Star Wars Rebels
I agree with both of you that this episode and the one after that, might kill the momentum of the 2nd half of the season. But to be fair, people are more harsh than usual towards these episodes because of the awesomeness that the midseason trailer offered, so the hype is pretty high! Junior shark: Yes chopper is still a pretty unlikable character but he made a selfless act and "donated" his new foot. Altough you have to wonder why the rebel fleet didn't have any spare parts for the robot! Captain Nemo: Thank you! The Alan Rickmaness was strong with that one! Also let's see WHOSE apprentice's blood will satisfy Vader's lightsaber thirst for blood.
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
Star Wars Rebels
So, the last episode turned out to be an amazing character episode that also moved the story forward. I believe this was the first chopper centric episode and although I had my concerns that it would be just filled with chopper gags, it was really emotional with a decent plot. Also the actor behind the (former) imperial droid did an amazing job! Was that planet at the end, Yavin 4? And did chopper found his c-3po?!
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
First Order Transporter! There is something elegant with the First Order figures and vehicles and I can not resist them!
Star Wars Rebels
Thankfuly the episodes connect with one of the main arcs of the season, the search of a base for the rebels. So I hope that this will help them from being two generic episodes with chopper extravaganzas.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
These are only February's purchases??? Forresto I would really like to see your minifig collection mate!!! I love how you have combined the helmets of the endor rebels with the desert ones!
[MOC] [PHOTOSTORY] The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1
Thank you Ellisss and Forresto! Much appreciated!
[MOC] Episode V - Hoth Echo Base
This is astonishing!!! Love all the details and the lightening in the interior of the base is amazing! Your work is always A++
[MOC] [PHOTOSTORY] The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1
The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day It is a dark time for the Rebellion. Although the Death Star has been destroyed, Imperial troops have driven the Rebel forces… Ok ok you know this story and our protagonist surely doesn’t care. Demos Quanta, an adventurer, explorer and all time best scoundrel, is on an important mission on the dangerous planet Klatooine. As he drives through the vast desert of Klatooine, disaster strikes when his speeder bike explodes. Demos falls, face down on the sand, unaware that this is the least of his problems. The only important question is, why every new star wars story begins on a desert planet? What’s next, an ice one? <p>The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part1 by jrscientist87, on Flickr - Ouch, ouch! What the FORCE just happenned??? The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part2 by jrscientist87, on Flickr -NO The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part4 by jrscientist87, on Flickr -NO NO NO The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part5 by jrscientist87, on Flickr - Holy shab! The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part6 by jrscientist87, on Flickr -See, that happens when you steal from the rebels. They have all the junk. The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part7 by jrscientist87, on Flickr - The next time that I'll have to steal a speeder,it'd better belong to an imperial. The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part9 by jrscientist87, on Flickr - Phew! At least THIS is still in here. The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part10 by jrscientist87, on Flickr -Ok think positive, maybe thinks are better than they look. The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part11 by jrscientist87, on Flickr -Let's see. Sithspit, I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part12 by jrscientist87, on Flickr -Yeah, that looks... The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part13 by jrscientist87, on Flickr -Don't even try... The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part14 by jrscientist87, on Flickr -Maybe at least, I'm close to his Fortress. The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part15 by jrscientist87, on Flickr -Of course, nothing but sand and Bantha poodoo. The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part16 by jrscientist87, on Flickr -Yeah, go to Klatooine Demos.It'll be an easy mission Demos. What could go wrong Demos. You'll get a great tan Demos. You Laser Brain!!! The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part17 by jrscientist87, on Flickr -You look jolly.... The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part18 by jrscientist87, on Flickr The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part19 by jrscientist87, on Flickr The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part20 by jrscientist87, on Flickr -Hm... The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part21 by jrscientist87, on Flickr -Do you see anything? - An opportunity. -Good, our fist catch of the day. The Boss will be pleased. The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part22 by jrscientist87, on Flickr -I said no eating when we are on a mission you PIG!!! The sands of Klatooine Chapter 1: First catch of the day part23 by jrscientist87, on Flickr TO BE CONTINUED...
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
I finally decided and ordered the rancor pit. I'm gonna use the bricks for various mocs but the awesome Rancor belongs on my nightstand
[MOC] - Tatooine with UCS Slave I
Exquisite work!!
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
Star Wars Rebels
Since Disney bought the rights for Star Wars, every piece that Disney produces (novels, comics, movies, tv series etc) belongs in a larger connected universe. We find what happenned to Geonosis in the new Darth Vader comic from Marvel. Long story short:
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
75098 Assault on Hoth
Hahahaha! Touche!
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