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Everything posted by ZjosH

  1. I have measured my beads, they seem to be 13.7mm, so a bit on the small side. I did not know that a 2 LDU mismatch was not a problem. However, I still have made a slightly different solution, as I will show in the next few images. and assembled with a slope And a final picture to show what I have done to the bottom of the spiral to make sure the beads will ride the semi sloped part a bit better. For more questions I am happy to provide you with more information.
  2. I have been lurking the forums, and especially this thread for a while now. Due to the excellent work of TheRebricker, I was able to build the Ball Factory ( Which is also my first module :p ). I use 14mm plastic beads ordered from a necklace shop, and everything seems to work quite well. However, I have found a few issues with the spiral lift: - The build instructions show some gaps, in both the video and the pdf of Blackbird ( page 173, step 14, the 2x4 brick and the 2x6 plates are not on the same height ) - Balls can get stuck between moving parts, the space between the rotating liftarms and the structure is sometimes only one stud, between which balls can get stuck. - Sometimes balls jam on the connector which holds the hose, this connector seems to stick out just enough that my plastic beads can get stuck on it. I have tried to solve issue 1, and I have created a modified construction to hold the 1x6 arches in place. If anyone is interested I can post what I have created. I also have widened the base by 2 studs, to make sure that there is always a 2 stud gap between the liftarms and the structure. Now for the last issue, I am a bit lost. I have not found a way to make the transition into the ribbed hose more smooth. Do you have any ideas on how to make improvements to this part of the spiral? I have found a way to make the transition in to the ribbed hose a bit more smooth, this was done by using 1 x 2 liftarm with axle hole ( part 41677 ) on the base of the spiral ( in the pdf on page 180 ) instead of the bushings, and point them in the direction of rotation. In this way, the balls will get lifted onto the slope alot higher, and are not able to get stuck beneeth the 4x4 round bricks. I think this is only needed if you run the module with non lego balls, but I could make some pictures of what I have done.
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