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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by Tamamono

  1. Oh, don't be a scrooge! I heard the tree that coined it was brilliant and handsome.
  2. Mafia? Among us? Who would have known!? I've got my pot, and I'll whack any mafia scum who comes near my hair.
  3. I certainly wouldn't want to buy a Bob. Bob sucks.
  4. Hello, I'm Pamela! I love my husband and doing things with hair. Oh Alan, how I love you. Your hair is looking a bit... faded... Need me to color it for you?
  5. [Access to this post requires a Eurobricks Gold® Membership. Update today!]
  6. 1) Have you played mafia before and/or have you graduated from a mafia school? Yes 2) Will you be available for the duration of the game? Yes 3) Let's say in a totally hypothetical situation that's not going to be used when assigning you a character of course that you wanted to open a store. What would that store be and why? Sausage house... 4) Defiantly or definitely? Defiance in the face of death 5) Please write a sixty page dissertation on the theory of mafia games. 6) That last one is a joke, please don't do that. Oh. 7) You must also promise to not make fun of the horrible banner and the sub-par photography that's become a staple in my games. It's got its own charm.
  7. I've been away without internet for the most part and have been unable to voice my thoughts. def, thanks for a great game. It was good to play a rotating action game again. I'd like to host one of these soon I think... (thanks for the suggestion!) Congrats to the town (and Darkdragon, who is a winner here in my book as well) - you guys came out on top after all. You messed around a lot, but made the smart choice of lynching Zepher instead of pursuing a riskier lynch - good move. MT - thanks for your help on Day 2! You're awesome and I was happy to have you. I was surprised that Dave caught on to you. Zepher, I wish you would have played more. I thought we seriously had a chance, but a chance is nothing if it isn't taken advantage of. But anyway - great game; I had a lot of fun while it lasted! My plan for Night 2 if I had lived would have been to redirect fhomess to Dave with the knowledge that adventurer would have been watching, and then deny it, thus making it me vs. fhomess for Day 3, and both of us were under scrutiny anyway, so that might have been interesting...
  8. I think you're all making a big mistake. There's no information my lynch can give you if I was bus driven, and if the cop is insane it's still more valuable to lynch scum. It seems the tide is turning against me now. I'll accept it if that's what everyone wants, but at the end of the day, everything I've said still stands, and the right choice is to lynch scum - whether it's Lind Whisperer or Shadows.
  9. Don't make me laugh. Everything would have been revealed eventually - I would have quickly put two and two together and realized I had been redirected, and who was to say Draggy didn't claim to someone else. You can say you were trying to help the town by revealing things, but you were really just trying to save your own skin. And honestly, knowing what we've lost helps town. There was no way I wasn't going to reveal it. Oh, right, because we're supposed to believe how you "would have played this." You were scum in BBII, and the scum there messed up by trying to keep everything secret. It worked out okay in the end, but I doubt you'd make the same mistake twice. If you had lied, it would have come out pretty quickly. DD claiming that her action was stolen would have meant that one of you was lying, and everyone would have assumed it was you. And once again, now that the role's out in the open, it's practically useless. Literally everyone has come in here, said "well, I think he's town, but the role.... meh, might as well." Your lynch gets us scum, period. Rather than beating around the bush for reveals or roles or whatever, let's go for the heart of the issue and lynch scum. Well, you aren't a dick for wanting to act on your investigation result, but you're definitely wrong. My role is not dangerous - how on earth could scum use it now that I've revealed it? As for the investigation result, we've already established that there is a chance you're insane, and an even bigger one that I was bus driven because I was so out front about everything. All of these things can be tampered with, can be faulty, etc. - the only thing you can rely on are my words. You and many others have stated that you believe me to be town. I'm sure you can see how silly it is to lynch someone who you have many times said is likely to be town. I realize I'm being lynched today, but for what? Worst case scenario is that the cop was bus driven, and my death only creates more confusion; as for the role, it just takes out of circulation something scum can't really use anymore anyway. I wish Lind Whisperer didn't have the bulletproof role, because that's one we need to keep in the game. Brickelodeon, you said it yourself - you're fine with lynching any of the three of us. I've been making my case all day, and practically every word Shadows speaks just makes it for me. The right choice here is clear, if you want to choose it.
  10. I understand the spot you're in. Today sucks. However, when you consider what Shadows and I have done, what is the payoff for me revealing the vig? Only what you said, that I can claim to be a "super townie." That argument, however, can be applied to everyone (Shadows included). If I had not been redirected and had killed a scum last night, could I still be scum gambiting so that I could say I was a "super townie?" At some point, it gets infinitely regressive. At the end of the day, the revealing of the vig was a town move (although, in hindsight, not the brightest idea), and nobody would have blamed me if I had kept it hidden. After what happened in Bloodbrick II with the scum keeping ahold of the vigilante role, I could have wreaked havoc on this town, but since I'm town, I outed it to prevent that from happening. Shadows' actions can seem town - I see where you're coming from. However, his revealing of the information has not only the payoff of him being "super town" but that it sets up Brickelodeon for a big fall when I flip town. I mean, really, you tell me - if I had been lynched and my affiliation revealed, thus proving that this cop result wasn't right, would you have believed Brickelodeon's claim when there was another cop claim who was dead? Of course not. Plus, he clearly only claimed the redirector when it was becoming clear that Walter didn't steal my action - I had gotten the redirector (out of panic when I thought I was the victim of a gambit, I might reiterate), and I would have put two and two together pretty quickly if he hadn't told me he had redirected me. I think that his claim that he redirected me to Mencot was a genuine slip-up, and that he backtracked because it became clear that someone was lying (and it was him). While I'm fine with being lynched if there are legitimate reasons, I am strongly against being a "meh, might as well" lynch. I joined this game to be a background player for once, but I've gotten myself in shoulders deep, and I'm not about to let myself and my town go down with a shrug. If you think we're both townie (and you keep saying the vig reveal wasn't a scum move, so I can tell that you see the truth about me) then look again at what we've done and see that while his actions may seem town on the surface, they're really not.
  11. Exactly. The general consensus is that I'm town, yet I still have 7 votes on me. I'm not sure what to think of Lind Whisperer - scum or dumb, honestly. But he does have the bulletproof role, and that's one that we want to keep around for town to keep. If the cop is confirmed insane then I can take it, or if I was bus driven then other townies the cop confirms can take it. It's a big win for town and makes scum's job harder. I'd strongly suggest a Shadows lynch today if you don't want to lynch me. While I think Lind Whisperer is a good option for another day, a vote for him is pretty much a vote for me since it's plurality rule. He redirected the vig without authorization from the town, and that's scummy enough, but then we come to find out that Draggy was the cop and he was the only one he claimed to - and then he shows up dead? Then he reveals the Draggy situation to me because he knows I'll bring it out in public and it'll cast doubt on Brickelodeon and get him lynched when I flip town. And his only argument is that if he were pulling a gambit, "it'd be a lot cleaner than this." For those who want to actually scum-hunt and help town, the best choice for today is Shadows.
  12. I don't recall ever saying that. I think you may be misconstruing the many times where I said I understood using the investigation as a reason to lynch me...
  13. Yes it would - whoever has it will be held responsible. I guarantee that if I survive the day and tomorrow night something weird happens with someone's action, I will be out the door immediately. I feel like Dragonfire is town, so I'm inclined to believe this bulletproof claim. If someone of unknown allegiance grabs it, we lynch them. It'd be suicide. Not really. It's not dangerous at all, and at this point actually has more uses for town than it does scum. You're all forgetting that scum's actions hinge on secrecy - which this action no longer has the luxury of.
  14. I just really don't think it's that dangerous of a role. We'll know who has it from now on, so if any funny business happens, we know who to blame. I propose that the redirector be expected to redirect the bulletproof role, so tonight for example I would "redirect" the bulletproof. I can't imagine that doing anything, since BP isn't an active role. It's a quick fix, honestly. There's no reason to lynch someone you think is town just because he has a role you don't like.
  15. It's not about taking out roles. I wanted to take out fhomess because I didn't like the way he grabbed the vig.
  16. I really think you're overestimating the harm it can do. It's out in the open now and can be blocked. This kind of logic only works when there aren't better choices. If you think the redirector is such a sinister role, then vote for the real damage it has done - which is what Shadows did with it. And redirecting the only known kill role to TinyPies wasn't? No, I wanted to kill fhomess because I thought he was scummy because he grabbed the vig. Don't twist my words.
  17. I'm sorry, but this is just the wrong choice. You said it yourself - Shadows is scummy. The redirector role is not as much of a danger as actual scum are. Not only that, but now that we know where it is, we can block it. Don't let the role influence your decision. There are much better choices today.
  18. Vote: Starlord (Shadows) This is our best option today. Brickelodeon should take the redirect tomorrow.
  19. This explains why Dragonfire thought Stick was lying yesterday. I'd agree with foregoing a Lind lynch in that case. Can we switch to shadows? I feel like the bulletproof costume would be good to have in that confirmed town could take it each day without risk of being killed.
  20. This is an excellent point. While there is still the chance of a skewed cop, a bus driver is actually even more likely. And I was for sure going to be investigated (obviously), so the scum knew exactly who to bus drive. I made a big mistake giving them a target... Def did include an insane cop in Bloodbrick I, so I guess that's what I'm remembering. Would he do it again? If I was scum and had gotten a role like this, now way would I have let it fall into town hands... I worry that they've kept it. I can't believe I didn't see this before, but I would not be at all surprised if it's true. Can the town unite behind this? Again, I understand the motivations for lynching me, but there are much better targets. Unvote: Starlord (Shadows) I don't see a Shadows lynch going through today, although I still think he's scum. jluck and others, does a Lind Whisperer lynch work for you??
  21. Then I should be left alive to redirect him. This really is sad - most everyone agrees I'm more likely town than not, yet I'm being lynched. Like, I see everyone's logic, but I just don't think this is the way to approach a game like this. :sceptic.
  22. I'm glad you came to your senses. I'm fine with being lynched today, but there are better options - that's all. I'd urge the rest of the town to consider lynching shadows or Zepher, but I realize that that just isn't realistic. An investigation result is not reason enough for a lynch. But then again, I do have the redirect, which is arguably not a town role. While I disagree with lynching me just to get rid of a role, if nobody can agree on a better option, I'm the best lynch. I'd admonish everyone from assuming that the cop is insane when I flip town - it may still be paranoid. And Brickelodeon, for gods sake, take the vig. Fhomess is not someone whose hands I want it in right now - he's scum. Is it because I didn't play in heroica with you? this guys scum too.
  23. I worded it poorly, but you know what I meant. You changed your claim about who the target was when it became clear that there was a third figure and that somehow my kill must have gotten to one of the dead.
  24. If I was scum, why would I want to get rid of the vig action? It's a great way to kill townies. Stop being paranoid and do what's best for town, even if you lynch me. So first you're trying to throw shade on Brickelodeon's credibility, and then when you get voted... You go back and vote for me? Plus, proving things aren't the point of lynches - getting rid of scum is. Vote: Starlord (Shadows) I think we've ignored for far too long that he said he used the redirection on me and then switched and said he did so on TPRU. Not only is the action he finally settled on not a town move by any means, it makes clear that he was trying to lie at first. I think Dragonator made a big mistake claiming to Shadows, and it got him killed. Shadows then told me about Draggy to discredit Brick so he could get him lynched tomorrow when I flip town.
  25. Yeah, this is a good point. Even if we don't lynch fhomess, we still need to keep the vig action in check. I asked Brick in private to, even if he doesn't trust me, steal the action since he has the ability to do so, but of course that was just another scum ploy of mine, and he wouldn't listen. I'm willing to redirect him tonight if need be.
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