Everything posted by Siegfried
Photographing LEGO
Thanks for the tips. What's going on here? X-D
Bag building
I accept the guidelines. To avoid time zone issues, the end time should be 14 days after your last post. I agree that we shouldn't discuss what we are making, but I didn't think of the no-name idea. I do agree however. That bucket issue was seen as overly harsh by many, but it was just a personal issue between us. I also agree that I will vote for you. Photo style will be a problem (we should discuss your shadowbox), as will where the images are hosted. Thus we will need to host the images at the same site in the same folder. I have built only one Exo-Force MOC myself... is the orange one to the left. I broke 7706 as wasn't happy with the tracks of the tank and I made that from mostly that set. (The only other MOC in that picture is the half finished Martian War Machine to the right. I took that photo just prior to re-building Sinnerton.) So I wouldn't worry about my experience. I do however love making space MOCs... but who said I was making a space or Exo-Force MOC anyway?! X-D I have already started sorting out the pieces, have an idea and I should be able to make a start tomorrow. Enjoy! May the best walrus win! :-P
- Bag building
Face and Hand Sculptures
I do know that they have regular contests if they have any vacancies, and I am very sure that there is a minimum age as it is a job... unless I am mistaking what you mean. (I am referring to the jobs at the parks, not the set designers or anything else.)
Face and Hand Sculptures
I think you have a chance. I tend to just make Mini-Fig things and generally am horrid at anything like a face so I wouldn't even bother trying. You on the other hand (hand ha ha!) have the makings of an artist.
The dread bag lego poll
If this was any other poll, I would have voted for Entrance to the Caves. I was stunned *wub* when I first saw it.
- Bag building
Bag building
It is good. I still haven't mixed it in yet as I was considering trying to build a Babylon 5 Starfury out of it. If asked to pick, I would pick Grand Titan, Dino Attack Chopper and Sonic Phantom, but adding the merman set would funny. (I bought mine half price as I wanted the shark head.) I like that idea. Well that would be reward enough. *wub*
Bag building
Grand Titan and Uplink are both on my break list. A combiner could be hard due to the colours. I have; Sentai Fortress and am prepared to break it but I don't want to break Silent Strike. The Viking Fortress but I broke that last year so it is scattered. Fire Vulture, but I don't want to break it yet. (It is still an option.) The new Wizard skull castle thing, but I don't want to break it. Other possiblities that I have and would break are; Stealth Hunter Blade Titan Striking Venom Dino Attack Chopper Harry Potter Merman set Knights Kingdon Scorpion Cave Knights Kindom prison transport The new fireboat Claw Crusher Sonic Phantom B-Wing (I don't want to but I would. I will soonish anyway.) He's right. At least now I know that it was blue. *wub* I miss my bucket.
- Bag building
Bag building
So it's just me. Oh. :'-( I am a Hink-a-phobe. It wasn't you, it was another Hink, but I suppose talking to you opens the wounds so it feels like it was only yesterday. But it was another world away. I was different then, my heart wasn't as darkened as it is today for it was before... sorry, I can't go on; the pain is too much. I will have to discuss it later when I feel stronger. Sure. Sounds like fun. Perhaps it will take the edge off the pain that darkens my soul. 8-| I have Fast Flyers and Cool Cars and I am prepared to break any or both. How about one or both of those? As for the humiliation, I would be prepared to review a M^g&bl*ks set, but not buy one. :-X
The dread bag lego poll
I voted for me. I couldn't vote for Hinckleys turkey or his bag for obvious reasons, I could vote for Norro as his is lacking in detail and it is about Me%g!bl&ky time that the AirTech lost a poll!
- Bag building
- Bag building
- Bag building
- Bag building
- Bag building
Custom mini-figs
Do you have one of those red Darth Vader helms? If you are too embarrassed to show your don't worry about it. If it helps, yours is probably more impressive than mine. ;-)
Custom mini-figs
I don't mean to alarm you Hinckley, but your hat keeps changing. It might be a polymorph.
Police Department
Don't get me wrong, I do like the set! I also think that it is the best one ever and it's why I bought it, even though it is over priced in Australia. I was just trying to give an un-biased opinion.
- Bag building
- Bag building
Brickshelf NOT dead
I know that, and you knwo that, but does Google know that? On that subject, I think the Google ads have gone...
OK. I will wait until next week when Brickshelf is hopefully back to normal.
- Bag building
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