- Figbarfs for the win!
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I think the issue of time, pacing, keeping the audience's interest, not having to introduce *yet another* faction or off-root of one came into play. Although the movie trilogy works very well as three films, and I think Jackson and his team did the best job they could of adapting the material into film, I still think that a two-part third movie (the way Harry Potter and other franchises like to do with the finale) could have worked too. Would have allowed all the extra things from the last book to be explored in full. As much as fans of the books would appreciate and recognise all the extra factions, characters and conflicts from the third book, your average audience goer only has so much patience. After the rollercoaster ride of the movie which was centred on Frodo's quest to destroy the Ring - which he of course does - to then return home and fight a battle in the Shire? Bit too much to cram into a 3 hour movie. And that's just one of the omissions.
- [MOC] Ford E-450 US ambulance
Fallout 4
Looks pretty good. The Vault suit looks nice.
Claw Coast
This is a monumental construction. It looks terrific.
Custom Mace Windu Jedi Intereptor Made from 75135
Really nice, I'm sure Samuel L. Jackson would approve of it.
XB982 Astroship
That has a very striking look to it and I like how it all opens up.
[MOC] Rover S4
Very believable little rover.
Sci-fi interiors pack
Wow! These are stunning, absolutely top notch sci-fi interiors.
- [MOC] Nuclear Building
A town called Mercy
This is a stunning feat of construction. Well done.
Figbarfs for the win!
A while back I acquired a bunch of custom LOTR figures. Some of these were just printed torsos (such as the printed Gondorian Ranger torsos), the rest of which I had to build from parts. Others were fully-assembled minifigures (like the Witch-King). Here they are in their full glory... Haradrim Archer / Haradrim Chieftain / Lorien Elf (Helm's Deep) / Gothmog Gondorian Spearman / Gondorian Swordsman / Gondorian Ranger / Faramir Eowyn / Rohan Royal Guard / Gamling Arwen / Celeborn / Witch-King Rider of Rohan / Rohirrim Standard Bearer Obviously there are a ton of custom prints and moulds here, but things like the Rohan Royal Guard, Lorien Elf and Haradrim are easily created without the need for any non-Lego pieces. Piecing them together was great fun and I think they look pretty good for what they're meant to be. The Riders of Rohan too are a fun wee combination of parts. Fully-loaded you can have a single rider equiped with the following - quiver, sword, spear, shield, cape, sheath, helmet. I think they look great, personally! Good luck with your customisations.
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