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Everything posted by kaelthas

  1. Mine was rebuilt and never gonna take them apart.. but i have a question, how does everyone display it? Mine is collecting dust everyday in my room..
  2. Hi, this is one of my favorite set. The Hobbit House. OverviewName: An Unexpected GatheringYear: 2012Pieces: 652Minifigures: 6Price: £59.99 / $69.99 / 79.99€Introduction The first movie of The Hobbit was called An Unexpected Journey. That was a story of a reluctant hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, sets out to the Lonely Mountain with Thorin and the company to reclaim their homeland, Erebor. Alright, Erebor was too far away from what's here. Here lies the home of Bilbo Baggins, The Shire. Or some called it a Hobbit hole. The Box At the first glance of the box you will already be fascinated by the box art. You get four dwarves in this set and a very cozy house of Bag End. Behind the box you get to see the interior of the house and some play features you get in the set. You can remove the roof to play with them inside the house. The Instruction You got two booklets in this set. Inside it with numbered bags of four pointing to what shape they will take after building it. At the end of the book, you get the list of minifigures to get to complete the whole series. Have you got them all? Stickered Parts These are stickers on one book and three tan tiles. The book cover was the same with the one he wrote his story for Frodo to read. The BB was signature of Billbo Baggins. The other three stickers were maps drawn by Bilbo after his adventures with the dwarves, or before? The Build After the first bag you can see the wall of the house being built. In front there is the base of the window on your left and the base of the door on your right. On the inside there are a bit of details with the rack and stove building up the dark tan floor. After the second bag, the whole building can be appreciated already. You can see the large green door with Gandalf's 'drawing' on it. The big round plate was printed and exclusive to this set. The interior consist of 3 parts, the rack where Bilbo put his Sting, the stove with a broom, and his study area with a very nice looking window. A clearer view to the rack area. There is The Sting and two bottles of potions. The rack was very nicely built with only one stud width and round pillars. The other side of the room. The stove was 'fired' by two 1x1 translucent red round plate. There is another rack with a letter and a bottle of wine. The trans clear window was amazing! After bag four which is the roof with the chimney and a small tree, you complete the set. The wood planks are actually stickers but with this kind of design, I'm not complaining. The whole view was magnificent! The Minifigures You get six minifigures in this set as introduced in the picture. Gandalf was everywhere! Pointy hat Gandalf was in three other sets which is 9469 Gandalf arrives, 30213 Gandalf at Dol Guldur polybag, and 79010 The Gobiln King Battle. The same Gandalf appears here with a sling bag full of weed and his pointy hat. Bilbo Baggins. He is in his cozy home outfit but he doesn't look comfortable with all the dwarves rushing in his house. He got an alternate sad face as he saw them wrecking here and there! Balin. He is the eldest dwarf in the company and you can tell with his white long beard. You can see wrinkles all over his face and white eyebrows. He is wearing black gloves and he has an angry face at the back. Some say he looks like Santa. Does he now? Bombur. His hair is interesting as the beard was connected with his belly. Underneath the belly was a printed belly in case you lose the hair. He has an alternate face too, find the difference. Bofur. He is bringing his Blue Mountain weed in his pouch on his torso print. The furry hat was very nice mold and well printed. Dwalin. One of the warrior dwarf in the company. He doesn't have alternate face as he is bald. But his back head print was a nice band of dark blue tatto extending towards the front. Story Telling One day, Bilbo was preparing his dinner after reading some books at his cozy little study corner. The garden was quiet as usual, with the sound of birds chirping peacefully. What a nice day! Suddenly, a wagon arrives with a wizard sitting on it. Frodo? Oops, wrong timeline. Okay, lets go back. Now Bilbo welcomes Gandalf to the bench in his garden. Both of them chit chatting, smoking weed in this quiet night. Before Gandalf actually left the house, he drew a GPS signal for the dwarves to gather here using Waze. Knock knock, here comes the first dwarf at your service. Bilbo says, hey! Who are you? After that, more and more dwarves came barging in and Bilbo says, Oh No! My house is so messy now! And the story ends with Gandalf persuading Bilbo into joining the adventure. Bilbo: But they are raiding my foods! Conclusion This set is meant for The Hobbits fans out there! Especially if you've been to New Zealand which I haven't. The realistic design of the house with the arch round pieces and the large round door was astounding. And four dwarves down, nine more to go!Review SummaryPlayability: 8/10 - This is not for play. But it was excellent for story telling!Design / Building Experience: 9/10 - Very nice building walls and windows and the furnitures for interior design.Minifigures: 9/10 - Great minifigures! All the printings and the details exceeds all expectations.Price / Value for money: 9/10 - The prices went up as it retires, but still worth it. Especially after you rewatch the movie.Overall: 9/10 - Its a must buy but too bad its retired. Luckily I made a decision to keep the set rather than sold it out. Edited 11 hours ago by kaelthas
  3. Thanks for the kind words! Regular elf warrior? You mean Legolas? He is no regular.. haha Luckily my friends poisoned me deeply in getting them.. haha Hmm Arwen, Tauriel and Eowyn should be included! Yea without the woman who killed the witch king of Angmar is quite a disappointment.. Once I dismantled it and stored them as spare bricks because it took up so much space. Just recently I rebuilt it to make this review, so I might have mixed with those from bricklink.. haha
  4. Hi, today I'll be reviewing an old set. Old is gold, right? OverviewName: The Battle of Helm's DeepYear: 2012Pieces: 1392Minifigures: 8Price: £99.99 / $129.99 / 139.99€Introduction The Lord of the Rings sets are the one theme that brought me back from my dark ages of LEGO. Then this set wasn't in my first wish list as I felt that grey buildings are not my cup of cake. That's why I got it last before it retired, phew.. I am happy and glad that I got it at last. Let's find out why. The Box Well, the box art was nice as usual, you can see Theoden riding a horse, killing Uruks, Gimli chopping and Haldir shooting arrows. At the back of the box it shows that you need 9471 to add into this to lengthen the wall. Interesting way of making you buy another set. The Minifigures We got 8 minifigures from this set. From left Theoden, Aragorn, Haldir, Gimli, Uruk Hai without armor, Berserker Uruk Hai, and 2 Armored Uruks. Lets start from the good guys. Now they are all suited up, Theoden is holding a shield and a standard sword in this theme, and an amazingly detailed printed armor. Aragorn in his ranger outfit, with the jeweled pendant Evenstar necklace from Arwen. (I thought it was lost during Helm's deep's battle? Correct me if I'm wrong..) and Haldir with his Elven long bow. Close up on the torso and legs printings. I like the pearl gold arm of Haldir which makes him looks noble. Theoden's smiling face was cute and the outfit beneath the armor was very nice. All angry for their alternate faces. Back printing was a bit simple for Theoden and Aragorn but look at Haldir, still looks noble and nice under the cape. All I can say was LEGO was putting a lot of effort in to the King. Helmets, armors and the shield are so well printed! See, even the back of the helmet was printed. Luckily its not sticker if you get what I mean. Haha. Oh yes, This set comes with a horse (only one?) for Theoden. Ride with me! Lets go to the next good guy, Gimli son of Gloin. He gets a solo review because he is in a lot of sets makes him less noticed. He is great too! He is holding a big and a small axe which makes him not so stable but luckily the long bar can act as a stick to make him stand. Overall he is a very nice minifig too! The beard mold was very detailed but it covers all of his torso, so i take it out to see clearer. The logo of the belt resembles the shape of an axe. Without the manly beard now he looks like a boy. He has an alternate face too! Two backpack at the back and that ring. If I pull it will it say 'There's a snake in my boot'? Hmm the angry face was also kind of unnoticeable due to the large beard and helmet. Can you differentiate from the picture below which one is angry and which one is not? Left is normal face, right one is angry face. Berserker Uruk Hai. Bred to die bombing the wall. Saruman's white hand is all over the body and head. The figure was exclusive to this set and yes, keep that fire away from the bomb. The back of the head looks like he is wearing some kind of helmet, printed on his head. Lets look at the army. These babies are too cute that you forgot they are the bad guys in the movie! Their helmets did not have any Saruman's hand print on them but still they are coming to attack the Helm's deep. They are all the same for you to build an army of Uruks lining in front of the castle. Inside, they are identical brothers. All have the same printings and so much details on the torso and legs. The back too. The alternate faces are angrier, maybe they don't like the fact that Saruman put his hand on them. These three minifigures are exclusive ONLY to this set. You can't find them elsewhere but there would be quite a lot of extras as quite a lot of people purposefully bought 2-3 sets or more to make a very big Helm's Deep castle. The special Uruk was the one who brought down the wall. He has very different design from other Uruk Hai. The helmet was printed to the head as a 'bald' minifigure. Torso print was with 2 Saruman white hand print and six packs body. Haldir looked elegant in this set which I feel he really worthy to be included (but where is Legolas?). Theoden King was in fighting mode after he asked Aragorn to ride with him. He shared the same shield and leg with Eomer in 9471 but he and his full armor and helmet can't be found elsewhere. The BuildThere are 9 numbered bags in total. Sorry I don't have a picture for that as this was a rebuilt set. This is bag number one. The black technic 1x4 indicates that the build was some kind of modular building technique. This looked like the main door of the castle. On the right side there is a mechanism that you can flip a minifigure to the gate, which recreates the scene of Aragorn tossing Gimli to kill Uruks in front of the gate. This is the back part of the build. The secret door to access to that mechanism. There are more modular pin holes to connect. The clip is to hold the gate, and the tiles are nicely placed for the doors to slide. After bag 2 you can see the gate was installed, and the top of the castle was finished. The wood planks was for the Rohan soldier to throw pebbles or rocks at the Uruk Hai in front of the gate. The flag and the fire definitely added some color to the greyish building. At this part its already a gorgeous building. The use of grey profile bricks, sand green bricks and the irregularly placed rock underneath makes it a very nice castle wall. At the back you can see the gate was fully enclosed by the arch pieces beautifully placed. With the army of 3 Uruks, they provided more than enough bullets to fire upon them.Then you go to book number 2. Upon finishing book number 2 which is bag 3 and 4, you have the runway for Uruks to charge in, and the two curved walls at both sides of the gate. The brick built ladder was quite accurate with the hook which looks like those in the movie. The back view. Its like a half circle enclosing something that we will be building in book 4. There are actually plenty of place to stand for minifigures at the top of the walls. The result of Book 3. You get to see the weakness of the deep. The water sewage with a bomb. Up at the back you can see the Horn of Helm Hammerhand. Underneath was stickers showing the molded walls adding some details to the tower. At the back of the tower you can see 3 ladders connecting for Gimli to climb up to the Horn. And there is the box to be found by Legolas for GImli to stand maybe? Under the sewage was the technic parts where the mechanism will blow the wall apart. The pieces were put together loosely so that the blow will create a large hole for Uruks to charge in. The side view. There are actually plenty of room here with another secret door. For storage maybe? Book 4 is basically the King's throne. This is the place where they decided to ride out to meet Gandalf the White and Eomer. Gold plates and cups, and the Rohan's flag. It was a sticker but honestly, it was a very nicely printed sticker. The back of the throne room looks quite well designed too. The 4x10 plate was a platform to stretch to the main gate to make a bridge. Again, the flag and the torch added color to the building. A very nice finishing touch to the castle. Connecting everything and tada!!! The gorgeous looking castle! Now even the castle fans will be stunned by it. It really looks like the one in the movie, just smaller in my opinion. Lets look at the back. Salute the designer! Its like the whole Helm's deep packed in a set of LEGO! Adding the minifigures at their respective positions. Now I feel complete. (The pictures below are with additional minifigures and horses NOT included in this set.) Now we need more Uruk Hai's to add into the army. Or lets add Legolas first. haha. Aragorn: Ride with me, Gandalf and Eomer is here! Oh no the bomb set off! The hole is quite big I would say. Or the castle too small? Should we ask for a UCS version? haha.Gimli: DON'T tell pointy ears!ConclusionThis is a great set for The Lord of the Rings fans out there. Its a replica of the actual Helms deep in LEGO. Lots of diorama can be done with this set alone or it can be displayed in a glass cabinet. Packed with so many details, I can look at it and play with it for a very long time. Its a retired set now, but the price is still reasonable unlike those ships with so much hike of the price.Review SummaryPlayability: 8/10 - Actually there were only 2 play features in this set but its not why we buy it, right?Design / Building Experience: 9/10 - Majestic castle building fun.Minifigures: 9/10 - Great minifigures! All the printings and the details exceeds all expectations.Price / Value for money: 9/10 - The prices went up as it retires, but still worth it.Overall: 9/10 - Can I put 10/10? It was just too awesome to own this set. The scene where they actually won the battle.
  5. Thanks. Glad you liked my style of reviewing. Really do hope lotr will have new sets but its quite impossible.. why yellow head and hands for Gandalf? Thanks. Maybe long time no new historical sets.. but i'm making more. Stay tuned.
  6. Thanks.. The books are stickers on tiles.. As I said, now you have it, you have completed your Dr Strange LEGO collection. Congratulations! I noticed that too, scar maybe? Between the eyes right?
  7. 'A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.' Remember this? Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring was a movie dated back in 2001. Can you imagine its already 2017 now? I own this set a little bit after I've came out of my dark ages of LEGO, and I was very lucky to have it before it retires. Overview Name: Gandalf Arrives. Theme: LEGO Lord of the Rings Year: 2012 Pieces: 83 pieces Minifigures: 2 Price: £11.99 / $12.99 / RM69.90 Introduction In Fellowship of the Ring, the movie started with the peaceful life of the Hobbits in Shire. Nobody knows Bilbo is having the one Ring for so long, making him immortal. This year, Gandalf arrives at his doorstep for his 111th birthday. And his arrival started stirring their peaceful life into bringing the ring to Mount Doom. I love that movie. Lets get started. This is the box art of the set. You can see very fine weather of Shire scenery as the background with the nice wagon. And you get a carrot to feed the horse! At the side with the 1:1 picture, the background was actually the map of middle earth. I like the green so much. Inside of the box we get one instruction booklet. This set is quite small and as you can see in the picture, you get a wagon, a horse, Gandalf, Frodo and a book. It was a random book without any stickers on it. Should be the one Frodo reading before he sees Gandalf. The Build It really looks exactly the same as in the movie, isn't it? The building technique was easy, it only took around half an hour to finish it but as in the picture, some modification needed to be done to save the smoothness of the cape. As you can see in the picture, the 1x1 round plate added detail to the back part of the wagon and the wood planks covers the inside of the wagon nicely. The overall build was very simple and complete. The Minifigures. As for minifigures of this set, we got Gandalf the Grey with his pointy hat and Frodo Baggins in his green shirt. Both of them are very detailed but not exclusive to this set. Gandalf's beard actually damaged the cape a little bit but its insignificant. I suppose the sling bag was carrying weeds. This set is very nice to add into collection as it makes a very nice display. Now its time to get the Hobbit house. This is how it looks like in front of the house. Summary review Playability: 6/10 (This is kind of a display set. Nothing to play with actually.) Design: 9/10 (The design of the wagon was very nice and movie accurate.) Price: 8/10 (The price was considered low when I got it before it retires.) Overall: 8/10 (The designer had done a good job designing it to be added to your Shire scenery for the wizard's appearance and cute home looking Frodo.) Edited 2 hours ago by kaelthas
  8. kaelthas replied to makoy's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Wow very nice roof design and those uneven plates as the floor!
  9. As we know, the pym particles can actually shrink or enlarge the suit wearer. In this case, the LEGO Antman! Lets go for the normal minifigure sized antman first. The translucent helmets allowed us to look into their eyes if you zoomed closer. The yellow jacket's helmet is so amazing! The back of their helmets are of lesser details but the back torso printing was so nice! You can see Darren Cross' backpack which made Scott went into the Quantum Realm. Lets loose the helmets. Scott's face is a unique expression, Hank's looked like they re-use Saruman's face. Antman and Dr. Pym had alternate faces. The 'O' shaped mouth of Scott might mean the expression he had when he first got his suit in the bathtub, haha.. 'I will disintegrate you!' Darren's jacket was so heavy where I need to place a skull under the backpack to make him stand. Now Hank turned into an old motorcycle suit, (so is it what the black head is for?) Hmm.. Feel the AWESOMENESS yet? The satisfying feeling of a collector completing the collection. The brick built Giantman and the nanofig was from the airport battle set 76051. Do you notice the blue button on the belt? I wonder why is it red on the minifigure. Whats up man.. Now the hulk is small.. The poseability of the giantman was quite similar to normal minifigures. The only downside of the nanofig was the inability to pose.. Hello Dr. Cross. Nearly forgot that he is actually bald where he doesn't need any hairpiece. Conclusion The collection of ant man was so awesome that you can't miss other two character as well. The three minifigures are exclusive and well designed. I would say LEGO did a good job designing them different from conventional minifigures. Have a nice day. Hope you liked my post. Do comment your feelings if you are an Antman fan! Thank you!
  10. kaelthas posted a post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    We are not savages..
  11. Thanx whitefang! I'm from your neighbour country. Hope to see u one day!
  12. Black and yellow! Very nice MOC!
  13. Hey, I've come to bargain! Non stop bargaining, Aragorn..
  14. Great review! I like those sharp photos.
  15. Hello I'm back with the next 5. Second chapter. 1.Astronaut (Series 15) @BubbaFit45531 2. Sleepyhead (Series 6) 3. Ariel (Disney) @Capparezza 4. Gingerbread Man (Series 11) 5. Mariachi (Series 16) @Capparezza When they are with accessories.. I love that classic guitar! The space guy. Quite detailed torso with printed arms. I like the gold visor on the helmet. And you get an oxygen tank at the back. Report! We found a life form in the Moon! Secondly the sleepy head. He is the most sought after minifig back in the series 6 era. Then Emmet in the pyjamas came out. But I guess it doesn't affect his popularity. He has an alternate face. He will show when he is at work. Tada.. I wonder if he is the boss. Third one will be Ariel the mermaid from Disney series. I would prefer some printing on her tail part. Three mermaid sisters. Then the Gingerbread man. Series 11 is the start of my LEGO collecting life. For the parts, I like the perfect round head. Dunk Me! Shall we serve him on the plate? Lastly my favourite! The Mariachi! That classic guitar finally came out from LEGO. I hope i got more of it, Lets go for some street performance! Thanks for viewing and do reply for the next 5 minifigures! (Provided I have them in my stash ) See you next FIVE!
  16. Hi I'll be doing random minifigures review at this particular posts under the comments, 5 at a time. Do comment if you want any particular minifigures to be reviewed. I will pick 5 and include them if I have them in my collection. Thanks and enjoy! This chapter includes 1.Banshee 2. Gargoyle 3. Plant Monster 4. Tiger Woman 5. Shark Suit Guy Their back view Firstly The Banshee from Series 14 The parts breakdown, before opening the packet, I thought the interesting part was her 'legs' which looks ghostly, but it surprised me that her hair was a semi transparent piece. I like her hair! Dont run, dont be scared, I just want to drink with you! Then the Gargoyle from Series 14 I like the idea that it was all grey, suitable for MOCers to make it a statue in a castle or something, personally i like the wings, does batman have this kind of wings? I wonder it suits him. haha Statue Third one today is the Plant Monster, also Series 14 The 'whip' that he is holding was no surprise but the headpiece was a wonderful MOC parts (I havent thought of its use yet) Maybe poison Ivy.. I thought I was wierd until i met him.. The tree speaks! Then the Tiger Woman from Series 14. Parts wise she has a nice tail, nice head piece. Other than that I think she is just one of the collection of the animal suit. Tiger in the jungle! Oh its a Tigress! Lastly the Shark Suit Guy from Series 15. New mold for the hand, the shark fin, and the shark headpiece was super awesome! Run mermaid Run! Thanks for viewing and let me know the next five in the comments. Provided I have them. See you!
  17. Thanks terryfay1983 now even the dentist is on leave.
  18. kaelthas replied to kaelthas's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    when everybody is not around
  19. kaelthas replied to kaelthas's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Thanks for the kind words, I've taken some effort to scale down. Thanks again for the suggestion peedeejay.
  20. Hey doc, does it come in black?
  21. “All in a day’s work!”
  22. The table is too small for 13 dwarves! And the front..
  23. Wow, just wow! How long did you take to finish this?
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