New to the forum
Hey, nice to meet you!
Hello from the isle of wight
I am from the isle of wong! lol
Hello from an American in Poland
Still makes you new here, anywho
Hi everyone
Hi! Nice to meet you!
Hello from Denmark! sssh!
I've been to Denland once it was fun!
hello from australia, true aussie
Cool, I just came back from Australia a few weeks ago!
- Another new member...
Hello, My Name Is dejo
I'm from Colorado Springs!
Hello! My name is...
Hey, nice to meet you!
Hello! My name is...
V Pustote. Forever until I am not a new member. Actually probably not too long. Generally a few days. So long until then.
Practise Posting Here!
Okay, so this may or may not be my first post.
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