I love Cannon Cove. Unfortunately, the POTC sets have not the same colours... I really wanted a lighthouse...
Presently, I have compbined Cannon Cove, Sabre Island and Lagoon Lock-Up.
By the way, could someone to suggest how to build a lighthouse over the Sabre Island???
I have got this doubt: which animals could I put in this set?
So, I have to understand where is this island, in order to provide the correct fauna.
It could be South America, South Pacific, Oceania, Asia... for me.
Skin colour doesn't help me.
Where do you imagine this island to be?
The topic had to be all about pirates' coves but it can be extended event to which is your favourite islanders' base or soldiers' one.
I love the idea of a shipwreck hideout.I don't like 6296. The brand new Shipwreck Hideout... I really like this but it's too small.
I haven't seen Rock Island refuge before. It's probably the best pirate base so far... but it is too similar Fire Breathing Fortress.