Everything posted by kaelthas
LEGO Ninjago 2017 Discussion
Thanks @makoy for pointing out these two mannequins at display behind the Windows of the light blue helmet shop, left and right. 18 mini figures! Any set with more? And I wonder what does the four smart phones doing there?
LEGO Ninjago 2017 Discussion
Hi folks, I'm very excited about this Ninjago City too! Lets go through the floors and have some preview of the set! 70620 with 4867 pieces and 16 minifigures!!! Plus one droid.. So many minifigures!!! Three floored modular building. Japanese style I suppose. The bottom floor looks like its built on a river or some lake, there is a bridge for the fisherman's boat. Painter's color pallete as leaves, and a crab as a speaker? I like the watery feel.. Better than gollum's boat. Haha Coming through. Look at those trans blue tiles! And crowbars as roof? Just brilliant! Elevator without safety? The teapot is a new piece i think. But stickers? Hmm.. Janitor droid? Second floor with so many partition! The building technique must be very nice. Pink leaves and bonsai looking plant looks nice. I think this is some kind of helmet or headpiece shop, striking colors but i think nothing special about this shop. Lots of signboard here and putting tiles inside the trans clear brick is definitely a new trick for MOCers. ATM machine. Spitting money? Crab restaurant? Quite standard. Maybe some play feature at the cooking area. My favorite part! Multicolored nanofigs!!! The roof. Uruk Hai's sword as deco, blue squid build is nice. And the futuristic looking sand green stand, not sure whats that about but its quite good looking so i give it a pass. A sushi bar! I wonder the belt can move. Actually I've never been to a rooftop open air sushi restaurant before but this is definitely a very nice experience! This sums up the set and I'm not a ninjago fan myself. But with so many details and minifigures and nanofigures, I might be dragged into ninjago realm, how about you?
- 76060-Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum-Should I Buy?
- [MOC] Venice 1486
- [MOC] Game of Thrones Castles
Review: 9474 The Battle of Helm's Deep
Thanks mate! You should keep on with lotr and hobbit, star wars is an endless journey.. haha.
[MOC] Council of Elrond
Agreed! They should take this as a UCS Council of Elrond. Haha
- The Greatest Collectible Minifigure THANKS AND GOODBYE
[MOC] Ice Dragon. Fire Dragon.
Like the colour match with respective minifigures!
The Best LEGO Superheroes Minifigure Round 1.29
Elektro and batman
- The Greatest Collectible Minifigure THANKS AND GOODBYE
- LEGO Pirate Photography
Review: 79018 The Lonely Mountain
Too bad only four, right? Should make more sets and get all the dwarves in armors.. Thanks my friend.
Review: 79018 The Lonely Mountain
Me too regretting.. The build was fun and it should be expanded for Erebor! May I know which four sets?
[MOC] Council of Elrond
I always wanted to display my Fellowship of the Ring minifigures somewhere and this is a perfect set! Btw how many sets of 79006 you used for this MOC?
- Rhosgobel
Review: 31015 Emerald Express & 31054 Blue Express
Thanks WhiteFang! I like LEGO train too but making the track and the setup requires much space in my house to play.. This will provoke mum as it is much more tedious for her to clean up the dust and further destroys the whole train. That's why these two small trains can solve my problem.. haha I think the wheels are the key feature that Emerald is nicer looking than the Blue.
Review: 31015 Emerald Express & 31054 Blue Express
And you can make it longer too! I too prefers Emerald Express. The blue one looks much simpler. Just that they both lack a track for them to run on. Anyone have done or MOC any tracks for these cute trains?
- The Greatest Collectible Minifigure THANKS AND GOODBYE
Review: 31015 Emerald Express & 31054 Blue Express
Hi, you like trains? This is the review for you. Small, cute trains. Enjoy! Overview 31015 Name: Emerald Express Theme: LEGO Creator 3 in 1 Year: 2014 Pieces: 56 pieces Minifigures: 0 Price: £4.99 / $4.99 / 4.99€ / RM19.90 31054 Name: Blue Express Theme: LEGO Creator 3 in 1 Year: 2017 Pieces: 71 pieces Minifigures: 0 Price: £4.99 / $4.99 / 4.99€ / RM24.90 Introduction 31015 and 31054 are both creator three in one trains designed at their smallest boxed sets. I came across these affordable sets and bought three sets each to complete the three designs and connect them together. The Boxes 'One does not simply buy ONLY one creator three in one sets.' The box art with borders are new designs of 2017 sets. Emerald express looked like it was set in arctic background and blue express in some green scenery. At the back of the box you can see all three designs are presented. Both with the head of the train, the carriage and the tail. Here you can compare that the 2014 set has a larger box and wheel compared to the 2017 set. Pieces count increased but the size of the pieces became smaller. Cutting cost? The Build Lets start with the older set. Emerald Express The build was overall easy. Here you can see the head of the train looked like a small cart, with a curve black roof and 2x2 trans clear brick acting as windows. I liked how the dark green rounded bricks matches with the red and trans yellow headlight and the 'chimney' is very nicely placed. The carriage. I see it as the middle part of the train. You can actually buy a lot of sets and make a lot of these carriage to elongate your train. This four wheeled carriage is very nice with curve ends on both sides, and it will be attached via the ball joint at the front and back of the carriage. This is the rear end of the train. The 'chimney' part become the tail of the train with yellow light. There is a compartment for passengers with trans clear 1x2 as window, two large wheels and one small wheel as support. This is a very nice and beautiful train when you connect them together via the ball joints I've mentioned earlier. The windows are very beautiful with those trans clear pieces, and its design of head and rear are very distinct where you can easily differentiate which direction the train is moving. Blue Express The building technique for this new 2017 set is some kind of modular. The parts are connected to each other via a red technic pin. You can actually detach and combine them with compartments from other sets in this series for more creative vehicles, and more fun! This is a classic blue train which reminds me of Thomas the train. How nice if LEGO adds a smiley face at the front of the train! The head of the train was decorated with a rather small 'chimney' and there are three pairs of small wheels. The size of the wheels are uniform towards the end. This is the center part of the train built with second set. The wheels are the same, this time added two red piece at the passenger seat area to add in to some details for this part. It is quite symmetrical if you view from any side of the compartment. This is the rear end of the train. Three pairs of small wheels, a round tile with a stud at the center without the trans clear 1x1 round plate distinguished it with the front. I like the blue dome part making it looks more curvy. The new 1x2 wedge also adds some details at the tail of the train. This is the whole 'Thomas train'! Not bad for a train and the blue and black color match is quite nice. I think LEGO can add a printed number plate at the front of the train to make it much worthy to buy. These are the extra parts from all three sets. Comparison In this picture the length of both train are almost the same. Color wise both are very nicely matched. Design wise I prefer the Emerald Express for a much detailed train compared to a 'symmetrical' looking train. Blue Express vs Emerald Express. Which one will you board? Summary review Playability: 6/10 (No play features for both sets, however kids can move the train with the wheels) Design: 9/10 (The design of the train was very nice and elegant. You can really feel like you are going to show your ticket and get into the train. But I still prefers the Emerald.) Price: 9/10 (What more do you ask for a 56/71 pcs set?) Overall: 8/10 (I think Emerald Express looks more like a real train. Blue Express looks a bit toy-ish. Both are very nice when displayed together, so I would suggest you get all six boxes for a complete train.
- The Greatest Collectible Minifigure THANKS AND GOODBYE
- The Greatest Collectible Minifigure THANKS AND GOODBYE
- LEGO Antman Photography
Review: 79018 The Lonely Mountain
'Come now, don't be shy, step into the light!' By looking at this line, I think it is clear that I have Smaug the stupendous in this amazing set. He appeared in the movie The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug in 2013. I bought it in Hong Kong while I was traveling with my wife for honeymoon. Lets get started. Overview Name: The Lonely Mountain. Theme: The Hobbit Year: 2014 Pieces: 866 pieces Minifigures: 5 and a dragon Price: £99.99 / $129.99 / 129.99€ Introduction Durin's day is ending and they still can't find the keyhole of the secret door. But Bilbo isn't giving up hope after the sun went down. Knocking and gnawing at the grey stone wall while the dwarves leave the mountain, he finally found the key hole when the moon light shines onto the door. The 'last light' meant the moon light! He yells at the company and Thorin picked up the key left to him by his father Thrain, opens up the secret door and found this treasure in it, 79018. The Box As usual the box art is amazing. The dark green background is very nicely matched with this sand green LEGO set. At the front of the box you can see the battle between the dwarves and Smaug is going on and quite a lot of gold is used in this set. At the back, the dwarves are busy preparing while Smaug sneaks around to find them. Lots of play features in this set and the minifgures are very nice showing at the side of the box. The Instruction This book is thick, with hard binding at the side. There is love and hate to this kind of booklet. The love is there is only one book to keep and the hate of course is that it is hard to stay in place when you are building unless you really fold it at the page turner which is quite damaging to the bindings. In the list, you can only find six dwarves in the whole series unlike the thirteen ones at the previous sets. Maybe the other dwarves were less seen in the movie. The Minifigures In this set, you get five exclusive minifigures and one exclusive Dragon, The Smaug. Before this set was launched, we all thought that LEGO would be lazy enough to use the old castle dragon as Smaug but it turns out that this new mold of dragon is very awesome! In this picture, the head sculpture of Smaug captured all the details very accurately. 'My teeth are sword' and the burning eyes are nicely carved out. These four dwarves and Bilbo gets new armors and new weapons. Dwalin is holding a pearl gold axe with trans green axe, Kili with a 'Morgul Blade', Fili gets back his old double sword and Balin has his dark red club. I suppose the Lonely Mountain really housed loads of treasure for them. All of them has alternate face except Dwalin as he is bald. All the dwarves are angry, Bilbo is truly scared of meeting Smaug. Under the beard. Both of them have nicely printed torso under their bulky beard. The belts are amazingly designed and you can see wrinkles and battle damaged faces of Balin and Dwalin. The arms are also using very nice metalic color to assimilate the armor they are wearing. The comparison between casual wear dwarves and working attired dwarves. Same as Bilbo with three different outfit. The designs are totally different and all of them are from different sets. By looking at them you can appreciate the financial condition of them before and after claiming Erebor. Again, Santa is here and he is very different from Balin. The Dragon, Smaug! 'Take your cover!' Now you can see the full picture of this ferocious beast. The wings are made of silicone (I think) to make the flaps fold. It has two legs with the claws at the wings as his hands just like the movie. I think this is the largest dragon LEGO has ever produced. He stood up to 24 cm tall, 47.5 cm long and 42.5 cm wide. You can see when the wings are closed, he still can stand properly and the claws can be bent to make him more stable on the floor. The body part printing is so detailed that you can see what Girion did back in the years with his black arrow. The wings are attached to his body with a three holed ball joint. This makes him very widely pose-able. You can turn the wings 180 degree each side. He cannot be ride as there are no seat given at the back of the spiky body. However please be careful as the center black spike on a jumper is quite loose and you might lost it. The tail is also exclusive to him and its quite long if you look at it sideway. Lets have some dental check up for this yellow teeth fella. There are a few degree of mouth opening for him and if you look at the picture you can imagine Benedict Cumberbatch's voice talking. All of them represents different expressions I think. First degree- talking, Second degree- yelling, and when the fire attached, you know what he means. haha. Look into the throat, you can see a stud hole for fire attachment which is much nicer compare to old dragons. For comparison, you can see Smaug is much more larger in size compare to the dragon from the castle set 70403. Old dragon has two hands, with a pair of stiff and smaller wings. Tail design is different too and I think Smaug is much more superior than this old dragon of LEGO. Lets look at the mouth. Fire from chin is so much old school but it had its place back then. This is an old picture taken before real Smaug was introduced. Quite decent at that time for a dragon. The Build The gold 'mountain'. This is a three layered build which you can store treasures inside. At the bottom layer, you get a pearl black long sword and a trans green goblet which is very nice, and second layer with three different colored gems. The lid with gold cup makes the third layer. I liked all these gold pieces stacking around each other. There are plenty of nice small builds in this set as in the picture. Thorin's chair was decorated with stickers and a trans clear printed round tile representing the Arkenstone. As comparison, Theoden looks much poorer with a small throne. haha. The second build is the chain pulley pulling a bucket. It was attached loosely to the railway so that it can slide along it. Lots of technic pieces in this build and I like the chain. The brown knob is to turn the wheel and raise or release the bucket of gold. This build is a furnace filled with dome shaped gold and a long pole to be attached into the pin hole. Its a quite large furnace designed to launch piles of molten gold to attack the dragon. As you can see, the furnace can be turned 360 degree to aim. Firstly you load the bucket with gold. Then you raise the bucket. Pour it into the furnace. Then launch the gold! To my pocket please. haha After a few hours of building, this is the full build of The Lonely Mountain. The use of sand green pieces are very nice matched with some grey and brown. This dwarvish mine is very nicely designed and its large enough for Smaug to play around and smacking the pillars. Quite some annoying stickers to be applied but with Smaug and Arkenstone I don't complain much. One more play feature at the front of the build. Stay tuned, the back is also interesting! The black round knob is to push the ladder under the throne. The secret door with a key hole, and a pile of gems with the Arkenstone on top of it. If you notice, on top of the Arkenstone there is a BURP piece to make the bulk of the stone at the front. "Stand by the grey stone when the thrush knocks, and the setting sun with the last light of Durin's Day will shine upon the key-hole" I am FIRE. ConclusionThe Smaug made up the whole value to this set. I bought this because of the dragon and others are a bonus to the set. Smaug is very pose able but need great skill to take good shot of him. Most of the angle makes him look ugly. The build is adequate to the size of the dragon and of course you can buy a few more sets to enlarge it. The minifigures are all exclusive to the set and makes this set much more worthy to get.Review SummaryPlayability: 9/10 - The mechanisms are great to be play with like the actions in the movie while they are fighting the dragon!Design / Building Experience: 9/10 - The GOLD pieces and the sand green pillars are so nicely used in the set instead of all grey like in the movie.Minifigures: 9/10 - Great minifigures! All the printings and the details exceeds all expectations.Price / Value for money: 9/10 - I think the value of the money spent for this set goes to the Serpent from the North. Overall: 9/10 - I bought it in 2014, and after three years, I still bring out Smaug and play with him. Run Bilbo! 'Don't be shy...' Hope you enjoy the review. Please leave your comments towards this set. Thank you.
Review: 9474 The Battle of Helm's Deep
Yes! This set is one of my favorite lotr set in my collection! Glad you enjoyed the review. Thanks.
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