Bart started following Captain Cookie’s Pirate Training [Part 3] , [RUMOUR] One Piece LEGO Theme coming in 2025 , ERA III - Coming Summer 2024 and 6 others
[RUMOUR] One Piece LEGO Theme coming in 2025
What is One Piece? I've never heard of this, and now it's going to be a Lego theme?
ERA III - Coming Summer 2024
Kai, that sounds like a very good reason to move to Era III, more automation so that the game masters can run the game instead of bookkeeping our hoards of dubloons XD.
[RUMOUR] LEGO Icons Black Pearl coming in 2025
I'm actually not excited for this at all. I'd much rather have another historic ship, that is an as accurate as can be model in Lego, like the Titanic and the Endurance (although I would've liked a better rig, but i'm a boat nerd so I can understand that being too diffucult and not expected by everyone) I'd love to see one of the Flying P-liners. Or just go back to true lego fantasy pirate, not based on a movie, and give us a play-set that we can mod/moc to our hearts content to be more inline with our desires.
[OFFICIAL] LEGO Icons 10335 The Endurance Ship released Black Friday 2024
Yeah I'll be getting it. just hope the gwp doesn't sell out in the first day.
[OFFICIAL] LEGO Icons 10335 The Endurance Ship released Black Friday 2024
Oh. saw a video pop up on YT. But to be honest I wasn't expecting minifig scale, but a slightly bigger scale then this. Where the rigging details would be allowed to be displayed. This is underwhelming, but maybe I know to much about sailing ships to be amazed by this. Will I get it? I don't know yet.
[OFFICIAL] LEGO Icons 10335 The Endurance Ship released Black Friday 2024
I have to admit I'm pretty excited about this rumour. (Excited enough that in my search on the great web, I found myself on eurobricks again. somehow I wasn't here for a long time, oops)
[help] studio crashed on me
okay, I don't know how the software gods operate, but after control+A => add to subgroup. then release subgroup. All is back to normal. well not completly normal, still nothing shows in teh step list, but I can click and select bricks, and add new bricks to existing bricks don't ask me what happend Sorry for the addition. but it's not good I continoued building, wanted to hide some bricks, so selected them by the colour hide. now I cannot unhide them anymore and I'm back to not beign able to select already placed bricks and bricks not snapping to already placed bricks. please help
[help] studio crashed on me
I've been working on a model, which is by now 13k bricks. and it was working beautifully. But today it crashed, and now the model doesn't work anymore. When restarting Studio updated to, thinking that was the cause, I removed the programme and went back to that doesn't help. It doesn't recognize any of the previously placed 13k bricks. They don't show up in the step list, which they previously did. I can't select previously placed bricks (creating the blue cubical outline) I can't snap bricks to previously placed bricks I can select newly place bricks I can snap bricks to newly placed bricks These newly placed bricks also do not show on the step list. As you can see above the blue curved brick is placed Inside the white wedge plate. that is a new brick I can select, I can't do that with any of the old ones, also note that the step list on the right is empty. what do I do to resque this? Bart ps I can share the studio file if that would help.
[COR-FB] The Conquest of Fatu Hiva pt.2
No problem at all using the Basilica! it's great to see it again and to see it used in the continuous story of BOBS. It never got an interior so it's fun to see the insides, which looks very much in style. I can't really comment on the story, as I'ven't been here in ages (sorry life and such) so I'm completely unaware of the current events in BOBS. I like the forced perspective you created in the last image, with the room (which is properly overturned well done on that) then the see trough in the corridor, and then the inwall statute. Bart.
[SR - FB] Tavern, Poppy Port
A tavern! such a great addition to Poppy Port, I really like the style. with the ground floor being more closed and the open balcony part on the top looking out over the trees.
Barque Narwal II (sistership)
Thank you @blackdeathgr works together with LDD? I thought it was a stand alone thing?
Barque Narwal II (sistership)
Well it's quit easy to change colours in LDD, and I always feel that because I use LDD (mostly) I've to take the extra step to make up for it, (but that is my personal feeling). And thank you. I don't know what I do wrong, it just refuses to run the program. I'm happy everyone likes it. Thank you Fraunces. I'm sure there are other wonderfull sisterships out there too! Thanks, the brick came first, the story after, although I had the idea already in my mind about how to salvage.
Barque Narwal II (sistership)
@LM71Blackbird Thank you @Bregir Thanks too, I was actually thinking it might not be enough for a sistership as I didn't change to much on the actual ship. And you are right about the pictures. I made some close ups: Barque Narwal II 2.1 by Bart, on Flickr Barque Narwal II 2.2 by Bart, on Flickr Barque Narwal II 2.3 by Bart, on Flickr Barque Narwal II 2.4 by Bart, on Flickr Barque Narwal II 2.5 by Bart, on Flickr Bart PS Does someone know how to make bluerender work on windows-10?
Barque Narwal II (sistership)
After many moons had passed, Rodsh finally found calm water in the sea of storms. Stuborn as he is, he did not give up on his ship. He was determent to raise the Narwal from the seabed. Luckily she sunk in shallow waters, and it was easy to locate, with his black ensing still flying proud. They worked to add extra bouyency to the sloops and a native catamaran, and connected chains to the hull of the Narwal. Now was the plan that as the high tide came, it would lift the Narwal from the seabed, then they would tow it to shallower water, and at low tide shorten up the chains. Untill they got her out of the water. The divers reported that the figure head had somehow changed, and a lot of the colours of the hull had weirdly faded. Rodsh didn't care, he wanted his ship back and go out and do some honest hunting. A local tribe used some weird craft to woosh them over the surface of the water. Rodsh thought that their sail looked like the wing of a bat, but the natives insisted they worshipped a flying god, that was now sleeping below the waters. Barque Narwal II 1 by Bart, on Flickr Barque Narwal II -2 by Bart, on Flickr Barque Narwal II-3 by Bart, on Flickr Barque Narwal II-4 by Bart, on Flickr Barque Narwal II-5 by Bart, on Flickr Barque Narwal II-6 by Bart, on Flickr Enjoy! I like to apologize for not using a render, but I don't get bluerender to work on my new computer. And due to some virus, my work schedule is madness, and I wanted to share this build with you before I head out to sea. Greetings Bart
Captain Cookie’s Pirate Training [Part 3]
Why did you mention that, I just layed the keel for a bumb ketch :O and a biggest gun for it.
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