Everything posted by fhomess
The Second Crash - Day 5
Of course it can help catch the scum... the point is that the only people to look at were the folks on the bandwagon. It comes across as trying to look helpful without actually being so. I get that you were voting for Ewan because of the town block. That's what most of us did. This quote is in response to Quincy: Suggests of all the people who you're not voting for, because you're following the town block on Ewan, that Quincy is the person you would vote for otherwise.
The Second Crash - Day 5
Even if I could've controlled either of those kills, which I couldn't, the only thing they accused me of was being largely absent over the past few days. That was something I freely admitted. It's not the type of accusation to run from. Plus, killing one's accuser at this point just draws more attention to the case they made. If they had lived, all I would've had to do to get them off my back would be to contribute more now that I'm able to. Instead, I'm having to answer to you.
The Second Crash - Day 5
This seems a little disingenuous given the fact that everyone who voted for Ewan is alive and everyone who did not vote for Ewan is now dead. Molly didn't make any claims of having incriminating behind the scenes evidence, although I admit it was implied. It doesn't rule out the idea that someone has been lying to Molly. We're getting to the point where it's more likely than not. You justified your vote based on the idea that Molly did have incriminating evidence, and now are essentially asking for details a second time. After your vote for Ewan yesterday, you went on to make accusations against Quincy. Quincy was your biggest suspect except you were happy to follow Molly's lead. Ewan then voted for Quincy, but you didn't think anything of it yesterday, simply saying that if Ewan came up town we'd lynch Quincy today. It doesn't seem like you really believed in your vote for Ewan as you didn't stop to consider what the vote for Quincy would mean if Ewan was scum. Now you're using Ewan's vote for Quincy as a springboard to suggest that we ought to lynch Quincy. Well... let's be fair, you're trying to suggest it without suggesting it despite the fact that Quincy was your top suspect yesterday.
The Second Crash - Day 4
Vote: Ewan (Mostlytechnic) I will do my best to properly catch up tomorrow. The case against me appears to be primarily a nudge to get me involved more. I can't really do anything beyond apologize at this point. This isn't how I like to approach these situations.
The Second Crash - Confirmation and Discussion
Apologies for my lack of contribution to the conversation of late. I went to visit family for the holidays only to find that they had been admitted to hospital. I am home now, things appear to be on the mend, and I will try to catch up properly tomorrow.
The Second Crash - Day 3
I am around, just not as present as I normally would be able to be in such situations. The two reactions today that stick out to me are the handful of folks who seem so eager to declare our investigator cleared and the eagerness with which Doctor Wynn seems to be following up on other people's suggestions. The first is interesting because Anthony seems to have given up yesterday. His comment and vote for Elijah can either be seen as a clear acknowledgement of loss or of an attempt to distance himself from Elijah, but either interpretation essentially suggests that he was acknowledging the investigation was correct. If anyone had doubt, at that point it shouldn't moved significantly towards confirmation of the result.
The Second Crash - Day 2
Still, given Mike's contributions so far, I think Gale has a legitimate gripe. There's nothing in the rules that indicate voting is mandatory and it is a rather odd request given that the voting is already well in hand with a majority on Anthony. Why Mike is so concerned about vote penalties for others... well... the only think I can think is that things aren't going well for his team and he's getting frustrated.
The Second Crash - Day 2
Excellent start for our investigator. Vote: Anthony Dixon (jluck)
The Second Crash - Confirmation and Discussion
Try not to crash into any mountains.
The Second Crash - Day 2
Ewan... why are you so obsessed with the chance that Elijah is the godfather? I don't disagree with your assertion that he's no more or less likely to be Godfather this time, but this seems to miss the whole point of us trying to find scum. Sure it's possible he's the Godfather but it's a lot more likely that he's any flavor of scum (and even more likely that he's not scum at all from a purely mathematical standpoint) and you seem to be ignoring that possibility in favor of something less likely. We need to find all the scum, not just the Godfather, and you're harping on math. The math works out the same for all of us until we analyze behavior. I don't find Elijah's mathematical statement to be any more or less scummy than his claim to be the towniest of townies.
The Second Crash - Day 1
The thing I don't quite get about Gale stopping by to check in and the leaving without commenting is what he would have to gain from avoiding the discussion at this point. So far, the only think he's done is not show up. All he would have to do is make a comment and that would be that. Perce's vote struck me as rather pointless, and I didn't like the way that it was couched in trying to avoid suspicion. He comments specifically that he doesn't want to be accused of bandwagoning. I still haven't seen a decent justification for voting Doctor Wynn. Ray and Mike also strike me as odd. Ray's reasons and justifications for voting Mike seem a little weak, and a lot of what else he's saying strike me as trying to appear helpful. I suppose it's typical day 1 conversation starter that could be genuine. Mike was quite eager to get people talking about Perce's soft claim but is otherwise pretty much ignoring it. His behavior seems more inclined to push others. For now, I will Vote: Mike Johsnon (mediumsnowman) ... ah, I see Gale has now added his comments.
The Second Crash - Day 1
I think your scum tell should be to declare that you're the "Scummiest of the Scum". That would make for some fun WIFOM. Tell that to the Secret Service.
The Second Crash - Confirmation and Discussion
I'm here...
The Second Crash - Sign Ups
I will throw my hat into the ring, although I will likely have challenges come the holidays... see below. Up to you if you think that should exclude me. 1.) Have you played in a Mafia game before? If not, do you get how it works? A few, yes. 2.) Will you be pretty free to play for however long this plays out (excluding the week of the 22nd, of course)? Actually, that week works ok for me. It's the following week (26th-2nd) that I may not be able to participate much. 3.) Rate, from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest, how upset will you be with me if I don't get these pictures and days out on a totally prompt schedule (these pictures take a long time to edit)? I reserve the right to decide in the moment. I care more about pictures than most, and less about timeliness than most, but I think poor timeliness hurts a game more than poor pictures. 4.) If, in case you get angry, take it out on Danny, yea? Only if I can pull off his legs and throw him into a fire. 5.) If you were in a plane crash, what magical destination (like in Lost) would you prefer it crash on? Cloud Cuckoo Land 6.) Is Scotland, or is it not, the most peaceful and beautiful place in the entire world? Cloud Cuckoo Land
- Blacktron Mafia: Conclusion, Tranquility
How do you display your castle collection?
I put them on the floor where my kids and their friends can play with them.
Blacktron Mafia: Conclusion, Tranquility
No, you should not have claimed at all. At least, not on Day 2 when you had nothing to go on and sharing your results didn't solve any real problem. Someone accusing someone else is no reason to go claiming to them. As for the numbers, I think 6 non-townies is a lot, but I feel like the roles were a bigger issue as far as balance is concerned. Role cop and watcher both help scum find town PR's so they can direct their kills where it hurts most. Add a blocker and a godfather and they can pretty much neutralize town. If they had large numbers but were mostly goons, it could still balance out.
- Blacktron Mafia: Conclusion, Tranquility
- Blacktron Mafia: Conclusion, Tranquility
Blacktron Mafia: Conclusion, Tranquility
Yes, I figured Def was who you meant. I protected TPRU and Stig. I really waffled on Stig, and the irony is that at one point or another I had considered any of the three town PR's (including myself) who were killed on night 2. The problem was, everyone was acting kind of scummy. I took the chance on Stig because the code thing seemed too confusing to have been coordinated with a scum team. I figured Tariq was the guy he implied as the tracker, but then WIFOM'd myself into figuring he wouldn't be that obvious. I think Lind was the only person I had a strong and accurate town read on, and I wanted him dead almost from the get go for being so annoying!
Blacktron Mafia: Conclusion, Tranquility
Worst town ever! I even protected two scum before being vig killed. Congrats to the scum for a breezy victory. I don't think things could've gone much worse for the town. Between my protections, the vig, our tracker claiming to scum, and how free and loose with things the block was, we would've likely lost even with a more balanced game. Hinck... I may have you confused for someone else, but it's entirely possible there are a few folks with that bent out there. There was nothing particularly townie or particularly scummy about your game this time. It just takes a few days to see that.
- Blacktron Mafia: Confirmation and Discussion
- Blacktron Mafia: Confirmation and Discussion
- Blacktron Mafia: Day 2, Space Oddity
- Blacktron Mafia: Day 2, Space Oddity
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