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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by nychase

  1. Umm... Thats pretty much what the wanted list is for. The best thing is to remove any prices, and condition requirements and then query the shops. In addition, your life will be much, much easier if you just buy partial quantities from shops so after you query you still need to click to show all items from wanted list. That way even if they don't have the full quantity you can pick up partials and get that much closer. Most MOC's need about 15 orders to make it all happen...very rarely is it more. Also, What parts are you talking about being rare on his backhoe. Its "next in line" for me and I don't see anything truley rare...just some that are expensive (PP wheels).
  2. No, its not intended that way. I would never ask someone like Paul to shut down his site. This is meant to be complimentary to anyone with their own site and a great gift to those who don't. In addition, if all starts going smoothly, I would love to set the site up so that anyone who has already purchased instructions (and designers confirm the purchase) prior to the launch of MOCplans will be able to have access to those instructions through MOCplans as well...although that could take quite a while.
  3. Yes, its been a while...but it was a tumultuous month with not much good to report on. That being said, checkout the MOCplans.com website out, I just updated the post to update everyone on the current status. Hopefully as the site starts to be used I will have more and more updates to post about.
  4. Well... I probably should have made a blog post over at the MOCplans splash page but I will be trying out demo's of the working site this week. If all goes well I will be placing these cars and a few others up available for purchase until the site is opened up to a larger "beta" group. Considering this is full on e-commerce I really want the site to work properly before I open the floodgates. The large delay was due to a complete rework of the back-end when we realized that the commerce platform we were using would not have let us deal with the plans and associated copyright protections the way we wanted to have them dealt with in the long-run. Essentially months of progress down the drain but a necessary evil to make sure that what actually launches is a quality product. I want this running just as much as everyone else. EDIT: I updated the MOCplans blog...as its been far too long.
  5. Call me crazy....but since the set is technic, and your name is TechnicFreak...and the set is THAT dusty, then isn't it time you take it apart, clean the parts, and then enjoy rebuilding it? When I have a set thats too dusty it gets taken apart and then rebuilt...although most times a new model replaces it. Nothing, and I mean nothing works better than some dishsoap and some water with the occasional use of a toothbrush for bricks (Im looking at you 8880).
  6. Not to be super picky Parda, You ski colors are off for all your arctic guys. The should be either red or yellow with matching poles. Also, shouldn't your Diver have his tank and snorkle? I do find it funny that you don't like the smoked helmet covers so you put the clear on so we can see all their faces!
  7. I know where 80 of the worlds supply are. Plus of course the 8 for my own JS220.
  8. I know this is opening up an old thread... I actually have 2 mindsensors that are brand new that I stumbled across. One is the NXT vision Cam. The Mobo says V1.1 but I don't know if thats actually V2 or something. I also have the RCX to NXT adapter. If anyone is interested just PM me.
  9. Not trying to make anyone in the Euro zone angry but in the US those motors are 9.99USD. If you buy 4 of them they drop the price to 8.99, if you buy 8 they drop it further to 8.49 (which is 6.38 Euro). Thats why a couple of those US sellers have so many and so cheap.
  10. DAMN.. you have me beat. I have now purchased 13 of them in the last 2 years. Parted 2 out, Sold 1, 3 for sale...and plenty left. Never paid more than 100USD for any of them and that includes the MISB one I just got. Total collection?... you wouldn't believe it if I said.
  11. Wow... bravo. That was no small amount of work. I didn't realize how much hose that model used! Thank you for your work!
  12. The answer is: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemIn.asp?P=2909c02&colorID=5&in=A They are exactly the same as the 8466 ones except in Red.
  13. I saw you mention this before and I didn't say anything then. If re-creating lego bricks was simple then wouldn't we all be using the fake chinese counterparts that are rare in "real" legos? The answer is no, because everyone, including children can tell the difference...and there will ALWAYS be a difference. For the purposes of MOC's sure, some people might but I think most wouldn't even consider it. Thats not to say that we don't all do it already.... I doubt anyone here uses 100% lego string and pneumatic tubing...and yet still you can tell the difference right away. I guess my point is, viable alternitives have already exisited and despite that they have not invaded to the degree you assume 3D printing will.
  14. How did this slip past David?!? http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=519344 I am sure that Rosco is working on getting pictures of the built version on his Brickshelf but I felt that everyone needed to see the new member of the family!! I personally am in love with this design not only because its the only US built F1 car ever but because its similar (but not even remotely the same) to the 66 lotus which we all like as well. Plus, the Dk blue is just sexy.
  15. I looked up this post just now and noticed this last post. Would there be a large interest in doing something like this? As Eric and I have some of the larger MOC collections we had actually talked about doing this more formally but didn't come to any concrete conclusions. I guess you could say we are already doing it considering there are a few F1 cars of mine sitting in Seattle.
  16. Speaking of this car.... I actually have a copy of it that I picked up in a bulk purchase and I would be willing to part with it. If anyone is interested just PM me and we can work something out.
  17. I have about 30 of them in my parts stash... and have obtained them through all sorts of means (ebay finds) and have never had a dead or even dying one. If I were to put "dead motor odds" it would be like this Micromotor = 1 in 2.5-3 9V with reduction = 1 in 15 Buggy = 1 in ~ (none dead that I have ever encountered)
  18. When I started collecting this problem vexed me as well. What I can tell you is that the older hoses not only look slightly different but they feel and bend differently as well. If you have spent a decent bit of time with genuine lego pnuematic hose you will be able to tell when you pick up the old hose. Its kinda like when you pick up a slope and automatically feel for the rough surface and if you don't feel it you know there might be a megablock in your parts.
  19. I have to be honest...thats some of the best news I have heard. I was planning on building a statue of liberty base but to give it more realism I figured I would mix the greys...and even throw in yellowed old greys since I was going for the washed out stone look. I have already ordered the parts so I am glad to know that this ends up looking good!
  20. Richard really would be the best person to contact about this project. As you can see in that other thread he already accomplished much of what you would like to do. Part of what makes the model so great is the studded construction of the undercarriage so it would be a shame to convert it to studless. I have collected all the parts needed to build Eric's screenshot above but I will be making some of the changes that Richard made in order to modernize some of the components. I already have the Firgelli Actuators (which I have talked about in other posts) needed to swap for the main boom (instead of Jennifer's Lead Screw design...which Richard was lucky enough to have machined for him). The only other challenge is the boom extension...but I can't really say for sure if I can make it work (without the other proprietary lead screw) until I build it in person. ( I have exhaustively examined the CAD's but can't be sure) My end-goal was very similar to yours in that the changes I make could be sent over to Eric and have him (with Jennifers cooperation) eventually get instructions going with off the shelf parts (except for that actuator!). I will get going on this project since I have been dying to build it.
  21. Based on the traffic over at MOCplans.com ....easily...and I mean easily ....Netherlands. France has half as many page views. Interestingly Italy actually has more than Netherlands but I suspect that has more to do with the pending release of Rosco's F1 cars.
  22. Yeah... I assumed someone would call me out on that. It looks like a early 2013 release. Great things are worth waiting for right???
  23. I was skiing in the Pocono Mountain area and 2 days before Xmas a listing popped up on ebay for some MISB sets. After talking with the guy he had 28 sets that we made a deal on for less than 25% of their value. He lived only 30 mins from where I was skiing. The hardest part was getting all of our stuff to fit with the new bounty of legos on the way home. I managed to keep every box in PERFECT condition! The best ones? 5571 (Giant Truck) MISB for 125 and 7191 (StarWars X-Wing UCS) MISB for 150
  24. Go away for one weekend and this cat gets let out of the bag! I can say that this is the ONE time where I didn't have to make a single order to build this model when I got the inventory. I am of course cheating since I was collecting the parts for this model for 2 years before I got my hands on the proper inventory. That being said, this model was the reason that I HAD to buy the 40 tooth black gears 2 years ago...and once I had the 8 I needed I thought I would stop buying them...I have over 80 now (NOT including the ones pulled out for this fantastic model) which in retrospect seems like overkill.
  25. I also consider you to be one of the best MOCers out there. This model is no exception! I think its fabulous that you are taking the time to release instructions and if successfull hope it to become a trend. There are certainly some models I would LOVE to have on display! I .. WILL be building this as well... Chrome Block City will be getting some good business soon!
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