Everything posted by nychase
Technic Transition Talk
nychase replied to Siegfried's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI read this forum every few hours... I don't see any reason at all to change the current setup as there is nowhere near enough traffic in MOC's, technic or strictly model team to not be able to glance through it all. Lets think about his for a second...what really defines model team? To me, its just putting a nice facade on a frame (be it of other bricks, technic bricks, or technic beams). When people say that Model Team isn't relevant I have to ask...What would you call the most recent works of Sariel, or Grazis Tow truck or anything by Jennifer Clark. I would call it a technic marvel of engineering WITH the beautiful finishing touches that we all wished we took the time to do. I am not saying that non-brick based finishes (like Sheepos/crowkillers) can't be executed just as well, I am just saying that you can't spin-off model team without leaving some of the greatest MOC's torn between two homes. My vote is for no change at all. There is neither too much or too little (thanks DLuders) to view on any given day. I enjoy the random reviews of both the old Model Team sets equally as much as the Technic of any age (though Technicopedia has a way of making any other Technic review jealous).
Porsche 911 (997) Turbo Cabriolet PDK
nychase replied to Sheepo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modeling+1 to the Veyron as well as the 997. I also emailed you just because I am looking forward to the possibility of CAD files. I have recently started piggy-backing on some of Blakbirds work and both of your cars are at the Very top of the list. Ok, I lied, currently Grazi's Tow truck and Big Foot are higher although that is only because of the work Blakbird put in. Cheers to you!
How to keep your Lego clean?
nychase replied to chaosof99's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingTake Apart, warm water with a little bit of soap, multiple rinsing's and then air dry on a towel. By far the best way to keep things looking perfect. Time consuming ...? Yes But, aren't you supposed to be very familiar with the models and how they work anyway?
Black Cat 5571 Stupid Lt Grey Window Frame
Why ....WHY is that window frame GREY?!?! I am referring to I ask this because I recently "got lucky" and won an bulk ebay auction that had 5563 in absolute junk condition but also had 5571 sitting in a box (not pictured and not mentioned). As icing on the cake there were an extra 4 of the 68.8 wheels also in that box. Anyway, after glancing through the parts I noticed that I actually had that grey window frame as needed to make the model of the hinge holders had broken off and the piece was useless. So after checking the part I realized what I am sure all of us have realized at some point or another...this just happened to be one of those parts that for silly reasons is unbelievably rare and will never be made again (due to the color change). Regardless of the rarity I started thinking about what else I could do with this new found bounty of wheels (16 in all) and 99% parts needed to make 5571 and I remembered Grazi's tow truck. I looked it up and I will certainly be gathering the needed parts but as I looked through pictures of the model I noticed that sure enough, he had used a red window frame in place of the grey one. I went to checking other MOC adaptations of 5571 and I have to say, at least 50% use a red frame. So I ask, the middle of a red stripe design...with a FULL red window on the opposite side, did lego ever use a grey frame for that part?!?!
How rpm regulate PF Medium motor in simple way?
nychase replied to Superkalle's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingThats a really nice V8 you got there I recently tried this setup and was troubled to find out that the Train Regulator only modulates the speed in steps. I grew up with a vast assortment of HO trains which offer infinite speed variations so I dont know why lego never did the same (mixing lego and trains at that age would have surly suffocated any hope I had at being normal )
How to store Lego instructions?
I can say with a fair bit of authority that this works very well. I also purchased some of the "file boxes" (In my case from staples) and they are perfect. I also use regular "letter" sized hanging folders with the tabs to tell me which set is inside. I have hundreds of technic sets and most are larger so this works very well to keep things CRISP, safe and organized (plus easy access). One thing to mention...letter sized hanging files are actually A4 which works perfectly as all old instructions and some current are A4 sized. Just trust me on this...I had all the instructions in their own plastic covers but that didn't always work (multiple books per model, one book just way to big...etc.)
Most valuable technic set.
nychase replied to davidmull's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingCare to share one with a fellow collector? I don't normally look for MISB because I prefer to actually play with the model rather than get totally caught up in the investment. Regardless...good for you...that was a crazy good deal. Does S@H do those kind of deals often?
Most valuable technic set.
nychase replied to davidmull's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingAs many of you know I have quite a collection... From my experience so far the 8145 Ferrari has been one of the most expensive sets to buy second hand despite just how new it is. I have every other technic except for some of the very early models (late 70's). I can't explain why it is so much, I don't know why the 1:8 Ferrari is less...I just know that I have had a hell of a time getting the 8145 for less than 200. As a bonus, on March 28 someone snagged a 8145 for BIN 100 bucks with box, instructions and all parts. Talk about a slap in the face! Valuable though? I think that 5571 MISB is very very high up on that list (Yes I know thats not Technic). What Eric didn't mention about 8858 and 8847 is that they both use very rare pieces. Its not the piston heads like you might think (I have plenty), its the proper slope bricks without center studs or some of the other mold changes that occurred over the years. Unlike what we do with most incomplete can't just part these back together and have them be period correct (kinda like using the correct friction pins).
8868 without box?
nychase replied to davidmull's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingYou are being far far too fussy. I have endlessly struggled with the debate over 1)completeness of the set (as an investment) vs 2)having the set to enjoy as the toy it was meant to be. The truth is, sometimes its just not worth it to try and "rebuild" each set just because you started with most of it. I understand what you are trying to do with making the white bricks white but trying to have the most complete USED box is just going too far. The only way to ensure that you have a completely accurate and perfect example is to buy MISB...but then you don't enjoy the model for what it really is. Its funny that you mention this exact set as I also just had an encounter with one. Up until recently I owned 4 examples of 8868 none I paid less than 100 dollars for. Two I purchased on Bricklink, 1 on ebay, and 1 more I tried to "rebuild" from a junkyard lot on ebay (thank GOD the small pneumatic cylinder was present or else financially it just wasn't going to happen). Anyway, just a month ago I saw a post online (craigslist) for 8868 for 50 bucks (box,instructions,tray perfect and unused sticker sheet). Sure enough, the cleanest and most perfect copy I now own was just a random find online. My point is you want to collect the legos because you want to have an investment? or because you love the toy and even used models tend to not LOSE value. I personally have still not figured that out...and continue to live by "the more the merrier" Besides, boxes are worthless for anything but the investment in legos...and taking up wayyyy too much space.
disk brakes
nychase replied to SNIPE's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingJust thinking out loud here. What if you used both the larger pulley and the smaller one (with the holes) Depending on which side you are trying to make "look" like the real thing the smaller pulley would look like a cross drilled rotor. Further, you might be able to put "pads" on the larger pulley to really finish the look. Large pulley
Review: 8457 Technic Power Puller
nychase replied to mostlytechnic's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingFantastic review, I JUST purchased this set friday as it was one of the very last few that I don't have (currently control center one and 8145 Ferrari are left). I am thankful for such thorough review and I am glad that people to continue to go back and review the sets that someones (unbelievably fantastic ;)) website hasn't caught up to yet. Just for my own sanity, aren't the tires for Power puller the same size as 8466?
H: a few sets and around 100,000 other bricks/items
Id be interested in the technic and the parts. I don't have anything to trade except greenbacks. Where in the US are you? I am in NYC. If you can PM then please do... I don' think I can still. I would want to see pics though.
Storage and Sorting LEGO
Just want to add my 2 cents. I have just finished adding near as makes no difference over 100,000 bricks to my collection. Most of my collection is in set form without original boxes so the parts stay in freezer bags with the set number on the label. Why freezer? ... simple, its a thicker plastic and highly resistant to punctures (which is a real problem with those rogue 1x16 technic bricks). All those bags just go into big storage bins and are stacked. Parts are another story. For the bulk of the parts I have them in these containers. Stanley makes three kinds, although the other two "professional" ones allow for the cups to be removed (certainly easier for emptying) they are not resizable and thus are less helpful when you have vastly different quantities of items. I also have a few of those old Technic cases from the universal set for the more rare parts. The rest of the bricks? well thankfully after reading this I finally have a solution I can live with. The bins that are mentioned previously as being "shoebox sized" are still available from walmart for a still reasonable $1.07 a bin (link). I purchased these for the bricks and other items that are just too large for sorted containers. I will post pictures later tonight when I get a chance to take some.
[REVIEW] 5590 Whirl N' Wheel Super Truck
nychase replied to FROGG's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingNew York has its good sides and its bad. I actually own a building management company here in manhattan so for a while all I had were basements to store this stuff. I just finished gutting a building which is now the home to both my office and my home...and of course my lego collection. I will certainly make sure to upload my fair share of photos from time to time but only when I feel like everyone will be ready for it. I JUST (minutes ago) closed a deal with a guy for his entire collection which was absolutely brimming with pneumatics, motors and complete suspension assemblies (multiple) from 8466...including the wheels!! He was blissfully unaware of the value of those wheels/suspension components. Like most of you though, I have very little desire to sell/profit from this hobby so "value" is a subjective term. I will leave my money making to NY real estate. One area I need to improve on is the computerized lego stuff to build others MOC's. I have an absolute love affair with Jennifer Clarks stuff and would pay big bucks to build it myself but lack the knowledge of creating the instructions. This is very odd of course as I am actually quite the computer nerd (2 miles of Cat 6 alone put into this "small" building). Hopefully I start to learn so that I can start having the collection of not just authentic legos but also the honorary mentions MOC's by some of the greats.
[REVIEW] 5590 Whirl N' Wheel Super Truck
nychase replied to FROGG's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingWARNING!!!...the following post sounds like I am gushing (which frankly I am), but I am unable to PM given my rookie status so this gets to be public. Oh wow don't even realize it but it is all YOUR fault. About a year ago when I discovered bricklink and started collecting I stumbled across Technicopedia. Hours and hours later I realized that I had quite a bit more collecting to do to "catch-up". So I started buying...skulking around for the best deals and working on both collecting raw pieces for MOCs (which oddly enough I haven't done any since before the dark ages) and collecting all the significant sets from the last 20 years. If it were not for your influence I would have never known so many unique technic creations had been produced. I sit here now and next to me is a 8660 set I just got in perfect condition on ebay for 35 bucks (box and instructions flawless) and I remembered something interesting. I emailed you last year asking about your policy on the the old style friction pins and if it was acceptable to replace them with the new style since they make it so un-enjoyable to rebuild sets from that era. You responded that no general consensus actually exists but for good measure you keep your old sets fully original. Anyway, I blamed you then and I will blame you again did this. ...and I couldn't be more thrilled. Random factoid: I have to be one of the few Technic Collectors in Manhattan...and the reason is SPACE. I luckily am blessed with plenty of it to fill with this obsession. As far as pictures go...Much as Eric can takes a VERY long time to build this many sets. Also, I just moved 2 months ago so my collection, youthful as it is, will likely take years to build.
[REVIEW] 5590 Whirl N' Wheel Super Truck
nychase replied to FROGG's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI feel obligated to share my history with this this is my first post. When I was 6 my parents bought this for me. I completed it in 2 days...which was apparently a problem for them as they didn't like how quickly it was finished. Because of this they vowed to never buy me large set ever again because they were not getting their monies worth. Truth be told....I was in heaven with that set. Fast forward to age 20, I had just had a brief period of maybe getting back into legos (technic primarily)when I was told to "box them up". In that process I finally threw away the box for 5590 which I had kept in perfect condition after all these years because I always loved that set and wished I could still build it (the pieces had long been cannibalized for MOC's). Fast forward to age 26....I somehow discovered bricklink because I wanted to have 5590 again and I couldn't keep ignoring the urge. Suffice to say I now have 6 5590's and over 200,000 pieces of Technic models acquired in the last year making up for all my lost time. Take that parents....(little did they know those legos would still be worth more than they paid all these years later). Oh and that blue 5590 kicks a$$
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