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Banned Outlaws
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  1. You should watch Clone Wars - Darkness of Umbara through Carnage of Krell it is on iTunes - pretty good story arc they say that the story parodies George W Bush's "Stay the course" mentality and many in the US intel communities view of his Betrayal of America No more political comments just pointing out obvious connection I always love lego's slap stick humor the way the just booted out the Sniper droid awesome! the whole missle delayed explosion thing The Umbaran HMC is awesome I wish I would have been able to get one but not enough $ left in this lifetime - lol Anyways Pumpkin Pie that is an awesome Signature. Flying pigs - Seriously pig aren't nearly as smart as horse or dolphins or human faced monkey's So I thought Yoda Chronicles were going to focus on Yoda and introduce that Jek-14 guy - after all why promote him after he is on the shelves you want to build excitement - such that kids will want to buy him and his aircraft that stealth technology does not work anymore
  2. Well each minifigure has an accessory perhaps a phone to go with it...
  3. Okay what is the deal with 75001's package the perspective is different than the rest - it is bottom to top the rest are the other way around... not the same picture as TLG has sorry just noticed it any news on the Daily SUN promotion - they usually get what 8 sets? Why doesn't USA Today do the same thing?
  4. Introducing Summer Scene 40054 http://cache.lego.com/bigdownloads/buildinginstructions/6028397.pdf Also first post is missing http://www.brickset.com/detail/?set=40052-1 Also the polybags http://www.brickset.com/search/?query=30220-30222 Like the dkred fire helmets Not so sure about the helicopter polybag The motorcycle & fire chief car seem incredibly overpriced I still want lego city zoo darn it...
  5. I was thinking that if they reuse the same planet over and over again it is less of an eye catcher - considering that a large portion of what is notice is the planet - You want a diverse product line on the shelf if the box looks the same then the parents will think it is the same product. Which in turn won't sell. As some one pointed out in the main 2013 thread it is rare items of the same vehicle in the same size class are on the shelf at the same time (exception being the two AT-AT's in 2010) Look at this Christoffsis http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080728150923/starwars/images/3/30/Christophsis.jpg That is visually striking Tri Droid - would double as a Mini Tri Droid (considering they came in both sizes) Whorm Loathsome Faildcia http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090904232412/starwars/images/d/dc/Felucia_tcw.jpg Mini AT-AP with Clone ARC Trooper Mustafawar http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080922011443/starwars/images/9/93/Mustafar.jpg Palpatine's Shuttle w Shock Trooper Uodurpow http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20061216205825/starwars/images/6/63/UtapauNEGAS.jpg Tet http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080728151055/starwars/images/e/e7/Teth.jpg Twilight (considering it does eventually get destroyed (Spoiler for season 5) with 4-A7 Visually all those choices are striking Also consider all the pictures here http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_The_Old_Republic I guess the way the economy is going (all retailers here are saying black friday was pretty much a bust this year - news "strategically ignored it and said walmart made most money ever but ignored the rest of the sales) will the series continue to sell? Lego seems to be one of the lines doing well that and Transformers but that is brand recognition for you. Pretty much the rest of the isles didn't fare to well here. I guess we will get a preview in about 5 weeks at Toyfare...
  6. It was a mixed bag here in WV - most of the Planet sets sold everywhere - I think stocking stuffers - but KMart I think had some left, and one of the two walmarts had overstocked as they did with the Minifigures at both locations. TRU restocks quickly here and when they sell out they sell out I am thinking there are some visually stunning planets out there like Christosis - I would love to see a Trident with Whormm Loathsome But I think I am in the minority with want more sets that are good - not set that are a specific genre - for the Record I don't think the TIE Bomber looks bad at all - the only problem with the Astroid field is that the Astroids are too small - they should have included a large astroid where the four studs are so that we could add our own space slug Here is hoping that they Make a Malestare with a Mini Zillo Beast with a Dug Warrior (Repaint of Sebulba but turn legs around so they are three studs apart not two) - with Electro-Staff So general consense is that EU would be perfect Mixed bag about the TOR sets CW a meh from most ppl
  7. Muddy replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    I just ordered 2 pairs of Lego TrGreen Tiles (yeah good luck finding them anywhere) so I should be able to post pictures of 30231 Space Insectoid in about 7-10 business days or so - I am a sucker for polybags... I hope this is another set I get that isn't released...or widely released... That and I was able to use my official source to grab the missing pieces for my Star Wars Episode IV Tantive IV from series IV planet sets.... Again I wish Lego would have done a Bug Swarm Set with 9-10 Mini Bugs, a Medium Bug, and a Large Bug (A whole bug family) with a minifigure and perhaps maybe a Galaxy Trooper in Dare I say it - Yellow (Instead of Orange) with a Spider Head and legs... or maybe a Beatle witih antenna or maybe Arthor from the Tick (a moth villain like killer moth) doubtful but you never know i mean if Lego snuck in X-Men's Angel wings in the Chima line then I guess they could do the same with Killer Moth wings right?
  8. I was hoping that SWTOR would have one big set a year I haven't played TOR but I like the concept I would love a Thranta Class Ship with Tython & Kao Cen Darach (Zabrak Horns in Dark Tan or RBrown) Clone Wars maybe Tri Magna Droid from the CWM with Whormm Loathsome on Christosis (Cool looking planet) Also Dathomire with Fanblade & Nighsister Okay I agree that Admiral Thrawn (awesome minifigure) should be made but what Planet? I know a little about him and the Chiss but not much Yawn on the Star Destroyer what other ships could they do? Tri-Fighter or the Chiss Fighter (Clawcraft) We don't have any Chiss Minifigures at all considering it is just a color swap of a standard minifigure you think they would have done one by now. Hmmmm I so am going to do a Admiral Thrawn now with that Blue head from the "Genii" Genie Also is it just me or did Lego miss a HUGE oppertunity by not including a Space Slug with the Astroid field? - Common TIE Bomber and on the planet you could have a Space Slug sticking out of the studs where an astroid is painted on.
  9. So we are running out of planets - unless the double up on them like they did with Endor (Which I am assuming one is Endor & one is the forest moon around It.) They seem to be only touching the 6 movies and not the CW series That leaves only 3 planets E2 - Geonosis - Geonosian Fighter - Geonosian E3 - Utapau - Magnaguard Starfighter, Magnaguard E3 - Kashyyyk - Wookie If they do Clone Wars ~ 8 more depending on how you interpret what will sell CW - Umbara - Umbaran Starfighter - Umbaran Mandalore - Twilight - Mandalorian (Red) Florrum - Saucer - Pirate Ruffian Dathomiri - Fanblade - Nightsister Chrsistosis - Tri Droid - 501st Clone Trooper (Phase 2 Clone Armor) Teth - Trident - 4A-7 Malastare - Zillo Beast (Who says planet sets have to have Vehicles) Ryloth - AT-TE - Twi'Lek (Orange) Those are pretty much the Main Planets that children would recognize If they include OR OR Sith - Korriban, Nal Hutta, Dromund Kaas OR Republic - Tython, Ord Mantell, Illum, Taris Ships would be relatively hard to include for the OR - Thranta Class, Defender, Fury, Phantom, The Last Resort (if they do Zayne Carrick from KTor) So my question is simple would the line continue to sell if they include CW/EU Would children buy an E-Wing Escort Fighter with Mara Jade Skywalker with Planet suchnsuch? Will this line stop after Series 4? There were only 13 original Mini sets before they turned into exclusive poly bags and a big gap between 2005 & 2008 when they started up again. Is the line selling well?
  10. Muddy replied to Muddy's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    It isn't a matter if they have the feature (they use it already for Super sets & Advent sets) it is actually using the feature the right way implementing it so that the sets would be broken down into more manageable chunks - crowd sourced means it would take no time to actually go back and cover all the sets already made - oh well I guess I am the idiot for missing something on the obvious...
  11. Why hasn't the first post been updated with these 4 sets? http://www.brickset.com/search/?query=30240-30243 Also alot of ppl were knocking the MHC it is alot better when actually built I was even thinking what are they thinking but once you add the legs it evens out pretty nicely I just wish lego would have done the 1x1 round tiles on the Gauntlet I am sure they could find a use for them in some set (if they didn't make them at the time) they used the tiles in the ARC is the funny thing It could not be a cost thing as they have the same price - must be an after thought oh well...
  12. Republic Frigate http://www.brickshel...lic_frigate.jpg http://www.brickshel...rigate_side.jpg Gauntlet (They really should have used the new 1x1 Tiles in TrYellow for the thrusters it would be able to actually land that way) http://www.brickshel..._gauntlet_1.jpg http://www.brickshel..._gauntlet_2.jpg http://www.brickshel..._gauntlet_3.jpg Headhunter http://www.brickshel..._headhunter.jpg http://www.brickshel...hunter_back.jpg Umbaran HMC (The picture they used for the Package does NOT do it justice) http://www.brickshel...mbarran_mhc.jpg http://www.brickshel...arran_mhc_2.jpg http://www.brickshel...an_mhc_side.jpg These are all made from pieces in my inventory no official instructions were used however official inventories were used. Some pieces may be out of place (The gauntlet has 2 white 1x2 plates I couldn't seem to find a use for, MHC has multiple ways to get the same shape for innards) The other two are pretty much locked The teeth are used for landing gear I think that is a first for a mini ship isn't it?
  13. Muddy replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    So Apparently there are two polybags 30231 & 30230 coming soon - does this forum also update the first post everytime they add a set? Personally I was hoping that when I first heard about this that lego would make a larger set - I don't know $30 or so with one big mother bug - and a minifigure or three - and then have lots and lots of little swarm bugs - something like the 6954 Renegade from Blacktron (It had 2 side craft, a rover, a detachable ship, storage, radar, 2x boaster detachables) a flying carrier ship I love the Little Drones from 30231 they are awesome I was thinking that lego could have used this lots of little bugs approach to help sell the line Imagine a set that has a swarm of little cool smaller bugs attacking the androids etc Each bug doesn't have to be big preferably small with at least two of each small bug and a medium size bug, and a bug vehicle too.
  14. Muddy posted a post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    You know there are plenty of sites that offer instructions and set listings for Star Wars sites. Bricklink etal. I can't seem to find a site that has a breakdown of sub -sets By this I mean individual items built in the sets For example a random year 2007 had only 17 sets in it. But of those only 15 where Regular sets In those sets they also include the following items: 1 STAP 1 Gun Platform 1 Vulture Droid 1 Droidika (Which BL actually counts as a mini figure 1 Trade Federation Speeder with interchangeable Cargo 1 Sith Speeder 1 Micro Flyer (Look it up) 1 Hoth Cannon 1 Rebel Snow Speeder 1 Probe Droid, 1 Crane, and I am sure I am missing much more But I want more than one copy of some of the sub sets of those sets - More than one Vulture Droid for example or more than one Sith Speeder I have to go and figure out what parts are in it by looking at the complete inventory and then breaking out the instructions add the complete set to my wanted list and then remove the pieces that aren't in the subset or just add the pieces to a wanted list individulally. Is there a site that has just the sub sets? - I complained to Bricklink about it awhile back admins wouldn't even count Exo-Force Brickbuilt droids as Minifigures (which I think they are) I was hoping a site would breakdown the sub parts so I don't have to reinvent the wheel over and over everytime I want to add a 2007 Model STAP to my collection or a 1999 Rebel Repair Speeder from the X-Wing Is it just me or using a modular approach would have made much more sense (especially considering how many ppl on BL sell a BARC speeder with Sidecar without the rest of the set for example) I can't be the only one who thinks that there should be a comprehensive way to just add minor items to your collection easily after all I can't be the only one who always gets 3 Vulture Droids considering that they outnumber N-1's repeat with the AT-ST from 8038 and so many other sets. Anyways I would be grateful if you can point me in the direction of a site that I can reference that breaks down the sets into separate components/compartments/modules
  15. I love the concept of this new line - not a big fan of some of the subliminal things they have going (for example - only the "bad guys" are missing limbs and body parts) Some Native Americans find Ravens to be more holy than the not so noble Eagles The designs are above par - I just wish Lego would list where polybags were available at without having to run around all over the place Needless to say I like the idea of adding new species in as the theme goes on The addition of the Gorillas is welcome but not sure how they are going to do the heads - going to use the Minifigure "mask" Lets hope they are more balanced and have "disabled" heroes as well Lego was very careful how they designed the sets Notice Eagles & Lions middle of the road price/size Crocs Big & Little Raven Medium & Little Wolf has only one big set which is amusing the whole "lone wolf" concept but they have some supporting character roles That is marketing for you - well thought-out and integrated My first set should be here today - I can't wait to get it.
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