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Knight of Ren

Eurobricks Citizen
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  1. After seeing the J-type 327 Nubian royal starship on the new LEGO Star Wars game cover, I think it's about time for one
  2. ARC-170 - x3 phase 2 pilots, phase 2 clone Imperial Troop Transport - Death trooper, x2 stormtrooper, Flametrooper, Gideon, Karga Octuptarra Droid - Commander Bacara galactic marine x2
  3. Imperial Troop Transport - Death trooper, x2 stormtrooper, Flametrooper, Gideon, Karga Octuptarra Droid - Commander Bacara galactic marine x2 AT-OT Commander Bly, x3 327 troopers, Aayla Secura Imperial Battlepack - Scout trooper, snowtrooper, x2 stormtrooper
  4. Tie Bimber: Tie Pilot, Addmiral Ozzel, Captain Needa, stormtrooper Duel on Mustafar: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, shock trooper, Wat Tambor , security droid. Utapau Chase: Boga, wheelbike, crab droid, Obi-Wan, General Grievous, Tion Medon, Commander Cody, 212 trooper AAT: Captain Pananka, Queen Amidala, guard, battledroid x3
  5. Looks very nice. Who's head is that?
  6. So I recently got a Mon Mothma figure and the old head is really bothering me. Does anyone have any newer head suggestions?
  7. 75211 x4 sw0585 Stormtrooper helmet x30 Rebel Pilots (Mostly Theron Nett) x10 Mandalorian Super Commandos x3
  8. Droid Battlepack - x3 battle droids, x2 super battle droids , magnaguard. Stap & carrier. Corporate Alliance Tank Droid - Includes clone scout trooper, Wookiee warrior, x2 camo battledroids Endor Bunker - Stormtrooper x2 , Imperial trooper x2, Scout trooper, Han, Leia, Paploo , rebel trooper. Bunker & speeder bike. Duel on Mustafar - Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme, Wat Tambor, security droid, shock trooper Dryden Vos First Light Ship - Dryden Vos, Hylobon Enforcer (with helmet,) Aurodia Ventafoli, Luleo Primoc, Lando Calrissian (gambling outfit near end of movie,) L3-37 Republic Gunship -Clone pilot x2, clone, captain Rex, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano,
  9. x2 75211 for $40 each 75218 X-Wing for $51 75119 At-Hauler for $60
  10. 1. Tattoo artist 2. Punk Girl 3. Preppy girl 4. Jock 5. Gamer girl 6. Pet store worker 7. Cow suit girl 8. Salesmen 9. Tourist 10. Alien leader 11. Spacetrooper 12. Independent woman with baby 13. Aviator 14. Scientist 15. Tiger suit guy 16. Misses Claus
  11. Not bad
  12. Clone Battle Pack - x2 Regular, x2 501st Tri-Droid - Anakin, General Grievous Armored Assault Tank - Captain Rex, Ahsoka, Asajj Ventress, x2 battledroid Republic Gunship - Obi-Wan, Yoda, Commander Cody, Clone, Pilot, Count Dooku
  13. It's a wish-list
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