Everything posted by Siegfried
lego star wars mistakes
I spent the whole series waiting for the "I am not Saruman the White, I am Saruman of Many Colours!" but he skipped it. :'-( I loved the first movie, but the 2nd and 3rd prioritised big (avergage looking) CG battles over dialog and it suffered for it. My point exactly. I'm not sure. Some of my knowledge on Star Wars is biased from reading the books too much. Sometimes I have looked or waited for a scene only to find it isn't in the movie! :-$ However, I think you are right. There are some substantial "that's weird" parts (like how most of the universe seems to have forgotten Jedis even though it was only 20 years ago), but no "that is wrong and no amount of creative thinking will change that fact" that I can think of off hand. (Someone please prove me wrong!) He is an incredible actor. He was extreamly grumpy with how he was removed from the cinema cut of ROTK. It is a shame he has been sidelined for so long even though if you look at his work history it shows he has never been bored... I suppose I am. I feel bad now. :'-( I think I need a spanking.
lego star wars mistakes
Sorry to say, not according to George. 1. The ages for Luke and Leia are different in the final script. 2. George writes the scripts just before the movies. He has always done this and in the behind the scenes of one Episode 1 (I think) he seems quite proud of the fact. Besides, for Empire he only did the second draft, not the first and last ones.
make it yourself!
Welcome to Eurobricks! What are you Skills and interests Skillzz1?
Simpsons Chief Wiggum mosaic - finished at last!
Excellent! *wub*
lego star wars mistakes
Why would it be obvious? I know a few people myself who knew their real mother but found only later that the person that they thought was their father was not...
Chrome Gold C3-PO pics
I just thought that they may have chromed the joints over. Wow. *wub* Shame that I am in Australia and don't want it enough to pay the price to buy one on eBay! :'-( Thanks for sharing. :-)
Happy B-day Kikuichimonji & Dreamweb
Happy Birthday! Well, did you get some Lego love? Cash for Lego love?
Chrome Gold C3-PO pics
Thanks for the (very well taken) pictures. Do the arms, wrists and legs move normally? Do the legs come off?
The dread bag lego poll
I'm hinckley's ego overflow. One head is too small for it all. X-D
The dread bag lego poll
No need. I would win. ;-)
Castle 2007 by Darktide
I want to pack up up all of my LEGO and ship it to h... OUCH! ...that's odd. My MTT fell on my head. Perhaps it is trying to tell me something? What was I saying anyway? Oh yes, great MOC.
Fake shakos
Ahghghhhhhghhhhhh....... :skel1: ....ahh I feel better now. No! Not again! Ahghh.... :-X :-X :skel1:
Castle 2007 by Darktide
I don't want to go other places to discuss LEGO...
Fake shakos
No! Please! I beg of you! No references to that TV show; it is sacrilege! :-X
Fake shakos
You've never heard strewth before? Strewth!
Castle 2007 by Darktide
Thanks! *wub* You are the man! .....(time passes).... What!? 8-| That means that there are other places to discuss Lego aside from EB. Ahghghghhhghghgg....... *skull*
Fake shakos
Even so, I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few takers, fake or not. Shakos are expensive and rare on BrickLink. There is a whole tread here discussing the problem. At first I thought this was about the customs that BrickForge are supposed to be bringing out. EDIT: Strewth Norrington, you change your signature as often as Hinckley changes his avatar...
Whack-a-Fig Contest
Excellent work optimus-convoy! *wub* This is going to be such a cool contest. Excellent idea Hinckley!
Castle 2007 by Darktide
That is really cool *wub* , even though it does make me a little jealous! :-$ I love how the skeletons are coming out of the pit. It seems to be for a contest; "BL Dio". Help anyone?
lego star wars mistakes
So do I. Ultimately I try to ignore the plot holes and inconsistencies in Star Wars (and many other movies) while watching them as otherwise you find it hard to enjoy any movie. But you still shouldn't deny they exist. It is a classic case of doublethink! You seem to feel the same way I do.
lego star wars mistakes
I love Star Wars too, but he has betrayed me by not caring about consistancy. Ever heard of the expression Hell has no fury like a woman scorned? Well that is how it is for me as I am a Star Wars B$tch. (This forum changes B@tch to female canine!) He authorised many derivative works by others so he could make more money, but he didn't care enough to not change practically everything later, trashing other peoples work that he approved. Boba Fetts history for example was destroyed when the new movies were made, even though George originally had no plans for Boba Fett at all. (These stories have now been tweaked so the "Boba Fett" in them is now a clone called Alpha-
lego star wars mistakes
- lego star wars mistakes
Yes that one is well known, and is yet another example of George changing his mind. A friend of mine (a woman) just won't shut up about it. Yes, but spare parts and supplies still need to come from somewhere. Additionally, there may be more distance, but there are more people as well. I stand by my point. No, I was not meaning the Katana fleet. If I meant that I would have said that. Besides, the Katana fleet was more related to slaved control systems. I am just saying that I think that the Clone Wars originally were not going to be versus robots. I am 100% sure on this. Sorry, I don't understand your last line. You could be insulting me, but I can't tell. Are you aware that George's name is down as the author as the first novel? (The rumor is though that Alan Dean Foster actually wrote it.) Besides, George authorises everything. Before the Zahn series there were four novels. (Not counting the Han Solo novels.) I repeat, four, so it isn't like it was that hard to ensure accuacy. (The extra one was Splinter of the Minds Eye and it generally isn't seen as canon today, although it does serve as an example of how little of Star Wars was planned.) He has always worked hand-in-hand with the authors, even with the new movies. George authorised them all, and they were all based off the original scripts. Supposedly that was an honest mistake, although I have never heard it confirmed. More about that here.- lego star wars mistakes
It is quite beyond me how a military station with 4 million crew members could remain a secret. All you would need is one of those crew members to blab. The USA had a hard enough time keeping under 100 F-117s a secret and they did that by using as much off-the-shelf components as possible. I used to serve on a Destroyer with a crew of 300 and the resouces we needed (food, fuel, spare parts, ammo) to keep active was incredible. The fact that the Death Star remained hidden until completion is beyond belief.- lego star wars mistakes
Well it is from the first movie (Episode 4). When introducing Han there is a scene with him being held at gunpoint by the bounty hunter Greedo who wants either the money he "owes" Jabba, his ship or his life. Han doesn't have the first, and doesn't want to give the second or third and he knows that Greedo will shoot him anyway so he keeps him talking while he readys his gun. When Greedo threatens to kill him Han gets in first. Later, even though many feel (including me) that it is in character, George decides that it isn't, so for the Special Edition release he adds a blast from Greedo which somehow misses so Greedo shot first, and Han shot only after this. This caused much complaints so in the DVD version George changes it again so that shoot almost at the same time (with Greedo still first) and supposedly Han dodges the blast. (I can't say that I have ever noticed it but I haven't looked either!) Why George has problems with Han, a drug smuggler, killing a bounty hunter is quite beyond me. George constantly changes his mind, and while he claims that he has a magical complete story, I simply don't believe him. Obi-wan Kenobi is a good example. In the movie he says "I haven't gone by the name Obi-wan, though, since before you were born". While this is trueish, it is only barely true. Additionally, when it is revealed that Obi-wan was in the Clone Wars Luke says "But... that was so long ago". Even though it was only 20 years before and Obi-wan looks at least 40 so it shouldn't be that remarkable. I have my own theories of what the Clone Wars was really about based on many little facts given in the movies and movie novels. As a kid I used to read the novels of the Star Wars movies over and over again. In fact, my first novel I ever read or owned was Return of the Jedi. I probably have read the novels to Episode 4-6 twice as much as I have seen them. Possibly for this reason I was sure of what the Clone Wars would consist of; Jedi defending againt an invasion of Jedi-wanna-be dressed like Boba Fett, otherwise known as Manderlorian Warriors. My thought was that these guys for some reason (probably general evilness) wanted the Jedi gone, and decided that the best way to do this was to make an army that emulated Jedi powers via technology. (For example the jet pack gives the power of Jedi jumps, the cables give the power of force manipulation, the helmet gives the power of Jedi senses and communication...) Interestingly, probably because I read the books from an early age (about 9) the name "Clone Wars" meant nothing to me. I think I thought it was a location! Even when I learnt what the word meant to me I didn't think too much about it. It wasn't until the 90s while reading the Zahn series the concept of cloning an army was blatently pointed out to me within the Star Wars universe that it all clicked for me. For those that haven't read the Timothy Zahn books, there are two cloned Jedis in the series, one a Luke, cloned from his hand lost at Cloud City, and the other a older Jedi Master. (It is rumoured that it was going to be Obi-Wan but Lucas objected.) This then gave me the final piece in the puzzle; the "Clones" in the Clone Wars were Jedis, who replicated themselves to counteract the superior numbers that the Manderlorians had. Eventually the Jedi win, but then the Clones go mad, leaving the way open for Palpatine to strike... But that is just my idea. I do think thought that looking for inconsistancies in Star Wars is a waste of time as on a whim from George a "fact" becomes fiction. - lego star wars mistakes
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