Lego harry potter magnet set
Sorry if someone has asked b4. I saw at the back of some harry potter magnet sets, it described the minifigs are glued to the 4x2 bricks. Even with the same minifig characters, some sets do not have this description. Does that mean the minifigs in these sets are detachable and not glued? thanks regards
Orc Propaganda
Thanks a lot, Jebediahs
Orc Propaganda
new girly member
Hello Masked Builder, where to get the image you used for your avatar, have seen similar ones in the forums. Are they free to use ? thanks regards
More discounts for Duplo
That's cool , but not in my country. :1
More discounts for Duplo
I hope Lego can have more discounts for duplo theme sets rather than those "bricks only" sets to make it more affordable for parents. I believe Duplo are mostly for kids and young children who are not earning their own money.
The free Mini V-19 Torrent raffle
I m in. Thks
4898 raffle tread
Count me In! Thanks
How to restore peeling stickers
Any advice on the type of glue to restore the peeling stickers ? thanks regards
gundam paint marker
Hello , I am thinking of making small customization on minifig . Does gundam paint marker work well ? thanks regards
4939 Cool Cars
Can a minifig sit "nicely" into the car ? *sweet* thanks
Photo Review: 852001 Castle Chess Set
Sorry....but is the torso and the legs glued ?I bought a viking queen (from the chess set) seperately but the torso is glued to the bottom brick. thanks
obiwan kenobi in magnet set
I bought the bottom variant last year. The top one was bought last week. Both had the same item number and releaase in 2005.
obiwan kenobi in magnet set
Maybe someone has mentioned before. I notice the different colour of legs for obiwan kenobi in the magnet sets
2064 air ambulance
Purchase this on a Lufthansa flight from Europe to Asia. The Inline shoppinh catalog mentioned it is an exclusive set on Lufthansa.
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