enowickiafol started following BrickRemix
- [Software] Bluerender, a rendering engine for LDD
BrickRemix started following [LDD] Taj Mahal LDD Speed Build , [Software] Bluerender, a rendering engine for LDD , My first LDD & Blender animation - Microfighter AAT and 1 other
My first LDD & Blender animation - Microfighter AAT
Thanks for the kind words. I create the models in LDD and then use some secret sauce to export to collada. The lego logos on the studs in the video are actually geometry (that my exporter provides) but I don't think i'll be doing that in the future because it really upped the render time and stopped me from using a bevel modifier. I've tried exporting from ldraw and it works almost exactly the same. Here is my material that i'm using: The bump map is from: I didn't use the bump map for the video but going forward I will be. To light the scene I use an environment map from: http://zbyg.devianta...Pack-1-97402522 I'm using this python script to clean up the exported collada: import bpy C = bpy.context scene = C.scene C.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode = (True, False, False) for ob in C.selected_objects: if ob.type == 'MESH': = ob #set active object bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') #switch to edit mode bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') bpy.ops.mesh.remove_doubles() #remove doubles bpy.ops.mesh.tris_convert_to_quads() #tris to quads bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') #switch to object mode And this python script to add a bevel modifier: import bpy C = bpy.context scene = C.scene C.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode = (True, False, False) for ob in C.selected_objects: if ob.type == 'MESH': = ob #set active object bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='BEVEL') mod = ob.modifiers mod[0].width = .3 I hope that answers all your questions
My first LDD & Blender animation - Microfighter AAT
I'm learning Blender and this is the first video that I've come up with. I'm going to try and keep improving, maybe emulate stop motion like the LEGO movie. Please let me know what you think. Link if embed doesn't work:
Very nice moc, you really get a sense of the feel/atmosphere. In case anyone else was confused the movie in north america was titled "Hugo".
[LDD] Taj Mahal LDD Speed Build
I've been working on my YouTube channel for a while and I just finished the Taj Mahal speed build. I'd appreciate any feedback.
[MOC] Small BB-8
Did this up in LDD (rendered with Bluerender). The body was heavily inspired by the jkbrickworks sisyphus boulder. I think I'm going to order the parts to build it.
- [Software] Bluerender, a rendering engine for LDD
[MOC] Fire Truck To Fire Wagon Alternate Build
This is an alternate build for LEGO 60002 Fire Truck. The youtube review and pdf instructions are linked below. Please let me know what you think. Instructions: http://www.brickremi..._Fire_Wagon.pdf Youtube:
- [Guide] Creating Building Instructions using LPub
I agree that it looks a little too square, even after your changes. I think maybe you borrowed to much of the round shape from r2. I think if your layers just decreased in size as they got higher you'd get a more conical shape. I whipped up an example of what I mean.
[Guide] Creating Building Instructions using LPub
I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I'm using bricksmith and lpub and everything is working good. The only problem I have is that when the model is rotated there is no icon displayed in the instructions. It was my understanding from what i've read that this should be automatic in lpub, is it?
[MOC] Resistance X-Wing Fighter To A-Wing Alternate Build
Thanks! I was going to have reviews of other peoples alternate builds on the channel as well so I'll keep your build in mind. It looks nice I'd build it right away but unfortunately I don't own that set... yet.
[MOC] Resistance X-Wing Fighter To A-Wing Alternate Build
I'm starting a youtube channel where I do alternate builds and post the pdf instructions for free. This is my first model made from LEGO set 75125 Resistance X-Wing Fighter. I'm also new to the eurobricks forum so hello and I hope you like this. Instructions: http://www.brickremi...ance_A-Wing.pdf Youtube:
- [MOD] [MOC] [WIP] Carbon Freezing Chamber
Great to be a part of the forum and hoping to make some worthwhile contributions.
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