Everything posted by hans-thegreat
Putting ships on water?
You watched that movie by liquid plastic productions, didn't you? This is very ironic, because I'm working on a way to make a bottom for my ship's hull, so it floats on water and doesn't look like it's about to sink. My hulls don't sink because they aren't lego. They're a clone brand called Cobi. They have a barrier between each midsection that prevents water from getting in. You might want to snag a few on ebay, but they're way too over priced.
POTC 3 - From a Pirate LEGO Fanatics Perspective
POTC is more focused on characters. Master and Commander was a little bit more focused on the ships WHY DON'T YOU LIKE POTC?!?!?!?? :'-(
Flying Dutchman
I like the tall sterncastle. It isn't realistic in any sense, but the way it was executed is cool. However, if cyryl wants to make it realistic, I noticed there are excellent stern shots of the Flying Dutchman in potc 3. None in potc2. :-|
Pictures of your troops?
HOLY SMOKES! X-O That's a huge army! It's big to me because I don't own a single pirate set. If you guys think that's small----I can only wonder how many minifigs you have....
Hmmm.......and I thought it was a paddle! :-D
Flying Dutchman
It's times like these that I wish lego got the deal with potc instead of megablocks.
Pirates of The Caribbean: At World's End MOCs and Vignettes!
I would love too see--(if anyone has enough bricks)--the maelstrom scene.( If you can't do it minifig sized, maybe mini? :-$ ) Also, any one up to the task, make the flying dutchman without seaweed and algae. That would be cool. I'd do it myself, but it would have to be enormous to achieve detail, and I just don't have that many hull pieces.
POTC 3 - From a Pirate LEGO Fanatics Perspective
I didn't get to see it until monday.... a week after it came out! It's a disgrace I tell you, a disgrace! Parents......bah-humbug!!!!
Favorite set
You don't like the set because it is heavily defended. Is this because they could kick pirate butt? Why don't you like the good guys to win?
Tis be those Skull and crossbones
I see that imperial scouts has touched up on his history. Tell me, do you like history, or is the ships that you like? Do you like the pirates themselves? Or the technology?
- Look what I just got - Report your latest Pirate LEGO acquisitions
Picture Review: 1017 - The Black Pearl
Ungg....Megabloks......I think I'm gonna be sick.... :-X
H.M.S. Indi
:-|| Um, okay what I ment to say was that to me it should be FORT Indi, not a ship. You know, Like that viking set. Or, perhaps a raft. Where did you get all those pieces? Why? The pieces just looked out of place... By the way MISTER Tiber, with Island boy, I was referring to his handling of the forum, not to his MOC. There's a big diff.... :(
Eiffel Tower (10181) Box Art
What happened to lego? The Eiffel Tower?
Hello everyone
You like star wars, why not Pirates? *sweet*
H.M.S. Indi
Not trying to be rude or anything, but it seems that there are a lot of pieces wasted for such a little, squat, unrealistic ship... 8-|
A COBI Pirate Ship
I don't think it's possible. There's where Lego is way better.
POTC 3 - From a Pirate LEGO Fanatics Perspective
I think potc 3 will be the worst. Just read the script. For those who haven't read it or can't find it, I'll post it! Don't get too excited though, they say the movie is somewhat different.
POTC 3 - From a Pirate LEGO Fanatics Perspective
After potc1, it wasn't haunted, so they had to patch up their sails in order to sail fast! :-D
Islanders comeback
Thank you Mr. Imperialscouts for explaining.
Pirates of the Caribbean vs Vikings
I voted for pirates. *sweet*
Islanders comeback
You guys are MEAN!!! :'-( And why does everyone call each other MR.? (surely you realize that there are more kids than adults in this forum, right?) I mean, just look at their profiles. Oh, and thank you KAHUKA, I like it when I'm appreciated.
Islanders comeback
Yes I know he's older, but I've posted more. I guess I like pirates more....
Islanders comeback
Hey, don't be so hard on him, he's a newbie. Did 007 create that signature because he couldn't think of a witty saying? ;-)
POTC 3 - From a Pirate LEGO Fanatics Perspective
Okay, who has potc mocs? Also, who has done potc lego stop motion? (Mr. cameron has improved his typing) :-D
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