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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. its getting later every year. Probably to throw off copy cats. But I think we can safly assume that it will be revealed on Saturday. We know pretty certain that it will be a jazzclub and the Botique Hotel had a small Poster on a wall reading "Andy Sax, Live 10th of december" so... yeah.
  2. Yup. In the next weeks. Its usually the very end of November or the beginning of december. I mean it leaked this time in detail, wich is unusual, but I don't think that will change anything about the reveal window.
  3. I got that during some Toys R Us promotion and remember beeing disappointed because it looked so boring. I used the bricks otherwise and I am 99% sure there was no sticker sheet included. Definitly not a cool one, like Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw crests or anything. IF I am mistaken and there really were stickers, they were so unintresting that I never applied them. And i'm one of the few guys who likes stickers.
  4. cool sets. The interior of the Clock tower is pretty wack, but I will still buy it at least once. I love the patronous set and will probably skip the horntail. Number four is both my least favorite book and film and i have enough lego dragons as it is. My highlight is hagrids hut. I started building my hogwarts last year, when the new Sets came out. I used some official and mostly moc Stuff for hogwarts, but i didn't build hagrids hut, because i was sure there will be an awesome one this year and god damn it I was right. I love it, the look, the pumpkins, the details. The only problem is, that it is only half of the hut, but If you buy two and connect them, that should work out fine. if you want to see the castle so far
  5. Well its what happens in this scene. I think they did it because 1. he gets saved, 2. its "only" his soul, 3. its has no real violence and 4. its a kids movie. But I was very surprised that they did that too
  6. Thats right, it just looks weird without the hair. The Head isn't in the books so the only source we have are the movies. (one of the little really cool additions by the movies). He is like a huge bunch of hair with a little head in it. this looks like a normal sized head with weird hair.
  7. Well the Mermaid sticker from the USC Hogwarts Set can be used for a MOC of that, but you're right i would prefer that to a dragon. I want more hogwarts rooms. Speaking of bathrooms.. Please give us the moarning myrthe.
  8. I just hope we get some Sets of the latest books (my favorites). When HP was around for the first time, we got a ton of Sets for Part 1-3 but hardly any for 4 and 7 and Basically none for 5 and 6. I want Dumbledores Army, the Order of the Phoenix, the Deatheaters and stuff like that. But boy do I agree, Myrtles bathroom would be one of my dream-sets as well.
  9. Ah thank goodness. I usually just buy city and creator but Harry Potter got me hooked since its first run and i was sooo happy for last years sets. Thanks for the instant relief :)
  10. or maybe not even any new harry potter sets. Everything i saw of a new line was just wild speculations. Are the set numbers official or just a rumor? Maybe they canceld the theme again?
  11. We had sooo much of the first three movies already. So many sets over the years. I just can't wait to see Sets for order of the phoenix, halfblood prince and deathly Hallows because those are my favorite books of the series. Characters like Kingsley, Aberforth, Tonks and so on.
  12. The question would also be wich sirus we get. The Prison-rag Serius would have different hair from the normal clothes Serius. And i really hope it will be the latter, i love his clothing style in Order of the phoenix.
  13. I see zero chance of that. Its one thing to make a set that *could* be combines with earlier Sets. But a mountain piece would be pretty boring on itself for kids compared with some cool piece of Hogwarts castle. And at the time it would be released, the great hall wouldn't be in stores anymore. A set like that wouldn't really sell for the general Audience, i'm sure. Any future Set, that can be combines with the great hall, has to be a good looking and fun set on its own too.
  14. Are there stickers inside, that can be used for Lego-Harry Potter builds? Like House-crests or portraits?
  15. You could easily fill a second Wave. Just on the top of my head: Lockhart, Greyback, Bellatrix, Lucius Malfoy, Narzissa Malfoy, Teenager Malfoy, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, Dolohov, Crabbe and Goyle, Pavarti, Lavender, Fudge, Sirius, Kingsley, The Dursleys, Other Houseghosts, Seamus Finnegan, A generic Deatheater, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw Quidditch Players, Prof. Sprout, Mr. Weasly, Mrs Weasly, Percy, Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Ginny, Wormtail, Fleur, Krumm, Griphook, Nicolas Flamell, Nagini (human form), Tonks, Cormac Mclaggan, Earny Shumpike, younger Tom Riddle, Myrthe, the Carrows, the Snatcher, Rita Skeeter, Scrimgour, Xenophilius Lovegood, Aberforth Dumbledore, Mundungus Fletcher and Kreacher. (plus Book-only Characters like Ludo Bagman, Peeves or Prof. Binns, but i doubt that)
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