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Eurobricks Vassals
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About blueshift12

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    Star Wars

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    United States

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  1. The VS-08 Hoverfly VTOL craft is a common sight on many colony worlds, with many modified from their original scout configuration to serve in roles as diverse as couriers, light transport craft and military interceptors. This one is still in a relatively stock configuration, and is used for mineral prospecting on the barren surface of Upsilon-VII I found one of these very odd pieces in a used lot I recently acquired, and decided to try to build a spacecraft around it. This was the result.
  2. I love the back legs on this. The whole thing has such a heavy but playful look, very cool all around.
  3. Great build! I really like the use of swords for the wings on the sides. It's also nice to see how you've run with the vintage car design and kept modifying it; I liked your Ideas model so much that I bought it off of Bricklink (darn TLG and their inability to keep anything I want to spend $85 on in stock), but the bumper on this is already tempting me to mod it.
  4. This is a really cool idea! While it's a bit bulkier than a blockade runner, it has a lot of the same aesthetic qualities. It almost feels like a mix of a classic Corellian corvette and the New Republic prison ship from the Mandalorian.
  5. To reiterate what everyone else is saying, just wow. I love that this is in Kobelco blue-green; as an American that also has a hobby of photographing heavy equipment (when I'm not building/photographing LEGOs), I have lamented the weird obsession American heavy equipment companies have with yellow/orange equipment. I love seeing photos of the real-life versions of these sorts of excavators and this is beyond a perfect model of one.
  6. A: 7-2-3 B: 8-3-9
  7. I have no idea what is wrong with the photos; they somehow look fine on my end logged in and logged out on multiple devices, although given that I used brickshelf this doesn't surprise me. I was busy graduating from college so I just saw this message.
  8. Everything about this is great. I love how you even went through the trouble of making the location for the lighthouse look more realistic.
  9. After Emmett made it through the crystal asteroid field, Benny realized that he could modify the 60059 logging truck to grab the crystals to use for decorations in the newly reunited Bricksburg. My entry to the Benny's Spaceship Building Academy contest is a bit simple, and was done using LDraw because I still don't have my full parts collection with me at college. Unfortunately, the only sets I have lying around are a space shuttle and a TIE fighter... Anyway, here's my rather zany-looking entry: Original set image (from Brickset): Main image: More images: Please let me know if the images I attached are too big or if the files are messed up; the post editor is different from what I last remembered The LDraw File will be in this Brickshelf gallery, when public: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=577326
  10. I don't think I've ever seen a SpongeBob MOC that holds my attention like this. It captures the ridiculous spirit of the show so well, and, as others have already said, the part usage is incredible. Congrats on the front page, you deserve it!
  11. That is an excellent solution for compact suspension and steering. I bet you could make the wheels spin freely by sticking a technic pin 1/2 on the end of those t-bars and using a wheel with a pin hole in it, but I feel like that may compromise the looks and posability, although I'm not sure and I'd be tempted to try it. Definitely worthy of being a display model though; I love your solution for the satellite dish as well, I don't think I've seen that before and it looks great!
  12. This is just amazing. I remember seeing some older MOCs of Serenity and its nice to see that you took advantage of some newer parts. That front shot is especially satisfying for some reason.
  13. This is beautiful! It has such clean lines, especially for a build with very few right angles to speak of, and your photography is amazing too!
  14. Thanks! That was the look I was going for, so I'm glad you agree.
  15. This is a small hoverbike I made while messing around with the classic tricycle chassis that is now mostly used on Star Wars speeder bikes. I had been messing around a little with it on and off for months, and finally decided to finish it off a couple of days ago. It's not much, but I feel like it has a different look from the Star Wars speeders while still retaining some of the design features.
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