6285 Black seas Barracuda
10040 Black seas Barracuda
6280 Armada Flagship
Two 6290 Red Beard Runners
Two 6271 Imperial Flagships
10210 Imperial Flagship (HMS Twinkletoes)
Three 6268 Renegade Runners
6243 Brickbeard's Bounty
6250 Cross Bone Clipper
7416 Emperor's Ship
MOC HMS Sutherland (5th MOC)
MOC HMS Delilah (4th MOC)
MOC HMS Ghost Rider (2nd MOC)
MOC Skeltic (3rd MOC)
MOC Moonscar (first ever MOC)
MOC un named sloop (6th MOC)
Dozens of various boats, rafts, and little "cutters"
So 21 not counting the various small ones, megablok ships and my best-lock ship
I think thats it for now.