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Everything posted by nychase

  1. I know I was just talking to a very well known and well respected builder on this forum and he was mentioning the same thing. The worst part, you don't need to be bilingual to to read some of the other forums and generally understand what is being said. Its as simple as pressing the translate button from google. It is jaw dropping some of the things that some very prominent users on this forum say on their "home" forums. Its the internet...at what point did you think you could hide?
  2. They will be greatly appreciated! A wonderful small scale model that everyone will love to build.
  3. After seeing how this thread has developed I wanted to perhaps elaborate on my definition of the word "interesting" For a while I had the A-Model 8288 on display in my office. So what I did was recreate the classic Empire state building picture with the guys on the Iron Girders. The difference with my recreation is that because many of the figures have mustaches I decided to interpret them as...in love with each-other rather than just eating lunch(no pun intended). It typically was a riot for anyone who walked in and took the time to see what they were really doing. Then again depending on who I had coming in there were times that I cleaned up their poses.
  4. Hell just go to china. Patents aren't even enforced there. Just ask Apple.
  5. I was looking at that too. The thing is... they really don't have anything that can act in its stead so its possible that it will come back as needed. When I was a kid I got one 40T red on a silly bioncle set and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. When I came out of my dark ages I still thought they were cool so I started to try and collect as many as I could. I easily have over 300 of them (in various colors) including over 40 black ones!
  6. Pretty much the Golden Rule of Technic Building!! Its surprisingly easy to make the smallest mistake that stops everything from working! BTW... Jurgen Im not sure you knew this but someone recently was able to sell your modified version of the 8043 on ebay for just shy of 300 bucks. Looks like people know your work! (or they know the value of the extra parts...haha).
  7. For the sake of being "that guy" and because I just collected all of them. There are a few things missing. Number one I think hes missing the Scuba guy with mask and tank from 8250. Also, a couple of his skiers should have yellow skis and red skis/poles. Other than that...looking good. Edit: Ok, hes not missing the scuba guy...but the scuba guy is missing his mask and tank.
  8. I generally loathe actual minifigures for whatever reason (probably because I am technic fan). That being said I recently undertook collecting all of the Technic minifigures with their accurate accessories. No supprise that the 8457 "power puller driver" was by far the most expensive. I think they are fantastic though. I tend to put them in ...interesting... positions on display in my office just for the humor.
  9. Its the oddest thing. I was strolling along EB and I BUMPED into this thread. Oops. Seriously though, if you are a EB member then you owe it to everyone (including yourself) to vote for this model. All the time we complain that Lego doesn't listen to us...this could be the "shot heard around the world". 602 votes isn't gonna make it happen!
  10. Not that I am a system builder but I do collect many parts. Try getting one of those non-recessed tiles off the middle of a big plate or baseplate. HA. Like trying to get the 1x5 liftarms seperated from the 1x5 liftarms with studs and axle holes Thank you 8466 for that sweet part combo...
  11. Pneumatic Cylinder Brackets!!! Or, Yellow Panels! And finally, Trans Red 2x2 Round Bricks Small list eh?
  12. There are worse offenses out there with the $1 per piece catagory. 3713 in black () are ridiculously hard to find and buy and are in the 1 dollar range to get any decent quantity. And add to that the fact that near every MOC uses them. Then again, finding that same part in blue is even harder to find.
  13. 14) 4 Votes 13) 2 Votes 2) 1 Vote
  14. As Danohh said, Buy the 2m string. Im not trying to screw the guy with the 5m string for sale ;) but, you don't even need the 5m. In fact, the 2m was a direct replacement for the 5m after the model went out of production. If you read through the instructions you will see that you never need a length of string longer than 175cm for any part of the crane. I think its somthing like 175, 175 and 50? So you would still need three lengths of string, but could get away with two 2m and one 1m.
  15. Whoa... I wouldn't even consider that. You are...MUCH better off downloading Brickstore and using that to inventory the sets. I purchased a bulk auction (I do often) and there were 6 different harry potter sets to sort (it was a mindstorms auction believe it or not). Just download the software and click import (change it to all sets) and then enter the set number. You can manipulate the parts in a million different ways and have an easy to sort list to check BL for prices/availability. You wont regret the 10 mins it takes to get familiar with that program. Plus, its basically mandatory when trying to build custom MOC's.
  16. You should click the link in his post. There is a whole world of information waiting for you on the other side. For the record, the yellow one you were referring to was 8250 (aka 8299). The white was was the 8480 (Space Shuttle) B-model And the other boat was 8839
  17. I really wanted 8145 (the Ferrari 599) for a long time. I finally found an auction last year that I thought might stay in my price range (it was mint with unused stickers). But, after spending 175 bucks I had to say I was 100% let down. Complete waste of time and space that model is. I am sad to say I am not so excited for real technic sets these days. I own every one of them at this point (and in some cases up to 7 of each). I tend to get excited about building MOC's though. Grazis Tow Truck and Bigfoot, Barmans V8, Hans Snowgroomer, Lowloader and of course 6x6. All of those pale in comparison to my excitement of building JC's Baldwin Crane. Its taken me 2 months to collect the parts but I should start building it soon!
  18. You may find Jennifer Clarkes information from her Demag AC50 quite helpful. JC Baldwin Crane Also, Thomas Avery has built a few cranes in his day Thomas Avery Models And I don't remember how I found this but for what its worth this also has usefull information David Wegmuller Hope this helps!
  19. Well...despite many begs this one finally pushed me over the "I don't wanna sign up for another service" ledge. I will happily support Paul to get this model into production.
  20. Dannnohhh... Sounds like you have alot of experience with with this crane. Care to share any pictures of a modified version thats twice as tall with the members??? For the record, quite a few of the parts I mentioned needing to rebuild those two cranes came from ^^^ that ^^^ guy. Luckily, hes a good guy! I also stocked up on boat weights for the very same reason as recommended to me by Dannnohhh.
  21. I was away on vacation so I missed this very relevant thread. I think that Technic Freak and I have quite a bit in common. I noticed the spike in 8288 prices around a month or two ago and actually decided to "re-part" 2 of them out of some of my stock and then buying what else was needed. I already had the links (I think I have 2k) so that was a huge chunk to not worry about. But with instructions and all I ended up paying 80 bucks to build two of them. A huge part of that being possible was that both the 31 and 41 strings were re-released this year which means prices were falling. Now, am I going to wisely sell them, take my profit and run? No...I just can't bring myself to do it. Funny story though, 8288 was one of the first sets I bought after my dark-ages so I bought a MISB (I didn't know any better) for 110 off BL. I never opened it because before I even received it I had found one on Craigslist for 20 bucks (complete with instructions). Needless to say, the MISB one is worth quite a bit (especially after I noticed a few (mentioned) on ebay go for 800's), and the used one is now worth 200 or more. Just crazy prices. Then again, just ask how many 8466's I have ;). Never paid over 100 for any of them. And you could NEVER re-part those.
  22. You can count another one on the USA train. I havn't actually "met" any one else though. I did meet one guy that seemed like he was pretty into technic 10 years ago because he sold me all his stuff and he kept saying he purchased it all off "Brick-Bay"...haha. That being said, I walk a very fine line between collector and enthusiast/builder. Its a real tough call some days. I do wish I had the ability to meet more people. Any upcoming trips to NYC anybody?
  23. Ok, Done. Although I will say that was hardly a perfect process either. I think the problem is more that the ldd file was not complete anyway. Nevertheless, the discrepancies were all cosmetic rather than anything else. Thank you for that information.
  24. Yeah...about that. Am I crazy or is LDD super impossible to use. I mean, great, it has nice graphics for the building instructions but what I really need is a FULL parts list for brickstore and frankly the ability for everything to show up properly. Unless I missed something, when I loaded the file it was missing many of the upper parts and was also built with different panels than what were pictured. When I quickly searched how to convert ldd to mlcad it was even worse. More parts were missing. Anyone have any experience...I would love to build this model and place it next to Grazi's Big Foot....mainly because this one actually drives!
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