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About lucajuventino

  • Birthday 04/25/1982

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  1. I am not too. As far as I remember, in order to build Lego you don't need any glue, paint or cutter. Moreover the details are very rough made: an exercised eye can see very well where you've painted or glued. In a scale model you shouldn't be able to see those things. The question is: it is really necessary to have all those details? A Lego model should pick up the most important details, not all particulars of the real object.
  2. A huge model, but not a Lego model. I see a lot of painted parts and others that aren't Lego. I would prefer to see less details but only original Lego because cut & paint items destroy the challenge to build a model with only actual items. Moreover the painted parts are painted not well. Post this model on a modeling forum, not a Lego forum. Cheers
  3. Hello world, I'm back here on this forum. I follow Eurobricks since the beginning, I've signed up about 10 years ago but after the first messages I've just lurked. I took part to the forum of the old italian afol group than it changed and I stopped to partecipate. During the last years I've built many thing and I'm going to show them you here on Eurobricks. So happy Sunday to everybody and see you here Bye, Luca
  4. No doubt: Amsterdam Tram. I made since a couple of years the tram pantographs with the same technique of this model, but light gray is much better than black. Some of my models: http://www.youbrick.com/v/Trains/Lucajuventino/Tram/ Cheers Luca
  5. Really a very nice set. Note the new 1x2x2 white windows (the ones with clipping glass instead the old one glued) and the new 1x4x6 doors with frames (a black one similar to the old 1x4x5 and a trasparent one). I will buy it surely. And it's good the price/dimensions: not just very large houses like the tan one or the old two white building bonanza, but a small one too, someway a modern version of the old 6370/6372. *y* Luca
  6. The torso of the General Veers is the same of that Minifig: Sorry, I cannot post new pictures at this moment. Bye Luca
  7. It is a chrome silver lightsaber. No, its walking is stable and smooth. Luca
  8. I have the old version of ATAT but I cannot make any comparision picture, sorry. There are 3 instruction books but the building is faster than the old version (that had just one book!). The 3 books are thin. So, the complete part list of the 10178: Bye Luca
  9. In Italy too... it costs just 20 Euro more... Thanks for the info, Luca
  10. As promised, new pictures of the ATAT: A complete image: The opening side where there is the switch for the motor: The cockpit with an exellent system that leave it open and block it. A very strong handle, so you can take it like a bag :-D Stupid? No, it's very useful (think how hard was move the old ATAT) Last but not least, the lower side and the foot of the ATAT After moderation, you will see on Brickshelf another video with sound, but note that the ATAT batteries were very used. http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=276448 It will be sold on S@H from late October and in Italy from 2008. Its price will be about 150 Euro. Bye Luca PS: pictures are large in order to see details, but the files are small (100KB each).
  11. Hi to all :-) I've got the set as preview for the ItLUG LEGOfest in Torino (it was last Sat-Sun 15th-16th Sept in Turin) http://www.lucajuventino.altervista.org/legofest/ You can see me with the box in the first picture on Brickshelf http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=276448 My brother built it within few hours (it is much easier than the old ATAT) and some pictures were made (some by myself, other by Embassador Didier Enjary). There is a video too. Today, I'm going to make new pictures and I will post them here on Eurobricks. So, see you later :-) Luca
  12. Just a funny question... your profile says that you are born on 20th July 1969... are you still living with your parents and without their permission you are not allowed to do nothing ? ;-) Anyway, if somebody is interested, needs just to send an email to chmar [at] chmar.it Bye Luca
  13. XXII Legofest is coming for the first time in Ballabio (near Lecco, Northern Italy, not far from Milan). The show will take place on 1st and 2nd July 2006. Saturday 1 will be reserved to the AFoL/Lego fans. Sunday 2 will be an open exhibition. See all details at the following link: http://itlug.maino.org/itlug_20060701/Engl...ina_English.php The exhibition takes place in a school structure with more than 500 square meter of space available for your buildings. We don't have any lack of space! What can you show? It's simple: everything's made of Lego parts! We're organizing also a Great Ball Contraption show and a robotic contest. ALL LEGO FANS FROM ALL THE WORLD ARE INVITED! If you want to take part in the event, please refer to the following link: http://itlug.maino.org/itlug_20060701/Engl...lug_English.php Please note that the registration is free. We can arrange hotels or camping for you at reduced rates. Don't be afraid to ask for help on how to reach the meeting. The XXII Italian Legofest offers the opportunity of spending a wonderful weekend in the mountains together with many other Lego friends! We'll wait for you! Sincerely Marco Chiappa chmar@chmar.it
  14. Read my opinion about the Legofactory, please: http://news.lugnet.com/lego/?n=3204 I usually don't write those things, but this time was too much! Bye, Luca
  15. It's simply a matter of image quality. Take a good image and export it as a low-quality .gif or .jpg and it'll look similarly blurred. No, both images have the same quality. If not, you should see "larger image" and "zoom" very different from the 2 images (because they are very little fonts). But it is not so! Those words looks really close to each others! The writtings are smoother because you use Win XP or something similar. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v248/Wol...olf04/truck.jpg The title and the infos looks now the same, but the description has anyway a different shape. The picture of Mr.X has a narrow font. Luca
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