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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by azimsu80

  1. I'm trying the new features, adding image and text will make closing & opening profile is taking some time @ lag. Is there any memory issue? There is some layering issue, the image sometimes not stay at it place, going back or front on other image/control button I would like to suggest additional double axis joystick function that can be used to drive 2 motor in a tracker. Currently it only suppot drive & steering cars Hope it helps
  2. I had problem with latest brickcontroller, the servo control is sluggish via my Samsung s10 and Ps4 Bluetooth remote. I had no problem with control Z so far on the servo
  3. Hai, Good job for stable relaese, all issue has been fix and all features are functioning very well. I'm impressed ?. Looking forward for upcoming features ??
  4. Hai, I do some comparison between build 1.4.4, 1.4.5 dev2 & 1.4.5 dev3 1) In PUP hub, currently boost motor (38) is NOT working in servo mode, but C+ motor (46) & (47) is working very well in servo mode 2) In Boost hub, currently motor (38), (46) & (47) is NOT working in servo mode for port C & D. 3) In Boost hub, currently internal motor for port A & B is NOT working in servo mode. The problem is only in servo mode, for drive mode...all motor is working ?
  5. 1) Huge improvement on creating profile, this never been so easy ?? 2) i found out that servo option was not supported on PUP hub and BOOST hub as before. Please add in back ? 3) new adding text feature is a good for the 1st text but if i create 2nd text, it will overitten the 1st text. 4) auto and manual calibration is superb
  6. Tilt sensor is available internally on those 2 hub which is C+ & Boost but it only working in C+.
  7. 1) auto calibration is working ? 2) i didn't see any feedback on the zero button when you touch it, but not a big issue. Manual calibration is working ? 3) tilt sensor is working with C+ hub but not working with technic@boost hub. 4) motor icon for boost large motor is blank on device discover 5) i love those new additional setting, good job!! What's next ?
  8. V1.4.4 is an awsome update. I can find boost hub properly, servo angle also get improvement (from 0 -180°). Overall, it was the best stable version so far. Good job & I'm enjoying your app ?
  9. My finding: 1) i can install new version from google playstore - but critical error happen when opening the app. I manage to installed it via apkpure.com 2) Option to renaming each button is missing 3) New app cant detect my boost hub anymore. I like the new interface but had to revert back to previous version due to my finding above.
  10. With 2.6 on android, I still got problem with sluggish servo. Revert back to version 2.3 that works perfect on android ?
  11. I got it, i need to rename back the hub to "Technic Hub" in PUP 3.0, once the hub detected in controlz...you can rename it as you want. Interesting part is, i manage to get a Boost Hub working!!! on all ports ?
  12. I cant connect to power up hub 88009. I have remove & re-install controlz again but it doesnt work. I was using an android phone @ galaxy s10+
  13. Regarding programable option which is under construction, what is the base of the programing language?
  14. Hai, Version 1.4.1 is working great. I like the new steering button but the position was lock on the left side only. Other option was functioning very well, no issue with servo. Happy holiday, thank you for giving us 1.4.1
  15. Thank you for V1.4 update and i saw lots of new features ?
  16. Hai, first of all the battery box that all of you are referring to was not from CaDA, its from Mouldking brand. Please download the .apk file from the link below: https://fir.im/kzae Hope it helps.
  17. Can we get selectable haptic feedback (low/mid/high) in settings?
  18. Well, we all knew that this is a developement software. We are here as beta tester to report any finding and glitch in the system thus allowing the developer to tune it up on every update. We are hoping the best result that could benifit the community, good job to the developer as every update is a joy ?
  19. Bug: Saved control profile data missing on every update. Is it because of new added option on button mapping? I love the new update, keep it coming?
  20. Is it possible to add a gyroscope control that can control a track type moc to move forward, backward, left, hard left, right and hard right? It means there will be free run control and gyro based control....?
  21. Thank you, keep it coming. We had so much fun playing the C+ motor freely on our MOC. Cant hardly wait for next update.
  22. 1) First suggestion is to add an option to 'delete' control profile. As now, you can add profile but you cant delete it. 2) i found a bug on control slider, you can zoom in but you cant zoom out to minimum. The max zoom in also to big in my opinion. 3) screen flickering. Ex: when you revert back from control profile to list of profile.
  23. How about adding other powered up devices and boost module. They shared the same protocol and that would be an awsome control option.
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