Star Wars: The Clone Wars: season 3 discussion
If I were lucas, I wouldn't care for EU neither. It's his show and story and he can do whatever he wants. I totally understand him. Piell's death made me so sad and made the episode awesome in my eyes because I felt some emotions. I think that's much better than just read that he was killed by troopers. Go Lucas!
Review: 7929 The Battle of Naboo
No, my torso edges are NOT rounded off, but his are. I like the rounded ones better.
Future Star Wars Sets
I said this because TLG will definitly won't waste Saesee Tiin for only one set when they can make another set with him.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: season 3 discussion
tnx for answer That one from the RotS, is it the same from the cw thtPlo drives in malvolence trilogy? What do you think, who is the best pilot: Plo Koon, Saesee Tiin or Anakin?
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: season 3 discussion
How can it be that master Plo in rots still has a Delta, while others have Etas?
Future Star Wars Sets
I think we can be pretty sure we are getting saesee Tiin's starfighter. Adi Gallia's is likely too.
Review: 7929 The Battle of Naboo
Great review. I have just noticed that on your picture, your gungans have a round shaped torsos, while mine has got square shaped torsos. If you don't know what I am talking about, I will explain.
ARC Gunship
It very nice, but if you colud put the big piece with sticker more to the front to make it closer to the front teeth it would've been even better.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I did the same with my master Plo If you find the method to fix it write it here please.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: season 3 discussion
Guys, I am a huge fan of SW!I am glad I found this thread :) The last 3 episodes were so awesome!Maybe the best so far. Even Piell so rocked and I really liked his voice and accent. I was not worried for him at al because on wookieepedia it says that both Shaak Ti and Even Piell survived order 66. But then, I couldn't believe my eyes. He was suposed to be one of the most powerful jedi ever! And stupid dog killed him by chewing his shirt!? If he survived this would be te most awesome episode of TWC ever!I doubt they would ever make a better one. Anyways, Saesee Tiin, Adi Galia and Kit fisto so rocked in the starfighters. I was very suprised(in the good way) to see that not only one jedi will fight in space battle. That was very very good. All in all, This trilogy is in the best episodes of TCW(and know that my list of good TCW episodes is not very big). A big part of the episodes is boring or avarage, but this, kamino duology, malvolence trilogy, and some more are absolutly amazing. About the last trilogy(Mortis trilogy, I think that were with mandalore eipsodes the most stupid, boring and so unrealistic episodes. I didn't like it at all. I was so disappointed after watching the first of the three episodes because I knew there will be two more of the same.
Future Star Wars Sets
I agree on everything except yaraell poof. She is really an unimportant character as she was dead even before the clone wars.
Future Star Wars Sets
It would be more like 60$
Future Star Wars Sets
I agree with you about malfoy's hair. We have gotten all the jedi we've seen in the series except adi gallia. Still, I think we will get her and Piell is also veeery likley to be made :)
Future Star Wars Sets
I really want TLG to make a set with Even Piell!He is so awesome in the series!
Future Star Wars Sets
Look man, in our country 10179 was 580 EUROS!!!Thats 800$, so 580 isn't that much how it seems. But I agree with you, I overestimated it a bit. I will put 500$
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