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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Hello Friend of Lego Star Wars :) I have one used gavegod AT-AT for sell, please send me a short message for furhter details (located in Austria) Best Regards, Lion1984 (I asked jamie75 to add my offer to his topic)
  2. Thank's a lot, it's x-mas.time, at least for me :-)
  3. Sorry, I just forget the country. I checked it for Austria and Germany.
  4. I just ordered mine - on the online shop from one of the biggest toys supermarket (as I think, that thing with the Star in the R). Actually there is an discount for lego products with 15% too - so at the End it costs ~255. Maybe someone else is searching for it and can use the discount. (I am not if it is allowed to tell the name of the shop, If so I will name it, of course)
  5. I wrote the following post with an misunderstanding of "Strechted Goals" - sorry for this. Therefore the most addressed topics were (of my post) for me) irrelevant, but as Ron1 wrote an answer I think it's a good choise to keep it. Is there any specific timeline? I mean you started the KS project with an "Buwizz" which has(had) specific features. Now there where stretched goals, more features for the first "market version", ... so what is your plan? (more features may have an impact on the timeline and/or price) (independently from the current state that it doesn't look good for reaching the goal on KS.) Example - regarding the Price, a few days ago you wrote: OK I can understand that it won't get lower, but today (only a few days later) it seems be sure that the price is higher (Features?) So actually I am lost in my thoughts, I am not sure if I am happy with the "on-going things" (of course, you don't have to care about my feeling :-)). At the Moment there were a lot of variables, my opinion more as on the start of the KS project, so I am not able to see, which features the product, which I support, has or maybe not.
  6. Sorry for the bad quality of the image, but I just got the wheels for the blue color schema. I just tried to get an optical effect on the wheels. Maybe someone like it and can use it for other models.
  7. I currently build the audi in blue :-) just a few parts still missing and have to be ordered :-(
  8. Really amazing, all of these are great. My personal favorite it #25 :-)
  9. I am not sure if the balls are still an topic, but I used an 1L technic connector and I am happy with it. (Ball in an hand of an footballer? Pah :-)) Maybe I try to cut the connector to reduce the high.
  10. Of course thank you very much. So i must had an error during the build, I checked it twice and it still was wrong ;-) Generelly it should not be an issue because you can configure SBrick to "my needs", but I think the important thing is to plug 2 motors on each SBrick. Thanks again!
  11. I built this dream of an lego supercar. But I think I made a mistake with the power connections, may can I ask how it should be? Sorry I am not able to identify it in the instructions :-( I gut each SBrich should control 2 L motors (for accelartion) or?
  12. I just ordered the sandcrawler some days ago. The really bad thing its a present and not for me :-(
  13. Thanks a lot for sharing the instructions, brillant car, time to check my inventory :-)
  14. Great Work, I love it, hopefully I have enough parts for it. It looks amazing.
  15. What an wonderful collection... Great :-) Thanks for sharing.
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