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Everything posted by Siegfried

  1. Not possible. This board only allows three questions... but you make a fair point!
  2. Siegfried replied to Kikuichimonji's post in a topic in Community
    :-D Well you could always use this as your Kill the Skelies entry; just say that one is under the covers and you are going to dutch oven it! :-P
  3. Siegfried replied to PSPguy's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    I voted fo jof's daughters car because it is orange and pumkin shaped. The others are one or the other, but only hers is both! ;-)
  4. I sure do but only if I have to. I also put on my best cringing face while doing so. ;-)
  5. Siegfried replied to Hotshot's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    If you want to buy one there's 4917 and I think the one MicVash is taling about is; 4097 Also, I bought this one for my boy and he loved it! 4881 It's too late. :'-(
  6. Welcome to Eurobricks! *sweet* I love MechWarrior style Mecha too. When MechWarrior II demo first come out I used to watch that over and over... Anyone know where I can get a copy of the MechWarrior II demo? I lost it years ago (I lent my computer to someone and it wasn't the same when I got it back :-| ) and I have never been able to find it again. :'-)
  7. Well to me a literal wanker is someone who does it a lot. At least once a week, if not once a day... It's like the title "Actor". I have been in a few shows here and there, but I don't think I should call myself an Actor. I have just done it a few times. Same story with wanking. Any more questions? ;-) Yay! Hurrah for nonsense! :-P
  8. Siegfried replied to Kikuichimonji's post in a topic in Community
    :-P Err.... I meant with the bucket. On your head or something similar. Or is the bucket under the blankets? Have you spoken with Jocko about this?
  9. I did! :-P I decided that saying self-servicer wasn't funny anymore and was probably confusing people... 8-| I like clarity afterall, and I want people to be sure that I am a wanker. ;-) (Not in a literal sense; I am married after all...)
  10. Interestingly I feel the same way. My first vig was for a contest on EB and I have never made one for just fun. But I do think we are kidding ourselves here. A lot. If someone submitted an X-Wing with wheels for a car contest wouldn't that be a bit silly? That is how I see our take on vignettes. Yes, there is an overlap rule, but as the old saying goes; "If my Grandmother had wheels she would be a wagon". Picking apart a rule and running with a single word instead of the sentence as a whole seems silly to me. The rule states "Vig must be built on and 8x8 base, overlap to your heart's content". 10x8 (and even 16x8) is one thing, but the way we are going our next contest will have more and more people forgetting that there was supposed to be an 8 in there at all. So to answer your question Yoda, when I said small MOCs I had in mind a 16x16 rule, but in reality I am happy with whatever people agree upon. I just want clarity and.... well... agreement. X-D If people feel constrained by 8x8 then maybe we should go for 16x8 or 16x16. As ApophisV pointed out in his excellent link, 16x16 is an "accepted" vig size anyway! :-P So in summary, I propose that the next time we do a vig contest we either say 16x16, or make no mention of size at all.
  11. While on that subject I love his new avatar as well! *wub* (I've read the book too! :-D )
  12. I really don't understand your reaction. I thought you would be all for allowing larger entries. Our vignettes contests have been going that way anyway and I just wanted some clarification. Even so, I wasn't trying to annoy you, but it sounds like I have. I apoligise for this but I must admit I am very confused as to why you responded that way. This is the second time you have seemed very annoyed with me for making what I thought was a harmless suggestion. Are suggestions that unwelcome here or am I just mis-understanding your reaction?
  13. Very nice. *wub* If these were sold I would consider buying.
  14. No. Older sets can actually be better as often people can make up the set from spare parts. I agree. (I even say so in the first post! ;-) )
  15. Siegfried replied to Widdi's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    I really like this. It is a classic design but not as classically small. *sweet* The record player is a nice touch! :-P
  16. That's a great idea! :-D I'm considering breaking Sinnerton soon perhaps I should make something like this while it's gone!
  17. I feel the same way, but it's probably just because I'm too much of a wanker to join in. :-$ It is funny to compare the overlap here with the overlap in the Kill Jar Jar contest. I always saw the overlap rule to mean stuff like mini-fig arms/legs, doors, windows, roof overhang... that kind of stuff. These days I have no idea what it means. Overhang seems a better choice of words. Perhaps we should just forget vignette contests at EB and call them "small MOCs" instead? :-P I'm all for fun, but having a rule that is bent this far is silly. Wouldn't it be more fun and more free if we removed the 8x8 rule completely?
  18. Siegfried replied to Kikuichimonji's post in a topic in Community
    Too true! He's a freak isn't he? :-X I found him under all the other parts. :-| Any chance of some action shots then? :-P
  19. Siegfried replied to Kikuichimonji's post in a topic in Community
    Hey! *wub* I just noticed that 5528 comes with a free hat! Isn't it cool! *sweet* Anyone else get one with it?
  20. Siegfried replied to Starwars4J's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    I mean these: I think they work much better for 90 degree power transfers. I've never agreed much with the idea of having an engine room on a space craft as, "Sci-fi" TV aside, there isn't any real need to have them accessible inside. But that's just an opinion. I look forward to the galley. You're so kind to your crew. :-P The ships I served on only had running water to the captains cabin, the galley and the heads (bathroom). To go to the heads meant leaving the mess deck and then going up to the next level.... OK Ok. I get the hint. :-$ How long to you think it will take until the ship will be ready to be launched? ;-)
  21. Siegfried replied to Starwars4J's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Nice new title! :-D Sorry for taking so long to reply seeing I am one of the ones that was nagging you. :-$ I had to reply today to the two polls that are running; you know, the needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few... or the one. :-P Either way, I am here! It is going to be big! 8-
  22. Glad to be of service! You make a fair point... 8-|
  23. Perhaps we should have a new poll; "Who read 007's story?" :-D
  24. When I read "steep" I was thinking half price. :-P It's probably US only anyway... :-|
  25. I didn't know that. :-$ (That was during my dark ages. Any idea why it was changed?) But you still did insult him so I stand by my point! :-D Well that was more of a joke, but I actually don't consider them Lego pieces. This is because; Lego don't sell them separately If you remove hands too much they don't stay in anymore. They just look like hands to me.... But it's just an opinion. That's why he didn't get my vote. It wouldn't be fair...
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