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Serge Gainsbrick

Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Serge Gainsbrick

  1. Yeah...the QAR is a bit of a letdown with its non-existent deck and open cabin, but, as someone who's not at all interested in the PoTC movies, I was planning on MOD'ing everything anyway. What really bugs me is the fact that almost all minifigs have part of their chest showing! I understand the Caribbean is hot and it looks more natural that way, but it would have been truly nice if LEGO had made these torsos more compatible with classic yellow minifigs.
  2. Yep. I am definitely buying the QAR, but I am gonna have to MOD it heavily. It has some great parts but I would like to make some stylistic changes. I love the sails, though!
  3. What a lively and vibrant MOC! I like how you used a great variety of colors, but they all fit into the color scheme rather well! Very cool design of the palm tree and I love the guy hiding behind the counter with a gun! Great stuff!
  4. I agree with poster above in that the 1X1 cones really don't look well. I would try to make a solid facade instead. The cones aside, the roof technique and colors do look good though. Good work overall!
  5. Wow! Stunning MOC! You were truly able to able to transform that image into an actual LEGO model! You did a particularly good job with the balconies and the windows. And I love how you made sure to use rounded corners so it would more accurately match the postcard. Excellent job!
  6. So we didn't get the 17th-century-style wigs after all? Bummer... Hopefully we'll see them in future waves of the theme.
  7. I was counting: Barbossa Blackbeard The new redcoat from London Escape The blue soldier from Fountain of Youth The carriage driver However, you may be right about the carriage driver and indeed we don't know what's under Blackbeard's beard I was hoping for more, but I guess that's better than nothing.
  8. Wow! These are truly awesome! So many new cool parts! I think I counted 5 new torsos with no bare skin on them, am I right? Too bad Penelope Cruz' torso has fleshie skin, I would love to have a new female pirate torso!
  9. This is pretty exciting! I think this new theme is gonna bring us some awesome new accessories and parts! However, I must say I am a bit disappointed with the buildings and structures. That Whitecap Bay fortress seems too bland to me and the Mill is quite disappointing as well. The PoP sets had some pretty nice buildings and structures...I was expecting something comparable to that in the level of detail. Hopefully London Escape will have more interesting buildings. Overall I do like the sets, though!
  10. Hi everyone! My name is Serge Gainsbrick! I am a new member, but long time lurker from California! I have recently come out of my dark ages and I am interested in making Pirates/Historical Theme MOCs . My LEGO collection is still pretty small as, unfortunately, I've given away all my childhood LEGO. So for the moment I've been trying to learn and use LDD as my primary creative medium but hopefully in the near future I'll be doing some actual MOCing!
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