I agree with every other decent person who commented, splendid job you have done this to a very good standard, and I complement you on being able to keep on that one project using LDD, which does have some very s... chaotic processes.
Hey Peter!!!
Well done, that is truly amazing for a first moc. I look forward to seeing your next moc which will most likely, be as good as this. The detail is very decent, although I dont quite agree with the random sticking out brick patterns on the tower. Anyway, welcome to Eurobricks!
Holy crap! How long would it have taken to build that?! Hmmmmm, I wonder if it could be bought....... Anyway, it truly is amazing how much detail is in it, as well as the fact of how hard it would be to search for EVERY PIRATE SET EVER!!!!!!
HOLY LEGOSBERG!!! That is truly spectacular! And also a great inspiration for the new guys like me. If I was you, I'd be overwhelmed with sense of achievement