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Everything posted by nychase

  1. Thread Bump! I Collected the parts for this back in 2017 and finally built it. Its fantastic. I collected enough pod bottoms to be able to change out the colors for seasons as it certainly tends to mesmerize anyone who sees it. I will say, constructing the main gear train can get fiddly but I don't see a way to make it easier. I will also say that I was under the impression that the timing couldn't get screwed up as everything would just be set to somewhere in the cycle but that wasn't the case. My first 4 and last 5 were on totally different patterns. What I did was pull the top 1x15 liftarms right above the gears (that lock the side to side movement) and then spread the 40t mechanisms apart on each arm giving enough slack to manually adjust the gears and set them all to top dead center across all 9. Once everything was set to that timing it works perfectly and can operate in forward or reverse. Also bonus, now that 6 years have gone by there is finally enough supply for the pod bottoms again!
  2. @bricklets Do you have any desire to post more pictures or did you happen to make a digital file as you went along? Would love to get instructions for this and it wouldn't exactly be the first time we have reverse engineered from Akiyuki ;)
  3. Did anyone happen to download all the models that were in this thread?? I'm specifically looking for the 4506 "Deep Sea Creatures" models which had 9 possible builds. Unfortunately, if you have never built them its an incredibly frustrating assortment of parts because you can ALMOST build most of them without overlap and then just a few parts are used. The instructions do not make it obvious which models can be built simultaneously. I did already check the Ldraw forums. Thanks.
  4. Are you just talking about the pole reversers with the black switch? Turns out I have 11 of them sitting here (they were never used in most models as the battery box could do almost the same thing) so thats good. So I'm clear then, basically everything here are mods to akiyukis real type two train system and the instructions he published 2 years ago. So I could start by building that setup and then make the mods after I realize the same flaws? Since Akiyuki published the .mpd has anyone updated them with all the mods?....@berthil for some reason this strikes me as something you would have already done. From there its easy(easier) to make instructions and I prefer to build from the CAD file anyway when possible (if its stepped).
  5. I just wanted to take a minute to Thank everyone that has come through these 109 pages and contributed to what is here now. When I first started collecting for these modules I had a 6 month old and no space (living in the city). I now have a almost 6 year old and a very large empty basement. I would also like to thank Berthil for his continued work on GBC modules both Akiyuki and his own designs (rainbow wave, powered marble run, tensegrity, ball factory redo). I believe I have 30 modules that the greater area of Wisconsin will eventually benefit from seeing in action!
  6. OK I have a loaded question here. I am jumping back in after a bit of time off from Lego's and noticed these Version 2 trains (or at least thats what most of this topic is about). I originally collected parts for Blakbird/Courbet's Version 1 train full setup (but didn't build) and Im gathering from some of the people that built it that it wasn't the most reliable (hence Akiyuki himself starting over). So....Do I part that out and start over with Version 2? It should be mentioned I'm no stranger to doing this...on my most recent MOC collection of parts (to build other people's custom MOCS) 4 of the MOC's were "rebuilds" (Berthil's ball factory, Cup to Cup v1, and two RoscoPC F1 cars...yes Berthil, you and I have very similar tastes). You can see why MOCplans existed years ago. Question 2, and perhaps the bigger question....unless I'm missing it, is there a single entry that organizes all the the MOD's to akiyuki V2 trains implementing all of the improvements to let it run full time? Most of these Mods are improvement OVER akiyukis published instructions correct? Thanks all
  7. So I'm gonna be that guy and dredge up an old topic for a second. First, to clear this debate without pictures... unless you force me.....I can tell you for an absolute and unequivocal fact that set 8674 had light bluish grey insides to the wheel barrels despite having the exact same metallic silver outers that match the other 4 sets that had theses wheels. All of those other sets wheels are fully metallic silver. Second, that's what dropped me here. I'm in the process of removing paint from some parts that I have that had been painted. In my case it was a spray paint but a 24 hour soak in 91% rubbing alcohol and the paint just comes right off. Now, even though I hate to admit it....I want to repaint some parts. Years ago I had sent my collection of RoscoPC F1 models to blakbird when we were going to release instructions for them (I lived in NYC at the time and didn't have the room to build them). When he built them he painted the front wheels on a few of the models that were supposed to match the large metallic silver wheels that rosco uses on the back of every model. While it was a good paint job....it simply doesn't match. Does anyone know where I can get some one to perfectly paint match these wheels so the match the rears? Did any of the (now banned) lego chrome shops do the metallic colors? Where are they now?
  8. Question for everyone here. I've had my roller coaster built for approximately 9 months. In that time its been in my finished basement with absolutely no sunlight and minimal lights-on in general. Looking at the set today I noticed that a significant number of the parts are yellowed (as if they were in the sun) but not consistently. One part could be yellow and the part connected to it be bright white. The set has only been built once so there is no possible explanation that I'm aware of for this. Further, I thought that newer legos were protected against the yellowing that the old space sets experienced. Anyone have an issue with this???
  9. I saw this last night....I felt we all deserved to see it. 1. First you frantically collect everything, amassing a collection the size of a small sun. 2. Then one fine day you can't sleep at night thinking, "great Scott, what have I done?" 3. Then you frantically sell everything, parting with a collection the size of a large planet. Maybe even doing a little dance, and thinking how for once, "Step 3: Profit!" actually applies. 4. Then one fine day you can't sleep at night thinking, "great Scott, what have I done?!" The only difference between 4 and 2 is that you have enough room for a bed to weep in. A negligible and fleeting consolation at best, since the very next step is, invariably, "goto 1".
  10. Took me nearly 20 mins to find that part. Searching every possible description. What made it much worse is the stock color shown in the BL catalog is trans neon green which doesn't really jump out as your scrolling through hundreds of items. Answer is...Hero Factory Weapon Barrel
  11. Just wondering if you've made any progress on the instructions for this fabulous model? ;)
  12. I have 28, obtained through various sources and reasons. Most recently (2 months ago) someone on Ebay listed 4 of them for 7.50 each....jackpot. That being said, haven't built anything with them....just keep collecting them as I come across them.
  13. Spare Parts.....over 1M ....not even a question...I keep thinking I have them for a reason but the reality is its time to sell them off. In addition, a MOC collection 2nd to only Blakbird and nearly every Technic set ever (some omissions for recent non-flagship sets).
  14. Jaap, I purchased the plans from you as well. Are you planning on making plans for the VW escort Van still? I think that would really complete the package. Also, I think you should post the parts list for the noteboom extension on your site as I didn't get it until after I had purchased the instructions (and I had already purchased the parts). Either way, thanks again, fantastic model, sorting the parts as we speak!
  15. Paul, any chance your going to alter the instructions to include these new mods you made? I'm liking the look of the T-tops and headlights!
  16. Thats some great advice. I did end up buying the marbles which I mentioned in another thread (I think the main akiyuki thread). Good to know about the Delrin Plastic Balls too...looks like a perfect alternative.
  17. You and me both Rohan, I've been going after the pink 40t clock gear for 5 years. I have had the wanted list listing for ever and the two clocks I've purchased have NOT had the correct pink gears. I just recently got a blue 40tooth and also have a dark grey. I have a stupid number of black (130) white (110) Red (150) and Green (120) though which I really don't need (old pic) Couple of things stand out that you need: the tan 24tooth gear -- white, black, red 12tooth singles. Black 16tooth clutch Blue, dbg and dark turqouise engine pistons (got a set of 16!), Quite a few pins with bush (white, orange, green, light grey (not lbg). Another holy grail part is the 3l pin with friction in WHITE. Also, the white clutch gear with Light grey inner (only on 8479 barcode truck and impossible to try and buy since its not listed as a different part). Now your inspiring me to take a pic of all my rare ones!
  18. There are at least 50 colors on bricklink, this has 37 (if I counted correctly). Lots of options!
  19. I.....LOVE....THIS. Please make instructions, or perhaps Courbet would like to. Its both unique enough and visually stimulating to fit right in with the other akiyuki's.
  20. And that made my day....currently have number 2 in the oven.
  21. Alright so now I'm being called out but I really wasn't trying to start a battle here. Eric and Jay are right, there is a large difference between using parts that is known to be lego compatible and in no way mistakable for authentic (i.e. Firgelli on Jennifer Clarks Demag which is what i'm being called out for) vs these blatant knockoffs of real parts. I really was trying to highlight the bigger issue here rather than just the one case with the one white version. Do any of us really want to start receiving knock off parts??? Does anyone here actually check if all their bushes are REAL lego....probably not, but you would feel real stupid if you paid 2 or 3 dollars for fake black half bushes. Bottom line, I love the model, wasn't meaning to offend anyone, just trying to adjust everyone to the harsh reality that our prized collections stand a real chance at being alot less valuable if we let these knock-offs invade our world and dilute the brand we all love.
  22. While I agree the white looks good....I think it would start us down a bad path to celebrate models with non-authentic lego parts. I'm certainly not trying to hijack this topic (have already collected to build the scorpion) but its a slippery slope and I know I don't want to start receiving decool or lepin parts in my next bricklink order. How long will it be before some bricklink seller lists white panels as "rare/htf" only to find out they aren't even lego. Just imagine if this white one is sold on ebay, the next guy tears it apart and never knew that there were some non-lego parts on the model. Mind you, I've never seen these fake legos to know if I would instantly know like how mega bloks just feel different but I'm not liking where this is going. Its like bedbugs, once you have them and they mix with your stuff it will be a tedious process to rid yourself of them completely.
  23. Same....I didn't want to report it because I thought I was the only one. Its utterly annoying.
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