Everything posted by fhomess
Karie's Cosplay Mafia: Sign-Ups and Prologue
I'd love to join but I really can't commit to posting daily for the next month due to plans I have. The rest of you need to sign up!
The Forest Mafia Conclusion—You Played Your Cards Well
There's no one lined up at the moment, so feel free to jump in and let Draggy know your plans. While I like the anonymous games, I'm not particularly partial to one or the other.
The Mafia Games Index - Continued...
Name: The Forest 3 Host: Hinckley Dates: April 2019 - May 2019 Survivors: Whitby Walrus Game Information: The Ancient Ones have come, and even among the good citizens of Autumn Falls there is evil. An anonymous game Characters and Players (15): Bennett Bulldog, played by "mediumsnowman" Braxton Bear, played by "WhiteFang " Brewer Bunny, played by "Khscarymovie4" Caldwell Crocodile, played by "Trekkie99 " Cleo Cow, played by "Sir Stig " Ember Elephant, played by "Bob " Gracie Goat, played by "Pandora" Haydn Hippo, played by "Chromeknight" Huxley Horse, played by "DannyLongLegs" Leevi Lion, played by "fhomess " Myrtle Monkey, played by "KotZ " Pascha Poodle, played by "mostlytechnic" Pierot Parrot, played by "jimmynick" Ronan Rabbit, played by "Kristel " Whitby Walrus, played by "Tariq J " Game Threads: Day One: Hellions and Monsters Day Two: Evidence of So-Called Evil Day Three: Up in the Air Day Four: Enough Already Day Five: Particularly Wary Day Six: In The Endgame Conclusion: You Played Your Cards Well Other Threads: Sign-Ups Confirmation & Discussion
The Forest Mafia Conclusion—You Played Your Cards Well
You really did play well until the final day when you couldn't see through to the twists that Hinck added. Like Bob, I wasn't surprised you made the choices you did. You were the only player who I was pretty sure was town, hence why I tried to give you an invention twice. Getting out of your lynch was pretty epic. Very nicely done. Also very nicely done on getting into bio-eng/pre-med. That's going to be tough, but I'm sure you'll be fine! Tariq... how did you live so long without posting in your normal account! Astounding!
The Forest Mafia Conclusion—You Played Your Cards Well
Fun game. I like the fact that Hinck challenged some of our assumptions, including not being allowed to PM. Fun fact, I'm also the S'mores Fairy in my home in real life... sorry I didn't give you one, Haydn.
General Discussion and Announcements
Wow... I'm quite flattered by that. Unfortunately, I don't believe I'll have the time to commit to this and properly represent the site. I would add @Lady K to the list of folks who would be excellent.
Pirates Mafia - Conclusion
I don't mind unbalanced games if they're interesting. I think this game was interesting. I try really hard to win, but after the fact, I don't really care much about the win if I still had fun. The winning isn't what makes it fun for me.
The Forest 3 Mafia Sign-Up Thread
I don't read Mafia Monthly so I never seem to miss it. I am very new to mafia games hosted by Hinck with Forest in their name. No one told me I'd have to wear a cup for this game...
The Forest 3 Mafia Sign-Up Thread
By my count, we're at 11. C'mon, people! This is a Hinck game. It'll be tremendous!
Pirates Mafia - Conclusion
I like that you're willing to try oddball things. Sometimes they work well and other times less well, but they're always interesting.
The Forest 3 Mafia Sign-Up Thread
1. Yes. 2. Yes? 3. Yes! This is funny.
Best LEGO heraldry?
My favorite faction as a kid was the Black Knights, but I like the Crusaders heraldry the best. I appreciate why people like the Falcons, but they've always been second fiddle in my mind. I do miss the days when we didn't have to be so explicitly told who the good guys and who the bad guys were. Castle Lions are my favorite modern heraldry, although I found the blue on their buildings a bit much. I do love me some Yellow Castle factions, too.
Pirates Mafia - Conclusion
I haven't played scum in a very long time and the rustiness showed. Henry was on to me very early. Ultimately, I was caught for being blocked on a night when we weren't able to kill. The every-other-night kill mechanic really confused people throughout the game, and Patrick was able to take advantage of it after his conversion. I think the ability to retain the player's town role when converted makes sense in the context of a role madness game. I don't recall any other scum team allowing multiple actions at night... I may have to go back and read Yakuza (I think I was scum that game, too...). I thought it was possible for people to catch Patrick, but it seemed extremely unlikely to me. Why on earth would Louisa block him? Why would anyone investigate him? The only real context in which I thought he might get caught was if he somehow came up from the watcher. The fact that everyone had a role was maybe the only host tell I thought might give away the notion of a conversion. I agree a bit with Def that in the 1 vs. 1 situation where the night actions can cancel each other out in perpetuity, a draw is generally the right approach. I can also see an argument that, thematically, Redbeard's crew is too shorthanded to out sail the Imperials. At any rate, in the index I've been keeping of the recent games, I only call out survivors and let the reader look at the conclusion threads to see how the game resolved. Blood on the Clocktower specifically calls out that evil wins when the game is down to two players, and I think that's a fair thing for our hosts to define in their starting rule set. Really happy to see some names in this game that hadn't played in a while. Danny, Def, and White Fang... super glad you joined us again. I actively tried to avoid some of my normal play approaches in order that people wouldn't quickly guess who I was, although I didn't spend too much time trying to figure others out.
General Discussion and Announcements
Thanks, though I don't really need it anymore. I got the expanded mafia games index up... just took a bit longer.
The Mafia Games Index - Continued...
Name: Pirates Mafia Host: Bob Dates: January 2019 signups, Game: March 2019 - April 2019 Survivors: Patrick Triggs (Imperial Soldiers), Henry Ogden (Pirates) Game Information: Mutiny Aboard the Black Seas Barracuda, an anonymous game Characters and Players (15): Jack “One Eye” Alden, played by "Kristel" Timothy “The Butcher” Dixon, played by "Tariq j" Alexander “The Anchor” Pinkerton, played by "Zepher" Louisa “The Fierce” Hammond, played by "LegoMonorailFan" Bartholomew “Barty” Brewster, played by "fhomess" Patrick “Paddy” Triggs, played by "jamesn" Joseph “The Ruthless” Finch, played by "mediumsnowman" Thomas “Lucky” Chapman, played by "KotZ" Jane “One-Eared” Thornton, played by "mostlytechnic" Malcolm “Swab’s The Deck” Langley, played by "Khscarymovie4" Geoffrey “The Brave” Holton, played by "Dannylonglegs" Gordon “Crow’s Nest” Smith, played by "Kintobor" Remy “The French” Fontaine, played by "WhiteFang" Henry “The Kraken” Ogden, played by "def" Nigel “The Immortal” Clayton, played by "Asphalt" Game Threads: Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five Day Six Day Seven Day Eight Day Nine Conclusion Other Threads: Sign-Ups Confirmation
- [MOC] IKEA microscale
The Mafia Games Index - Continued...
Name: 24 Mafia Host: KotZ Dates: December 2018 - January 2019 Survivors: Asphalt, Kintober, Kwatchi, Zepher (Moles) Game Information: *Clock ticking* The following takes place between the beginning of sign ups and the end of it. Events occur in real time. Some moles have infiltrated CTU, The Counter Terrorist Unit headed up by Jack Bauer, the man who famously does not eat or use the restroom as he solves world problems in a single day. He needs help finding the moles who would do the world harm. Are you up to the task? Or are you one of the moles? Characters and Players (15): Agent Moore, played by Kwatchi Alfred Drew, played by Zepher Barry Andropov, played by Kristel Benson, played by LegoMonorailFan Bob, played by Bob Diane Greene, played by fhomess Dr. James, played by Tariq J Jason White, played by Kintobor Kaster, played by Lady K Officer Lewis, played by jamesn Riley Marshall, played by jluck Senator Larry Greene, played by Khscarymovie4 Officer Skinner, played by mediumsnowman Wilson Goddard, played by Asphalt Zip, played by mostlytechnic Game Threads: Hour 1: 9am to 10am Hour 2: 11am to 12pm Hour 3: 1pm to 2pm Hour 4: 3pm to 4pm Hour 5: 5pm to 6pm Conclusion: 7pm to 8pm Other Threads: Sign-ups Confirmation & Discussion
24 Mafia - Conclusion: 7pm to 8pm
Thanks for the game, KotZ! I only saw some of 24, so I didn't get most of the references, but it was clear that you enjoyed the theme. That came through in the storytelling. I think the balance in this game, from a PR standpoint, was absolutely fine. The fact that the scum took out two key town PR's on the first two nights and the investigator got blocked on night 1 aren't an issue with game setup. That happens. Games with lots of PR's (and I think this one was on the high end) just tend to be a bit swingy. I have to say that I'm left wondering if Kwatchi's rant about vets killing off newbies was a scum tactic or genuine. I told a few people why I didn't think that would ever be a scum ploy, and I have to say that I'm disappointed it may have been. Despite the kind comments from KotZ, I didn't feel good about my performance this game. I picked on a few scum, but the only people I really pushed on ended up being town. Overall, great job by the scum team of pushing us in the wrong direction each day.
24: Mafia - Confirmation and Discussion
Thanks for having me, KotZ!
24: Mafia - Hour 5: 5pm to 6pm
I'm not a PGO. My husband was almost certainly killed by the moles. Given we've only had 1 kill each night, I don't think we have a vig or other night killing action. Only two people were investigated, Bob and Benson. That's not enough to draw any sort of conclusion about a pattern from. The moles would be just as likely to want to stop an investigation that would clear me as townie because then the block grows. If the scum knew that Larry was the investigator, there's no reason not to kill him. Particularly if they had no reason to think they'd be prevented from doing so. Rotating kill, or being able to choose who will do the kill at night has shown up in the past. I think it's less common, though. As the unblocked, one of Moore, Alfred, or Goddard are almost certainly scum. Yes, I'm leaving myself out of that group. I think the idea that the moles merely need to survive to win would conceivably back the notion that the mole kill is not transferrable. Why me and not Moore, Alfred, or Goddard? Is it simply because Larry wanted to target me? Did he have suspicions on the others? I think that's fair. It is, but it's wrong. I'm town and I think most of you can look back on my approach to things and pick up on it if you see how I've behaved. Vote: Wilson Goddard (Asphalt) I'm throwing my vote for Wilson, not for anything particularly scummy he's done but due to the voting patterns. Hour 1 - He voted for Zip, who is now confirmed town. Hour 2 - He voted for Officer Lewis as the last vote. The officer Lewis bandwagon looks as follows at this point: (Zepher, Khscarymovie4, Kintobor ... PENALTIES ... jluck, mostlytechnic, Tariq, Lady K, LMF, Asphalt) If we take Benson at his word, and take Dr. James' commuter claim as being a townie claim, then that leaves Riley and Goddard on the bandwagon joiners. I still think Riley is scum, even though Zip was town. Hour 3 - He was second on Benson ... hmm... Alfred is the only non-townie on this failed "bandwagon" for Zip, and was early the next day voting for someone else... that person being Riley. Riley is someone I continue to suspect, so I'm not sure what to make of that combination of things. Hour 4 - Wilson voted for Zip in the middle of the pack From my perspective, all the moles are on the Zip bandwagon. Right now, the three I suspect the most are Wilson, Riley, and Jason White (Kintobor), who has been so anonymous this game I keep having to look up his name. I guess he did enough to get blocked earlier. I'd follow that group up with Alfred and Dr. James... commuter is a weird role to claim.
24: Mafia - Hour 5: 5pm to 6pm
My reasoning for thinking Moore is town is due to his reaction when the pressure was on a bit. I don't see a mole throwing up their hands in disgust at the issues he raised outside the case. A mole would simply accept the fact that they were doing a lousy job of staying hidden. I could be wrong about this, but it doesn't strike me as likely. Unfortunately, I don't think we're going to get rid of the moles fast enough if we only focus on those who've yet to be blocked. It's almost certain that there's a mole in those three block targets. Hey... that's personal!
24: Mafia - Hour 5: 5pm to 6pm
NO! My poor dear husband! I was more confident in the lynch at the end of yesterday than when it started, so I'm quite surprised Zip was loyal. Sorry, Zip! I guess if you're already handing out info you might as well continue! Scum could have a role cop, but given that it doesn't appear we have much on our side, they may have just got lucky or deduced it from behavior/comments. I'm not sure how much it matters at this point. That's interesting as the three living people are all ones I think are more likely moles. I'm operating under the assumption that Bob and Benson are town. I think Agent Moore is town, although I have no proof of that. I did tell my husband my reasoning but don't know if he passed that along to anyone. That leaves those three, Alfred and Wilson to pick between. Assuming the moles aren't passing the kill around, I think Alfred or Wilson are the killer. I'm hoping that the lack of anything that appears to be a vig or SK means that we've got a smaller number of moles than the 4 that Bob is predicting. Otherwise, we're at LYLO. Godfather is a far more common role than a naive investigator, and at this point, I think we're far enough up megablocks creek that we need to assume Larry wasn't naive. If he just so happened to get unlucky and hit the Godfather with Bob or Benson, we're probably screwed anyway. I say we give them the benefit of the doubt and hope we can turn this around by working through the rest of us for now.
24: Mafia - Confirmation and Discussion
It was great and awful all at once!
24: Mafia - Hour 4: 3pm to 4pm
Who do you suggest otherwise? For the record, I'm perfectly comfortable with lynching Zip despite his protestations. If someone wants to present a strong case for someone else, I'm happy to listen. None of Zip's counter arguments sound like anything more than "You're right, but lynching me for the wrong reason!" to me. Where is the helpful analysis to try to steer us toward someone else?
24: Mafia - Hour 4: 3pm to 4pm
It must be hard when your teammate is a likely lynch candidate and you can't figure out how to turn the tide toward a townie, huh?
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