Everything posted by Spyderlord
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Khm guys, not a single response in a week. Is my request above clear enough, do you know what I mean?
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Hello fellow Eurobrickers. A small question/request from me: In 2010, prior to releasing 10212 Imperial Shuttle, Lego released the box art with a blackened silhouette of the Shuttle as a coming-soon teaser (those were the days...). I distinctly remember seeing that picture at the time and cannot find it for the life of me. Does anyone happen to still have that pic or has a good search string suggestion for it? Much appreciated!
LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
Well, I disagree in turn. I don't think they would ever allow themselves to butcher a set by including an AT-AT in it. When you assess what's shown in a video you come at around ~1700 pieces (some folks have done more detailed calculation than that on other forums IIRC it was in high 1700s). The price point is known, it's a 250 mark set, same as EV that has 1990 piece count. If you account for regular inflation + The Force Awakens Hype inflation (yes, it is a legit economic category as of Dec 18th 2015), there is no way it could contain an AT-AT. Unless they bundle it with the microfighter one
Star Wars Rebels
Haha, you too Sir Carver Let's see where the story will take us post Dec 18th
Star Wars Rebels
@ Nom Carver: I feel your pain regarding Mandalorian armor (supposed to stop lightsabers according to old canon), I read a lot of EU and can understand how you feel. I also undertsnad how you feel about Ahsoka, I felt the same way when she was introduced (like, kid stuff, wtf?!) but got to really care for her as she grew in the show. And she grew immensely. To address what Starrocks said after that, you can't compare Obi-Wan's stroll in a park Jedi training with Qui-Gon with several dangerous encounters with what Ahsoka had to endure during CW. Jedi were dying like flies, she survived and did that in the thickest of action for her master wasn't really notorious for prudence or Jedi retinue... She took on Grivious on several occasions (the last one of which she gave him an Obi-Wanesque sort of trashing ) and survived. Not many Jedi can boast the same. So, you can question producer's motives and decision to do so, but no one can question that she was made into an uber-Jedi. As for Mortis, I actually really liked the philosophical Matrix-esque representation of that arc (discounting terrible Son's voice acting). It was incredibly pleasing on aesthetic level and brought some interesting implications for the future. I do not doubt there will be retcons to that arc in future SW endeavors. And no, it wasn't as as midi-chlorians. That's like saying Ewoks are more annoying than Jar Jar . Nothing is more annoying than Jar Jar and nothing beats the stupidity of midi-chlorians. Take it back PT is full of plot holes and I really really do understand your escapist attitude, but Ahsoka IMO doesn't contribute to them but was rather the saving grace of the PT. Without her, nothing would even start to explain how a great guy Anakin at the beggining of Ep. III turned into a youngling-slaughter machine by the 2/3 of it. Her leaving the Jedi Order and himself starts to fill that gap a little. That is why I believe, to address another one of your points, that Vader will be far from cold-blooded enforcer of his master's will when he gets to meet her. She was a daughter to him much more than Luke or Leia ever were. He brought her up, while completely ignoring the mere existence of the pair until waaay later. I think he'd rather try to enlist her.
Star Wars Rebels
I beg to disagree here. Ahsoka was described in CW as top notch youngling then Padawan, and for me there's zero ambiguity with Windu offering her Knighthood at the end of the season 5. By refusing she showed them she was way more Jedi and have reached a deeper understanding than any of them. She was determined, calm and composed when she left, the only tear she shed was for Anakin. Also, let's not forget that she was touched by the incarnation of Light Side of the Force itself in the Mortis trilogy. You take any book dealing with Anakin/Vader transformation era, they all describe Vader, enslaved by Palpatine as a "lesser" than he was before. Powerful in the Dark Side certainly, but so much less then he was before as he was completely consumed by anger, hatred and guilt (case in point, he defeats Sidious at the end of RoTJ as Anakin, not Vader). To come back to Ahsoka, one, she was described as lightsaber prodigy (few surviving Mandalorians could testify...), two, she's a Togruta, they have incredible spatio-temporal sensitivities, three she was touched by the Light Side, four, she has extensive experience from the clone wars and had years on to commune with the Force as a fully trained Jedi. And let's not forget that Obi-Wan is still alive at the time, plot point with extraordinary potential to be exploited by Rebels. If done so, it's hard to even imagine what she could have learned from him, not as he was during CW (somewhat pompous General with a high-class upbringing), but as a humbled hermit who realized the error of the Jedi ways that brought their downfall (Yoda-QuiGon-Living Force philosophy to not digress further). Considering the above, it's absolutely no surprise that she served the Inquisitors their a$$es on the silver platter in matter of seconds and I for one hope that she'll give Vader a proper trashing as well but refuse to kill him out of love and respect for the man he once was. I will be terribly terribly dissapointed if in glorifying Vader producers go as far as to let him actually kill her (man, that would be such a cliché, regardless of circumstances...). And that comes from a guy who kinda really digs Vader.
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
Star Wars Rebels
Precisely. That's exactly what I consider to be a plot hole. And honestly more-or-less a Jedi? That gets owned in 10 seconds? Ahsoka is a Jedi, bloody *itchslapped the Inquisitors like two younglings in matter of seconds. Kanan's just a poster boy.
Star Wars Rebels
Yeah, but not only that, I don't get why Ahsoka doesn't finish Kanan's Jedi training?! She trained with one of the most powerful Jedi ever, was fully trained and mature by the end of the clone wars, imagine her 20 years later?? I bet she would give Vader a run for his money, and she can't train Kanan and Ezra? That's ridiculous plot hole IMO.
Star Wars Rebels
Ok guys, no one here is commenting on Ahsoka royally owning two inquisitors and serving them their behinds on a silver platter? C'mon folks, we have Star Wars thread for sets speculation
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Truly stunning photos! Could you share a secret on how do you make them? Some pro equipment?
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
What're your favorite and least favorite Star Wars sets?
The horribly butchered hack and slash job TLG did on octupptarra thinking it could get away with it thanks to the awesome airbornes. Thought wrong at least as far as I'm concerned.
What're your favorite and least favorite Star Wars sets?
Yes. Absolutely second this.
LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
<p> Oh, I have heard of that Something_Awesome, that's a rumor that has been flying around for quite some time and I have even commented on that I believe, but I thought that it was put to rest once this store catalogue was published. And the store catologue, as we all know has a pretty 9 out of 9 correct "guesses" so far and it clearly announced Hoth Echo Base as October release. I mean don't get me wrong, I'd p** my pants if it was indeed an UCS AT-AT, that set tops my most desired Lego sets list (beating even MF or ISD re-release) and I believe I'd buy two or even three of these. That's a set I'd literally break a bank for. But knowing TLG and seeing its recent trends, nah, I think video is what we'll get. They'll cram a hell lot of minifigs and bump piece count and then advertise it as "Ultimate" playset... EDIT: Stupid editor just swallowed half of my post, I wanted to edit it for grammar and boom, had to retype it all over again
LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
This is exactly how I feel and am already put off of the most expected (for me) set in 2015. I was really hoping for an Ewok VIllage sort of set with door and full inside. Ion canon and shield generator would then be perfect separate sets to go with the base, something similar to ROTJ line of sets few years back. But sadly, TLG keeps to the traditional, narrow-minded commercial logic ("it has to have battle elements"), which is sad but not unexpected... If we get what is shown in the video, I must say I'll pass, already have 3/4 of the things shown.
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
[MOC] UCS Hailfire Droid
Purely brilliant Anio, fantastic model and definitely on my to-build list! Looking forward to the instructions! Bravo encore!
LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
I am not passing judgement, just stating that from what we saw in the video, a similar count piece as in another very large playset (read: EV) can be deduced and would fit in nicely as its replacement. Now a question for you: how much value to the overall discussion do you believe your short comment added? Exactly, besides, dismissing that video seems unreasonable given TLG history of video "leaks" (dewback, microfighters, advent calendar anyone?). I am fairly certain that what we saw is what we get, I just pray that there would be more of the actual base they kept as a surprise (and that they don't try to shove Luke & Wampa down our throats for stupid marketing purposes...)
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