Everything posted by fhomess
24: Mafia - Hour 4: 3pm to 4pm
I think the bullet points are accurate. A commuter would indicate that the scum have a way to deal with it or the town is sufficiently weak that they need someone the scum can't easily kill. Commuter would also cause some issues for town PR's, like an investigator who can't then investigate that player. From a finding scum standpoint, knowing that we have a commuter, or a strongman for that matter, doesn't really add anything to the process of finding scum. I'd have to go back and read your theory on Dr. James in detail as I don't quite follow how I was involved in that thinking. I don't trust the Dr. either. I find it particularly interesting that Zip is voting for Jason... no longer really suspecting Dr. James, and that Jason is voting for Dr. James. I'm going to re-up from yesterday and Vote: Zip (Mostlytechnic). I haven't seen anything from Zip today that suggests to me that I should change my opinion from yesterday. I would be happy to switch my vote to Riley or Dr. James at this point to get a lynch.
24: Mafia - Hour 4: 3pm to 4pm
Of course you're town... the possibility that you're both town is certainly there. I didn't react to the claim because I didn't really pick up on it. What changed between yesterday and today to make you not want to push for Dr. James anymore? Not all of us... the moles all know who are on their side. The blocker claim by scum is quite common, usually because they've been caught doing something and were forced to claim. It's also an extremely common scum role, so easy to report valid actions. This is encouraging. I don't think you need to tell the entire group who you blocked if you have someone else to discuss it with.
24: Mafia - Confirmation and Discussion
I think the standard EB mafia approach to winning is having played for the team that won, regardless of whether or not you survived to the end. Surviving and winning are two different things, and in the course of a game, the contributions of a deceased player can have been extremely important to their side winning in the end.
24: Mafia - Hour 4: 3pm to 4pm
I had a few things I had seen about Benson that made me think he wasn't scum, but the fact that we weren't able to get a proper lynch going on either he or Zip is making me wonder if both of them are scum. The no lynch yesterday doesn't help us at all. We're back reliving yesterday with one fewer townie.
24: Mafia - Confirmation and Discussion
I did send him a PM. It's no fun to see someone discouraged with the game, and particularly when it's someone who's new. New players are great for the game and have actually shifted the style of EB mafia at times, but it happens slowly. For example, it used to be that advocating for no lynch on day 1 was seen as super scummy. There is a fair amount of meta-gaming people's play styles, though. I don't think vets actively are trying to exclude newer players, but vets can get a pass for things that new folks wouldn't simply because they've played that way in the past.
24: Mafia - Hour 3: 1pm to 2pm
Despite some scummy behavior, this is the reason I'm not voting for Benson. I don't think this is the type of statement a mole would make. I don't actually agree with it logic here, but why bother stating this so matter of factly if he could have just let Officer Lewis get lynched? I always thought of summer as a happy season! I think it's unlikely that Benson and Zip are both scum. Since Benson and Alfred voted for Zip, there are now three people who've commented on Zip and then voted in other directions. Those are Larry, Curly, and Moe... or as we know them, Larry, Kaster, and Dr. James. Vote: Zip (Mostlytechnic)
24: Mafia - Hour 3: 1pm to 2pm
Unvote: Agent Moore (Kwatchi) - I don't feel good about this vote. I will vote again later.
24: Mafia - Hour 3: 1pm to 2pm
This was in relation to Jason White's observation that Benson said he didn't think Lewis was scum but later joined the bandwagon. He now says he doesn't think Bob is scum, so I suggested we might expect him to later vote for Bob. As for me, I will Vote: Agent Moore (Kwatchi) I think he completely overreacted to my earlier comments and he took a strong response to Riley as well. There's an element of desperation in his tone that doesn't sit well. When I pointed this out, he later only commented on Riley's remarks that he can't respond to "it doesn't sit well".
24: Mafia - Hour 3: 1pm to 2pm
I actually didn't make any of those arguments. What I said was that I don't lean particularly one way or the other on either of you, but that between you and Bob, I leaned more toward you as a mole than him. What you've got seems like a scummy overreaction. This was in the context of trying to figure out if one of the people not on the Lewis bandwagon is scum. There are only three of us alive in that situation: you, Bob, and myself. I'm not sure I understand the connection between Barry's untimely demise and your vote for Dr. James yesterday. Agree with all of this. That's a good observation... I assume from this, that Benson thinks Bob is not scum and will vote for him later.
24: Mafia - Hour 3: 1pm to 2pm
Jason White (Kintobor) was the last vote prior to the complete breakdown by Officer Lewis. If you think one or two scum spread elsewhere, tell us who. You seem so certain that all the scum are on the bandwagon that it's like you have additional information. Or you're trying to project attention away from one of the three of us not on the bandwagon. That said, I will say that between Bob and Agent Moore, I'm not particularly confident that you're wrong. Both of them are fairly middle of the road to me at this point. I would lean to Agent Moore as the more likely mole between them. You need to count more intelligently. Not bothering to see that two of the 5 people not on the bandwagon are dead is disingenuous. I put Riley's vote after the penalties to make it clear that his was a reaction to the edit. I'm just as interested in the group prior to the breakdown as I am in the group after it. Notably, Alfred Drew cast the first vote for Officer Lewis, but it was my husband and Jason White who really pushed Officer Lewis to insanity. I will say that I think they both put enough pressure on Officer Lewis that I'm confident they are not both moles. Alfred's silence after that point is also noticeable. Also... Bob... you seem to think that Officer Lewis showing up as CTU somehow validates his vote for Benson... I don't find Benson particularly helpful, but has Benson done anything more to cement your ill opinion of him? The whole "can we vote him out now" would be more helpful if it came with some reminder of your case against him. It also feels a bit like you want us to cut to the chase and skip the rest of the conversations we might have today. I don't think that's a good idea.
24: Mafia - Hour 2: 11am to 12pm
I'm leaning town on Officer Lewis (jamesn) simply because he's been too erratic. As scum, he has nothing to gain by that. Even if he's erratic enough to avoid a lynch, he's likely to attract attention. You're earlier comments about me seemed reasonable but there's something off about this entire post. First you say you wanted to "play it close to the vest" about having been in touch with Skinner. It seems like you only bring it up because you are learning that multiple people were in touch with him in private and you don't know what Skinner shared. The fact that Skinner chatted with a bunch of people makes it likely that he was in touch with at least one mole. Maybe that mole learned something about Skinner. The comments on Benson seem like they're simply there to convince us to pass him off. You say you accused him yesterday but you didn't really. You simply observed that he voted without providing anything behind it. He had a throw away comment in response and that was it. That's not the level of accusation you seem to be trying to convey here. Yesterday you voted for me, then continue to make the case today against me, but vote for someone else. It's like you're hoping to get some confidence others will join you before really backing the notion. Vote: Alfred Drew (Zepher) This whole bit about the crusader doesn't really come out in the first part where you vote for him. It's in response to people questioning your vote approach and it reads more as justification. You got upset with Lewis for making your accusation about the PM's, but that's what you talked about in your vote comments. This stuff was all after the fact. That's not saying it wasn't in your head, but it certainly didn't come through.
24: Mafia - Hour 2: 11am to 12pm
I don't think I voted all that late... it was just a little bit after the middle of the voting period... maybe 45 minutes into the hour, if we divide the hour into 20 minute segments with the first 20 not permitting any votes. You are correct, though. I could have perhaps led by example and jumped on one of the other candidates with multiple votes. Had I done that, I would've switched to my husband Larry, but it really would've just been between him and Riley as I was the only other person with multiple votes. Riley got his votes for too quickly voting for me, and I didn't find that a compelling reason. Larry has been talking a lot, but I'm not sure he isn't just trying to stir trouble. It's not always about learning stuff immediately. Sometimes the value of the first vote starts to become more clear as the day progresses through a few more votes. I used to be very much in favor of lynching the first time through. I have since swung largely the other direction, but I find the lack of any effort to consolidate on a few good candidates early on to be a side effect of not lynching that I don't agree with. What you see on votes where a lynch is pushed, barring an early consensus such as the result of an investigation, is that you force people to take sides and then have the ability later on to look at the reasons they chose for taking those sides.
24: Mafia - Hour 2: 11am to 12pm
I don't think there was any likelihood of people coming together at that point in time in order to lynch someone, but I do find it useful to see voting patterns converge on a few candidates rather than have them be spread all over the place. When they're spread out, there's nothing to read into. Forcing the group to condense that down gives you an ability to see preferences among a few candidates. It didn't happen, so we'll have to work with what we got. Yeah, that's pretty odd. Officer Lewis voted for Riley and Dr. James. He must've had a really strong scum read really fast. And now Officer Lewis says he was brash in PM... to Skinner?
24: Mafia - Hour 1: 9am to 10am
I would encourage you and anyone else who are the sole voter for your candidate to vote for one of the multiple vote getters. If you don't want a lynch, that's fine as we're still pretty far from lynching anyone, but we've got votes on 10 different people right now and we can learn more about how people feel by narrowing the scope a bit.
24: Mafia - Hour 1: 9am to 10am
Beats me why you're overly concerned about it... you are the only person who freaked out. What's RVS supposed to mean?
24: Mafia - Hour 1: 9am to 10am
Dear, if you got the reaction you wanted, shouldn't you move on to the next vote? Does Zip still look the moliest to you? Otherwise, you're just blowing hot air like you do on the campaign trail. I'm a senator's wife. I don't get to have opinions. I think you're overly concerned about it. Vote: Benson (LegoMonorailFan) This is all very interesting, too. Dr. James, the nurse (who ISN'T being played by jamesn (although he's trying to make up for it)... that's like not having Bob play Bob... c'mon KotZ!) seems very unhappy with Barry. Barry seems very unhappy with the idea of moles in general. Maybe Barry's trying to avoid helping Agent Moore test his Pet Mole Theory. Whatever the theory, I'm sure it's complete nonsense.
24: Mafia - Hour 1: 9am to 10am
Look at that, honey! You got a vote! I thought we were hunting moles and voting for people... Do you have moles for pets? I can hardly wait for a theory that's about pet moles. I have a theory that moles make terrible pets.
The Mafia Games Index - Continued...
Name: Cosplay Mafia Host: Kintober Dates: October 2018 - December 2018 Survivors: Asphalt, Bob, fhomess, StickFig (Town) Game Information: The yearly pop culture convention is just around the corner! Get your costumes ready and your bank accounts emptied: it's going to be a fun filled event, complete with dealers, an artist's alley, celebrity appearances, a laser light show featuring some holographic idol from Japan, panels, and Q&A sessions! Meet new friends, and leave with unforgettable memories! As a special bonus, we're extending a special promo to all Eurobricks members! When you pre-register your tickets to enter the convention enter this promo code for a special discount: KINT0B0R Characters and Players (14): Batgirl, played by Tariq j Chell, played by fhomess Doc Brown, played by Rider Raider Ellie Sattler, played by LegoMonorailFan Finn, played by Foreman Hector Barbossa, played by Khscarymovie4 Hera Syndulla, played by StickFig Legolas Twinleaf, played by jluck Mad-Eye Moody, played by mostlytechnic Oroku Karai, played by KotZ Superman, played by Bob Eleventh Doctor, played by Lady K Joker, played by Asphalt Wonder Woman, played by Forresto Game Threads: Day One: Super Mafia Bros. Day Two: And Now His Watch Has Ended Day Three: In the (Ball) Pits Day Four: Notice Me, Senpai! Day Five: Con Crud Day Six: What Happens at KintoCon... Conclusion: Save and Quit Other Threads: Sign-ups Confirmation & Discussion
The Mafia Games Index - Continued...
Name: Imperial Officers Mafia Host: Bob Dates: April 2018 - May 2018 Survivors: fhomess, Forresto, Khscarymovie4, KotZ, LegoRacer1, mostlytechnic, Sandy, Tariq j, Peanuts, Rider Raider (Town), Tariq j (Neutral) Game Information: This is a Star Wars themed mafia called Imperial Officers Mafia. Characters and Players (16): Grand Moff Tarkin, played by LegoMonorailFan Grand Admiral Thrawn, played by mediumsnowman Director Isard, played by Kintober Admiral Piett, played by Sandy Admiral Motti, played by mostlytechnic Admiral Daala, played by Rider Raider Admiral Ozzel, played by Actor Builder Admiral Yularen, played by KotZ General Veers, played by fhomess Admiral Shelby, played by Forresto Admiral Greer, played by Tariq j Colonel Dellus, played by LegoRacer1 Captain Needa, played by Khscarymovie4 Captain Komec, played by jluck Captain Fenton, played by Peanuts Captain Jellico, played by Lady K Game Threads: Day One: Introductions Day Two: Rinse and Repeat Day Three: A New Hope? Day Four: End is Coming Conclusion: May the Dark Side Be With You Other Threads: Sign-ups Confirmation and Discussion
24: Mafia - Hour 1: 9am to 10am
Moles? I don't see any mounds of dirt in the ground... what kind of moles are we talking about? Are they naked mole rats? I thought those were more rat than mole... which are they?
The Mafia Games Index - Continued...
Name: Mafia School - Mad Monster Mansion Host: Kintober Dates: February 2018 - March 2018 Survivors: KotZ, Lady K, Mediumsnowman (Scum) Game Information: -When hinges creak in doorless chambers- -and strange and frightening sounds echo through the halls,- -whenever candlelights flicker where the air is deathly still,- -that is the time when ghosts are present,- -practicing their terror with ghoulish delight!- Disney's The Haunted Mansion Welcome, foolish mortals, to Mad Monster Mansion! This game is indeed a Mafia School game, and is open to players of all skill levels, both the experienced, the not-so-experienced, and the completely new. This game will be relatively standard in terms of the roles and atmosphere found in most Eurobricks Mafia games, and is a great starting point for anyone interested in playing! Characters and Players (14): Bride of Dracula, played by Lady K Dr. Frankenstein, played by Tariq j Dracula, played by Rider Raider Frankenstein's Rocker, played by LegoRacer1 Goronzola, played by fhomess Maws, played by mediumsnowman The Mutant Fly, played by Steamdemon The Mummy, played by Actor Builder The Swamp Creature, played by KotZ The Werewolf, played by LegoMonorailFan Wicked Witch, played by Lord Duvors Zombie Bride, played by Khscarymovie4 Zombie Groom, played by Forresto Zombie Cheerleader, played by jluck Game Threads: Day One: The Ghost and Mr. Kintober Day Two: Night on Kintober Mountain Day Three: KintoNorman Conclusion: The Fury of Kintober Other Threads: Sign-Ups Confirmation and Discussion
The Mafia Games Index - Continued...
Name: Trial By Jury - A Quickshot Mafia Game Host: mediumsnowman Dates: January 2018 - February 2018 Survivors: Kwatchi, Umbra-Manis (Bellagio Crime Family) Game Information: BREAKING NEWS: Notorious crime boss Sleaze Ballagio has been arrested for money laundering. The trial is fast approaching, but Judge Neil Justuss is justifiably worried that the jury selection process has been rigged! Members of the Bellagio crime family have infiltrated the jury, and are working even now to throw the trial in their favor. Will the townsfolk be able to identify the biased jury members among them before Sleaze walks free? Characters and Players (12): Alan Andrews, played by KotZ Amanda Callahan, played by Khscarymovie4 Brock Martin, played by Tariq j Cathy Bridger, played by Drunknok Clifford Schauer, played by LegoMonorailFan Dez Hunter, played by Forresto Gary Johnson, played by Kintober Harry Oldman, played by fhomess Jared Hartman, played by Kwatchi Stephanie Diaz, played by Lady K Tina Hooper, played by Umbra-Manis Tony, played by jluck Game Threads: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Conclusion Other Threads: Sign-Ups Confirmation and Discussion
The Mafia Games Index - Continued...
Name: Brickywood Host: KotZ and Darkdragon Dates: June 2017 - July 2017 Survivors: Lord Duvors (Scum) Game Information: Lights, Camera, Action! Time is money in the film biz, and it's mafia time. On the lot of ABS Pictures, there's trouble. ABS' rival studio, BURPAMOUNT, has infiltrated ABS and is intent on bringing the studio to ruin. Burpamount has already killed the studio head Brick Iger, and they aim to take down the rest of the people. In the wake of Brick Iger's death, co-VPs at ABS Debby Brickolds and Kevin Zpastud have stepped in to keep the studio running, but they're too busy dealing with investors to dedicate time to stopping Burpamount. So they have handed the investigation over to the people on the lot, much to the unions' unhappiness. Characters and Players (16): Ari Nougat, played by Shadows Audrey Hepbrick, played by Dragonator Bob Fosstud, played by PatRat Brick Affleck, played by Actor Builder Brickald Reagan, played by TinyPiesRUs Brickie, played by Bob Finn Foley, played by Tariq j Glenn Clutch, played by WhiteFang Gopher, played by Zepher Legonardo Brickcaprio, played by Umbra-Manis Nash Bricksman, played by mediumsnowman Roger Ebrick, played by Lord Duvors Rosamund Bricke, played by Rider Raider Studcille B DeMille, played by Khscarymovie4 Thelma Brickmacher, played by Kintober William Plastic, played by jluck Game Threads: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Conclusion Other Threads: Sign-Ups Confirmation and Discussion
The Mafia Games Index - Continued...
Name: The Convention Host: JackJonespaw Dates: May 2016 - June 2016 Survivors: mediumsnowman, Rider Raider, Umbra-Manis, Khscarymovie4, Forresto (Mafia) Game Information: Once a decade, for two days, the five largest Mafias/Cartels/Gangs rent out an entire hotel and host the “MAFIA CONVENTION™”. The five, in true Mafioso fashion, take on five family names, to identify themselves without saying the actual name of their Mafia/Cartel/Gang. Characters and Players (11): Hori Yamaguchi, played by Tariq j Nishimura Yamaguchi, played by MacK Brother Masharin Ivankov, played by Umbra-Manis Brother Yakovlev Ivankov, played by KotZ Alarico Leyva, played by Forresto Godalupe Leyva, played by Khscarymovie4 Frank "The Tank" Jonson, played by jluck Michael Johnson, Sr., played by mediumsnowman Adone Inzerillo, played by Actor Builder Amelto Inzerillo, played by mostlytechnic Casto Inzerillo, played by Rider Raider Game Threads: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Conclusion Other Threads: Sign-Ups Confirmation and Discussion
The Mafia Games Index - Continued...
Name: SHIELD vs. HYDRA Host: mediumsnowman Dates: March 2016 - April 2016 Survivors: Piratedave84, mostlytechnic, Darkdragon, Tariq j, JackJonespaw, and CallMePie (SHIELD) Game Information: Characters and Players (16): Daniel Bartell, played by mostlytechnic James Cunningham, played by Bob Eugene Lawson, played by Forresto Jafar Masrani, played by JackJonespaw Hailey Coleman, played by Comrade Commander Todd Castillo, played by Tariq j Jasper Heinz, played by PirateDave84 Cecilia Reed, played by Darkdragon Jeffrey Brown, played by Dragonfire Walter Williams, played by jluck Robert Thorn, played by Umbra-Manis David Leffel, played by fhomess Steven Schram, played by Khscarymovie4 Alyssa Turner, played by CallMePie Kinjobby O'Laughlin, played by Junior Shark Margaret Corrigan, played by Lady K Game Threads: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Conclusion Other Threads: Sign-Ups Confirmation and Discussion
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