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Eurobricks Vassals
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About TheJiral

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  1. For some reason I reall like that small cliff.
  2. This is ... awesome. Feels like there isn't a single straight line in there.
  3. Lovely bonus scene, if I dare say so ;)
  4. To look at, maybe (I hope its correct enough), to touch it, rather not. It is perfectly stable on my shelf but if not handled carefully things can fall off. Thanks Brickjagger and legolegolegolego for the kind feedback.
  5. Very cool elements and nice story settings.
  6. This looks more like a model kit than LEGO. I mean this in a good way of course. I didn't know that there was such a broad choice of metallic pieces.
  7. The 9th Terran Empire rapidly expanded during its 2nd millennium (e.c.) and to secure the far fringes of its space it had to rely on fast offensive ships like the Rapid Aussault Frigate which was using a mysterious and supposedly highly dangerous dark matter reactor core to supply it with the immense amounts of power needed for its faster than light travel. This reactor technology was feared for its instability and difficult handling which is why the frigate had inbuilt ejection and replacement utilities in its centre. The major downside to pulling the emergency protocol was however that loosing ones reactor core meant being stranded in space until resupply could catch up, but what are 10 terran years anyway? It is just a small build but I somehow liked the outcome for what it was and therefore put it here. This build uses only parts of the Tardis interior from the Doctor Who set. The background picture was taken from here: https://commons.wiki...ile:Eta_CMa.jpg
  8. I like those architecture MOCs. And while I have to say that I have my problems with the style of Brutalism I think your Lego version of that building is marvelous.
  9. I like the idea. What is the piece count of the build? If I changed anything, I would probably swap the design office and the receptionist part in terms of size. The design office appears to me to be more interesting for play and it could use the space of the recpeption very well, whereas the reception would not loose that much if it were half that size.
  10. The colour scheme reminds of the game mirror edge. Top notch proportions I have to say and I am very impressed that it can stand not only on its own but is even poseable.
  11. As promised, I got to build the DNA model. I have to admit it was a tight thing to build. The 3 stud wide shafts were almost too short as the voodoo balls grip them only relatively late inwards. But it did work out, and it also stays together as long as one isn't touching it too much at the balls. Regarding the looks, I am fully satisfied.
  12. This building is almost at war with right angles. Incredible executation and design. The roof adds also an incredible amount of character. The landscape texture is fantastic as well. And the satellite dish installing robots caught me off guard.
  13. Thanks for the nice feedack. Yes, these are voodoo balls (or "Technic ball joints", 32474), put on shafts and sticks with holders. Interestingly the bright yellow version seems to be found mostly in Friends sets, while the light stone grey version can be found in some Star Wars models among others. When I find the time, muse and finances to build the DNA model I will definitely put it here. The other two models were inspired by a plastic 1.5 ml reaction tube and an old school Gilson pipette but I think they'll just remain virtual models.
  14. Awesome. Modern yet classy design :)
  15. This is the sleekest Taurus Lego model I have seen so far. The design compromises a bit more on the 3D form of the front but makes more than up for it, with its clear lines. I like it, also the regular red version without the sticker.
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