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Walrus Admin
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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Thanks! *sweet* List updated.
  2. In most cases, no. Lego add those for inspiration only... and I suspect that people asking for instructions all the time has resulted in them deciding it wasn't worth the bother. I came close several times to buying that set but never did... 8-| Here's another picture that might help...
  3. Siegfried replied to Xion's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Welcome to EB! *sweet* Nice pics guys; keep 'em coming! X-D
  4. Siegfried replied to LuxorV's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Great work! *wub* There is so much to like, but my favourite parts are the katana scabbards and the air tank! I also love how you gave it a waist. He needs someone to fight now... X-D
  5. Siegfried replied to Kikuichimonji's post in a topic in Community
    You should update your signature then! X-D
  6. Yes, several times. Please go here to dicuss this cool set. *wub* Topic closed.
  7. Siegfried replied to Kikuichimonji's post in a topic in Community
    We sure do... and it sound like the same place! :-| They are not very competitive on prices. I only went there today as I couldn't find anywhere new sets... :'-( But that Batmobile is a great set... especially on steep discount! X-D
  8. Please don't ask for the source of any early pictures. If the person can say they will. Please especially don't ask Clonie as he was asked not to talk about his secret pictures of coolness, and he has done a great job so far to not. Thanks very much Clonie! *sweet* What did they look like to you? Do you want to talk about your feelings on those pictures some more? I think we are close to a breakthrough. *sweet*
  9. Australia 7784: The Batmobile: Ultimate Collectors' Edition is $70 AUD (down from $130) in Toyworld.
  10. Siegfried replied to Kikuichimonji's post in a topic in Community
    7784: The Batmobile: Ultimate Collectors' Edition; it was $70 AUD (down from $130) in Toyworld.
  11. Thanks for owning up! X-D Nah! If I did that I might just copy it. :-$ I have collected enough pictures of that plane to do one.... I hope! I love the Messerschmitt, especially the wing underside! 8-
  12. You're doing it again! :-| Drop the subject.
  13. Yes. I mentioned in a thread... ...to which imperialshadows replied.. X-D
  14. Depends on what you want. I think the blue one makes them look meaner, and the yellow makes them look nicer. :-D
  15. Darn. :'-( I am planning to make this. It's a good job too! *wub* That's a stunning amount of tan baseplates. Great find ImperialScouts. *sweet* Well I'll still make mine (someday) and it will be better. X-D
  16. Siegfried replied to RebelRock's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I love it! *wub* What a great idea. What was the contest? (I moved it too. ;-) )
  17. Thanks very much for taking the time! *wub* (I was hoping that it would say more of their future plans...)
  18. Rh3ttyC has told me that he has seen the new creator and Star Wars sets in a Queensland K-Mart.
  19. Siegfried replied to xwingyoda's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    To stop people voting is a long dead competition I have closed this. If you want to talk about this go here.
  20. Assuming that question was directed at me, I ask you to share what you want to and can, but please keep what you can't share to yourself as it will only cause trouble. We are a community afterall, here to help each other. Teasing other members so you can feel big is not nice.
  21. I sure did. I even said so in my post. Was there even a point in your post? This MOC by Sir Dillon is beautiful and I felt that it deserved some more attention, especially since it recieved no comments on Version 2.
  22. Well at this moment you are annoying me. If you have photos you can post, post them, if you can't post them then talking about them is just as bad as posting them. Please stop the teasing. Consider yourself warned.
  23. No, sorry.
  24. The best story I have ever heard was a guy on Brickset who found Mistlands Tower in his Sentai Fortress box. :-D
  25. Siegfried replied to boxcar3's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    It's being discussed here already. I'll close this topic.
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