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Myers Lego Technic

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Myers Lego Technic

  1. Hi Everyone! Long time no see. I have been broadening my horizons recently and have come to enjoy a variety of other hobbies, which makes me wonder what everyone else does besides Lego. I have personally started photography and videograpahy, and have started a little Skyrim YT Channel (blatant self promotion https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRTYs9V_OquBAwCusq7TAHQ?) What are the rest of you interested in? I have heard that RC cars are another common hobby, though I would love to know the extent of the Technic communities varied interests.
  2. I’m not sur anyone mentioned this already, but I’m a established member of team procrastination.
  3. @Bublehead Frankly, I couldn't even find your first MOC topic to make comments on after seeing mention of it in this thread, so I have no remarks there. Bud, we are all adults here. We work stressful lives, working, going to uni, to each his own. Frankly, tensions can wear thin, but there is no need to aggravate people with unnecessary topics like this. If you want to leave, leave. If you want to stay, fine! By all means, keep posting relevant, non-aggressive material! But when you reach our adult community with actions that suggest we are young children who need to have things layed out to them, who need recognition for their every action, yes problems will emerge. I think that you should re-look at this comment you posted. "And I am going to give you a definition of it that most will understand." Maybe you don't see it, though many people might find that this a bit insulting to their intelligence. You are acting as if we don't know anything, and that you need to lay you plans out overly clearly to us. This sort of a mentality seems to persist throughout your posts. Said simply, cut it out. There's no need for that sort of crap on here.
  4. I like it! It looks good. Definitely captures the "muscle-car" look.
  5. There are lots of ideas for that sort of thing on the internet. I would suggest doing a thurough search before bumping an old topic.
  6. If anything negative camber decreases performance, and in my opinion looks bad. It is good technical practice I would suppose, though.
  7. I am unsure of how to interpret this. Of course, female Technic figures are an interesting idea, but I simply don't see the need.
  8. Consider lowering the BB by a stud or two and widening the bodywork by a similar amount...but I like it!
  9. So that's where they got it. You must have undercut me on price, I said they could have mine for the week for $2.6 million, but they declined my offer. Shame.
  10. As soon as I read "Super-car X" I thought Elon Musk must be up to it again. ANYWAY, I like your axles, but as others have said the engine should be positioned either in front of the rear axle or behind the front axle.
  11. @kbalage.....My relationship with the blown highlights in your picture is the same as my relationship with cilantro.... I don't know if I love or hate them. What iris are you shooting at?
  12. Looks good! My internet is terrible so I cant (currently) watch the vid, but it is pretty good from an aesthetic point of view!
  13. As the centrifugal force during cornering could be compared to uneven traction therefore abnormalities in the driving surface causing uplift of one of the wheels I simply chose the bump example for simplicity. Some students I have tutored found the idea of centrifugal force in an object not tied to a stick by a string difficult to grasp, and I wish to make no assumptions about TeamThrift’s age or grasp of the subject. :)
  14. Not quite. the anti roll bar should have a certain amount of give, like a large shock absorber of sorts. The give of the roll bar simply isn’t as large as that of the standard shocks on both sides, so there is independent suspension but if the car goes over a large bump, depressing the independent shocks and therefore the roll bar to more than it can withhold it acts as a solid connection between both wheels, preventing rolling. Hope that helps.
  15. I built something like that almost a year ago now. Good work though, a different approach. EDIT: I found an old pic of a primarily complete version.
  16. Merry Christas folks. Got some new headphones + some other audio stuff. Nothing new Lego-wise.
  17. I know, I was just taking a quick pic in the natural light of the room; I wasn't going for anything special.
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