Buying LEGO from other countries on-line stores
Sure, there was no ill intent, just intent to get money for nothing from other people's purchases when they are tricked into clicking your hidden affiliate links. Declare your links and people might click them anyway, but hiding them is just plain wrong.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I did the exact same thing....D'oh! Really want that King's Carriage, and the Fire Temple is also tempting! Not so keen on the other sets...
Buying LEGO from other countries on-line stores
The death star had gone up a few days ago and I think the price you were looking at for the MMV was the price with vat I think the prices haven't changed yet...
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Why? Don't you believe him!?!? He says he saw it in the catalogue...pretty sure he's not making it up...gosh
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I recently bought the IF and the UCS Shuttle for $425 total......that must be really impressive ;) ;) The Kings Castle price at BigW is fantastic! My locals are saying low stock and that almost always means no stock....hope someone else is lucky!
Cheapest way to buy 2x Moduars + 1x Train in Canada?
Which two modulars?
EBAY SCAM: UCS Millennium Falcon10179 - £186.99 NEW
How were they packed when you sent them? I see you have a few negs due to poor packaging. Can you ask him to provide a photo of the damaged items? I think one thing you definitely have going for you is the detail in the pictures you posted with the listing so he can't just pull out old damaged figs he already has a take a photo of them as it will be obvious they are not the same ones.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I think you will find he was pointing out the spelling mistake, not correcting who owned who :)
lego imperial shuttle 10212
Good Luck!! Let us know if you find one!
Must get rid of sets!
I'm not gonna say he is a scammer but I find it interesting the seller offered to buy someone elses cafe corner a couple of weeks ago and is now trying to get rid of one he doesn't want.....doesn't really make sense....
[Australia] Collectible Minifigs for sale S1, S3, S4, S5
Hi all, I have a few collectible minifigures from the current series and past series for sale. I am not really interested in trades for other collectible minifigures as I have full sets of all series. Other minifigures might interest me in terms of trades though so feel free to make an offer. Postage is extra. Here is what I have available: Series 1 $4.00 each(All Sealed Bags) Caveman x 3 Diver x 3 Magician x 2 Ninja x 1 Series 3 $2.50 each(Bags have been cut open to peek in and resealed with all original contents) Race Car Driver x 2 Sumo x 1 Tennis Player x 1 Series 4 $2.50 each (Bags have been cut open to peek in and resealed with all original contents) Sailor x 1 Werewolf x 1 Series 5 $3.00 each (Bags have been cut open to peek in and resealed with all original contents) Boxer x 5 Cave Woman x 3 Detective x 3 Fitness Instructor x 3 Lizard Man x 3 Lumberjack x 3 Royal Guard x 5 Small Clown x 3 Zookeeper x 5 Full sets of 16 Series 5 figs $65 including postage Australia wide THANKS FOR LOOKING!!
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
How come the extra MyerOne discount doesnt apply? I thought it was valid until Sunday?
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
No idea...but I have one in my bricklink store..... $2.50 + $1.20 postage is probably cheaper than in store anyway isnt it?
EBAY SCAM: UCS Millennium Falcon10179 - £186.99 NEW
Couldn't you have gotten around the sending the item back part by saying he sent you an empty envelope.....would've scored yourself a USB able in the process....whats the seller gonna I didn't send them an empty envelope I sent a USB cable....umm case closed
Buying LEGO from other countries on-line stores
Received this today from thehut.....about 3 months after I ordered it.....
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