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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Nerd-with-a-Pencil

  1. Another fantastic series! It's good to have you back. Standouts for me are the Calaca, the Mutant, Chaos Lord, Puppet, Maori, and Actor, though this whole series is incredible. And @Eggyslav you can have the Chaos Lord; you'd likely do a better job than I anyway
  2. I love that Calaca! Can't wait for the new series!
  3. I certainly hope we'll see some info at NYCC...
  4. If you're willing to exit the realm of superheroes, technically Dogshank from Ninjago was the first female bigfig.
  5. This looks really good. As a big fan of apocalyptic-type aesthetics (perhaps the dragon hunter Ninjago arc was testing the waters for this?), I'm looking forward to a bunch of sets/CMFs surrounding this new motif. I also like the various references to the earlier LEGO movies (the Cyborgs Emmet greets are dead ringers for TLBM Mr. Freeze, the 'Coffee Chain' restaurant rebranded as 'Coffee Unchained', etc.) Mostly I just want physical Sewer Babies.
  6. Coco would also be lovely, but yeah; I can pass on Bugs Life, Cars, Ratatouille, and Dino.
  7. http://chaos-is-coming.wbgames.com/ Counting down to a trailer? Also, pretty much all the LEGO Batman social media accounts have been hijacked/Graffitied by the Joker.
  8. With the whole Nightmare before Christmas thing, I wouldn't count it out. But if they have Junkrat and Roadhog, I'm buying.
  9. There's also this: With first looks at Syndrome, Underminer, and Screenslaver.
  10. First gameplay vids are available! It seems a bit more 'kiddy-fied' than usual, but given the subject material that's fairly understandable.
  11. This includes a couple figs from year 4 because a Boy Can Dream. Harry Potter in muggle clothes (Zoo trip, includes Snake) Ron Weasley in Christmas Jumper (Includes Scabbers and/or some Christmas treat) Hermione Granger Polyjuiced into cat (Includes wand and pot for brewing potion) Vernon Dursley Petunia Dursley Dudley Dursley (Philosopher's Stone, Includes Gift Box from CMF series 18) Albus Dumbledore (Opening scene, Deluminator and Baby Harry) Minerva McGonagall (Chamber of Secrets, includes goblet, and herself in cat form) Rubeus Hagrid (Philosopher's Stone, Motorcycle gear) Severus Snape Gilderoy Lockhart (Includes Cornish Pixie and one of 'his' books) Moaning Myrtle Ginny Weasley (Chamber of Secrets, includes Tom's Diary) Colin Creevey (Includes scarf and Camera) Neville Longbottom (Chamber of Secrets, with earmuffs and Mandrake) Sirius Black (Includes Wand and Scabbers) Dementor Fred Weasley (includes Honeydukes sweets) George Weasley (Includes Marauder's Map) Madame Maxime Mad-Eye Moody (Includes walking stick and flask) Peter Pettigrew (Includes silver hand)
  12. That's... disappointing, if I'm being perfectly honest.
  13. Ooh! That was one of my favorite TLNM vehicles.
  14. I think the dragon hunters might be my favorite villain faction so far. New molds in weapons and armor, amazing motifs and individual designs (one of them is a heccin slot machine)...I'm glad they're so dense in individual sets, so I only need two for a satisfactory clan/army (red dragon and Dieselnaut).
  15. Oof. That Dieselnaut is so amazing; I hope I can afford it.
  16. I love this series! Big fan of Mk I, Kaecilius, and Heimdall, but my favorite has to be Stan the Man. EDIT: I just noticed the inclusion of Whiplash's BURD. I like that detail.
  17. Luckily I have a Barnes and Nobel here in town, so I was able to snag the Incredibles Brickheadz. I must say they're my favorites so far (though if the TNBC rumors are correct that could change).
  18. About time! Thoughts: I agree, I never needed to see shirtless Mr. I They're really going all out with the combo moves. I like it Is this the first time a baby has been a playable character? They better make him indestructible I like the inclusion of the Super-Suit scene at the end.
  19. I admit, the inclusions of Despicable Me, Minecraft, and Shrek make me think this list is at least somewhat a joke. Still, it does kind of sting to think of LEGO Universal Monsters. There's some nostalgia I can get behind.
  20. Oooh, it's gonna hurt to buy the War Rig...but I must.
  21. I'm almost positive they'll be putting in all the supers (isn't Gazerbeam confirmed?) There's also comic book adaptations, and maaaaybe other Pixar movies.
  22. First screenshots revealed
  23. Probably just because they're Juniors sets. If they were standard, we'd have more of a chance of getting more interesting molds.
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