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Everything posted by fhomess

  1. I think it was a few lies built on each other. It was never intended for it to go this deep and it wasn't until it became clear that investigator was a relatively safe gambit that he actually claimed it. Exactly. This doesn't make any sense. I would bet that if Daniel and Jafar are scum, that Todd is not. That's why Daniel has concocted this. Todd knew too much already so they had to start making claims and Jafar had already committed on the tracker claim. This is nonsense. Town can very easily start to clear people without a true investigator based on actions, claims, and counterclaims... and of course, based on seeing people's alignment after they die. For evidence of this, all you need to look at are games where investigators died early. It's not hard. No... revealing investigator to the person you're going to investigate based on a potential godfather who claimed tracker isn't a sound approach. It's covering your rear.
  2. A gambit is pulled only when needed. Timing becomes adjustable when you are already in the thick of things on night 1. Based on what I know, I don't think we have a traditional investigator. They certainly would've counterclaimed by now, most likely through someone they've cleared. The scum, having found a tracker and a watcher could have extrapolated in a group this size that there may not be one and it would be a safe risk to take. Particularly if they don't have a godfather and already knew the other roles.
  3. Daniel, I didn't reply to the additional PM's because I haven't been around, and there was no point in telling you in private first after I saw what was stated publicly. You know that very well. Jasper, if you're implying that I could've known you were going to watch me and that I could've relayed that to some scum teammates I don't have, then you're not thinking about it logically. Unless you told someone you were going to target me, then no one could've known. If you were indeed blocked by the scum, then I'm sure they picked you because you told everyone your role and they figured you were dangerous. Robert and Margaret, you're both just seeing what you want to see in this. I don't blame you... investigation results are always tested. I get that. It's just been completely fabricated this time around. Since you're clearly lying. Vote: Daneil Bartell (mostlytechnic)
  4. What on earth? I tracked Daniel again last night after he sent me a bunch of PM's asking for more detail about the various night claims. He was particularly interested in Jasper's claim and lo and behold he ended up targeting Jasper last night. This investigation business is complete nonsense. Jasper, I presume you ended up watching one of us to see who targeted us?
  5. I will go ahead and state that I'm Person B in the play and willing to answer some questions. There are conversations happening behind the scenes that I think will reveal more information fairly soon. I didn't communicate with Person D, whoever that is. Any information was passed along by Person A. I'm not the prank role. This is very much true. I think when all is said and done, we'll both be glad and disappointed of it. There's a scum to be caught in here somewhere, but the scum probably have a lot of information they didn't need to have if things were handled a bit more discreetly. I asked that because Person A asked me point blank if I was the blocker. Person A left that part out of the play, which is a bit disingenuous, since the conversation at that point was around whether or not we thought Person A might be the scum killer, and if I had blocked person A, then, presumably Person A wanted to lynch Person C. Person A never stated that explicitly, but it was implied. Which makes me wonder a bit at Act 3.
  6. I don't particularly think any of the people in the play look particularly scummy based on what's written. At this point, it doesn't appear that anyone has lied about what they have or haven't done in a verifiable way.
  7. I have to say that so far, this has been an extremely disappointing day. The level of discussion is pretty minimal and while it's reasonable to not have a lot of leads this early, we can do better simply by talking more. Here's a great example from Walter: Walter comments that he's not willing to pursue a lynch on the current vote leader, Steven. That's great and all, but it doesn't really add to the discussion, it just kills it. Essentially, Walter is saying we should stop looking at Steven, but he's not offering anything new to the conversation. Furthermore, he states that scum often pile onto those bandwagons. The problem is, this bandwagon is very slow to build. So either scum aren't piling on to it, or Walter is doing his darndest to point out that HE's not piling on to it. Why doesn't he look more closely into the behavior of Cecilia, Jeffrey, or Jafar? For that, I will Vote: Walter Williams (jluck)
  8. Both of the above quotes from Daniel imply opposite perspectives on the same theory as originally stated by Hailey. Have you changed your mind, Daniel? So for the record, you don't think the scum killed Kinjobby. Noted.
  9. I agree with Walter, and we definitely have to think of all the possibilities... If there's an SK it's just as likely that they were prevented from killing their target as the scum were prevented from killing theirs. We also don't know whether or not the blocker or the doctor was successful in preventing a kill. Just because Kinjobby seems like a more likely SK target than Scum target, doesn't make it so. We can't be too careful this early.
  10. A poke vote is fine, but it does feel a bit like Daniel was trying to do more than that and then got a bit nervous about his approach. I do wonder how Daniel would feel about voting Alyssa out if she doesn't show up at all. That seems quite unlikely at this point, so it's probably moot. I'm not going to disagree with the notion that newbies often look scummy to the rest of us or the fact that newbies who look scummy can actually be scum. He very well could be scum. This does, however, look like a way for you to later explain away your vote if he comes up SHIELD.
  11. I have to say I don't feel too good about any of the lunch candidates yet. I blame Jafar for an uninspiring menu. As for the lynch candidates, Eugene's editing mistake is easily made by any player. It should most definitely not be used to suggest that he's less likely to be HYDRA because scum wouldn't make such a mistake. Scum can and do. At this point I'm reasonably content with his responses, which don't yet strike me as suspicious. Jasper seems to be... Jasper. I don't have much read on him and he's got some votes so I will follow along for now. Todd's vote seemed like an effort to get an easy lynch, which is exactly what he was accusing Jasper of. For now, I will vote Daniel Bartell (Mostlytechnic). For his aggressive behavior so far. I feel like he's trying to look townie (SHIELDy?) by casting votes casually around as poking votes. The vote for Alyssa is completely meaningless and seems like just a way to look busy, and which he will later unvote when a better option comes up later in the day or Alyssa stops by to say anything at all.
  12. I'd like to file a formal complaint with our narrator and character description author... I can't actively non-participate if you keep calling me out for it. How am I supposed to fly under the radar then? Also... if Jafar is feeding us hand-colored pretzels, it seems like it's only a matter of time before we bite the hand that feed us! Oh, and booooo Hydra!
  13. 1) Have you played a Mafia game on Eurobricks before? If not, what steps have you taken to make sure you understand the game? I think so, but my memory isn't so good these days. This is a game? 2) Will you be able to actively participate over the next 1-2 months or however long this mess goes on? Most likely, yes, although passive participation and active non-participation are more my cup of tea. 3) What is your favorite MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) film? I've never seen an MCU film.
  14. I'm going to have to sit this one out, but as for the 3rd question. Ideally, I'd like to be king!
  15. A really well hosted game, JJP. There were a few confusing bits, but overall it was excellent and the presentation was top notch. CMP is probably sick of me apologizing for lack of activity, but it was frustrating to me to be distracted with other things. When I had a family member enter the hospital the day after Christmas, things got hard. They were home for less than a week before going back, and have been there ever since. We're still not quite sure what's wrong. As for this game, I think that aside from CMP, the scum team was our own worst enemy. Jluck attracted an investigative role night 1. Cutcobra's claim and vanishing act did him in. CMP was the one who made the right decisions time and again. Our kill was dependent on the temperature indicated each day, so that's why there was no night 3 kill. With all of our roles being mirrored on the town side, I'm glad we mostly claimed vanilla and tried to whittle down the town from there. Lack of a traditional investigator or a protector were an interesting twist, although the town still had a good representation of investigative roles. I'm curious why night 1 killing was banned. That seemed to come from out of nowhere.
  16. Yeah, there's not much left to say today. Hopefully, my death will lead the block to the actual scum tomorrow.
  17. I have no idea what on earth you're getting at. You're upset at me for not denying something I'm not able to deny? You're questioning that I'm vanilla because I said something a vanilla would say? Perhaps your ability to comprehend basic language is just as bad as Doctor Wynn's. I even quoted his comment I was responding to. All I can say is there is a logical explanation for why the scum did not kill last night. It's not because I was blocked. I'm town. People need to review the other possibilities based on what actions were taken last night, but I can't fault the town block for pursuing this action against me. It's generally a sound approach. It's just not correct this time.
  18. I can see situations in which it's a reasonable move for scum depending on circumstances and the level of control they felt they may have had over the lynch actually going through. At minimum, the first reaction today from most was that it was a townie thing to do, which helps his cause no matter his alignment. It does matter what he is, regardless of what I am. I don't deny that Molly's block was against me and it was successful. I deny that it had any affect on last night's happenings, but as I said earlier, I wouldn't expect any of you to put a whole lot of stock in that denial given the current state of affairs. Something else is going on and it needs to be looked into.
  19. I'm saying Elijah, if he is town, tried to trade a known townie, himself, for an unknown one, me, by taking the lynch away from me. To himself, Elijah is a known townie (hypothetically speaking that he really is town), and should never offer himself up unless he knows I'm more valuable to town than himself.
  20. If you did indeed block me last night, then I can't really argue with your choice of me as lynch other than to say that there must be something else going on as to why there was no kill last night. Perhaps the protector was successful or the scum chose/could not kill. Honestly, I would lynch me at this point if I were you based on what I know. Unfortunately it won't help since I'm a townie, but only you in the block could know otherwise. My lack of contribution to the conversation of late has nothing to do with the events here, and I am truly sorry for it. Elijah's comments that I would prefer to have more to say to these events holds true, I really would, but I'm contributing about as much as I can at the moment. I will add, however, that I don't agree with Elijah's motives for taking the lynch off of me yesterday. You should never trade a known townie for an unknown one, and Elijah, if he was really town, ought to have taken the chance on my lynch rather than risk his own.
  21. I agree that lynching whoever Molly blocked, assuming it was successful, is the best course of action for today's lynch.
  22. The first part probably didn't need to be shared. The second you stated earlier and when I asked if anyone knew you were going to try to block Elijah that question (not asking for names specifically) was ignored. To me, it's actually more relevant than whether or not anyone knew Gale was in the block. Gale could've been just a random attempt to get someone important or the scum could've identified a role for Gale by some other means. Molly targeting Elijah could not have been known by scum any other way than through a leak. If someone did know and was not cleared through investigation, then Elijah is the best lynch candidate for today. Other than Elijah, I think Quincy and Ray should be looked at as well. They've had a few interesting interactions over the past two days. I called out Ray yesterday for some of it and he continues some of the same behavior. Today, he went after Quincy again for his accusations of Gale, but didn't follow up on them, then proceeded to talk a lot about the town block in ways that don't sit well with me. Since Molly trusts the town block, I will Vote: Ray Christiansen (Dragonfire) unless I hear otherwise.
  23. Molly is almost certainly not scum and the suggestion otherwise is a bit suspect. She gave us Anthony on an investigation result, so sure that could've been because she had to, but she then gave us Duke without hard evidence. It doesn't stand to reason she'd have done that if she were scum. I agree with Elijah that conversions are pretty rare and, at this point, we'd have no way of knowing. Personally, I'm going to continue to assume Molly's town until someone else in the block suggests that they've lost faith in her. I don't see it. So, you blocked Foorth every night until last night, and then when you tried to block Elijah it didn't work? Either you were blocked or Elijah has a skill that prevents him from being blocked. Did anyone else know you were going to block Elijah?
  24. Crud... whatever evidence the block has been working off of. It certainly hasn't been very accurate.
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