecorated in my opinion. You've also used too many wall bricks. The interior looks ok and the vegetation is also pretty neat. I like the trebuchet.
  5. Yeah, I must agree that the flames would be really nice addition here. The tower itself looks great though, especilly the top. I aslo really like the bridge.
  6. Nice ship, it seems a bit blocky though. Couldn't You also add some more detail to the deck? It flat and undetailed. The smaller ship looks much better in my opinion. I really like the bollard on the quay, they add some detail to it.
  7. That's sad. Minecraft is an amazing game and I still play it sometimes. The idea of being able to create absolutely everything, sometimes on a huge scale is incredibly compelling. Sadly this doesn't translate well to LEGO as even though both are "blocky" LEGO has a completely different style and techniques. The outcome of the mix seems... ugly. I guess that in the game the indyvidual textures on blocks help a lot with breaking the "Big Grey Wall syndrome". To me it looks like some LEGO beginner's MOC. There are a lot of pieces that are useless beacause of the idea of making 6 builds in 1. Even the 3in1 creator sets were a bit too much for me but this? It's almost like a caricature! Instead of going for 1 or max 2 complete, well planned constructions they went for 6 with every single one of them being a complete utter mess! Ooooh that would be so cool, I can't even imagine all the creative possibilities I don't think it will ever happen though
  8. Cool ship. There are some cool ideas, especially the hull shape.
  9. There is some really great rockwork and landscaping. The windmill and the houses look amazing. I also like the crops, it seems like a really nice idea that I might even "borrow" some day.
  10. Absolutely beautiful! These walls look amazing! Why are there so many chimneys though?
  11. Excellent work. It looks very realistic and well planned.
  12. Nice scene, there are some blocks that i find not fitting in very well though. For example the brown slab on the down right side of the last photo. I 'd like also this scene to have some more detailed terrain wth some rocks/bushes/sandy beach etc...
  13. Amazing, the interior is so precise and detailed and the exterior looks also great. I love the vertical brick between the windows. I think that I might steal borrow this idea from You.
  14. I am not a great fan of MOC's with technic parts only (not my style I guess ), but this one looks actually very nice, only the hollow wings make it look a bit unrealistic...
  15. That's really cool and very detailed for a microscale MOC. It seems that it's a bit too large compared to its lenght though.
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