Everything posted by Nerd-with-a-Pencil
Ideas for CMFs
I specifically told you I claimed him, but whatever Here's the bio I have so far: Underworld King "Who's a good little abomination? YOU ARE!!" Specters, Zombies, Haunted Scarecrows--one wonders why all these dead men are rising from their grave. The answer is this guy, the Underworld King. Usually he's the stonefaced ruler of the land of the dead. However, after his pet Cerberus had its litter, he's been spending all his time playing with the littlest one (three?) of the bunch. He's been spending so much time doting on the pup(s), he's been getting negligent in ensuring the dead remain where they should be. It doesn't help that any time the King's right hand man, the Grim Reaper,tries to bring up the issue, he's drowned out by sickening cooing and attempted trick-doing.
Ideas for CMFs
Another great series Rob! Sadly, I won't be available to make bios until later, so till then, dibs on Inventor, Underworld King, Taco Guy, and Martian (lookin at you, @8BrickMario)
- The LEGO Unikitty Show
- Lego Marvel Superheroes 2
Ideas for CMFs
I would kill for a Death God
The Lego Ninjago Movie (2017)
Just got back from viewing it. My thoughts:
The Lego Ninjago Movie (2017)
Sigh. Well, there's always hope for season 8.
The Lego Ninjago Movie (2017)
Honestly, going by the trailers, it could be literally anyone who is not a Garmadon.
Ideas for CMFs
Good, it should
Ideas for CMFs
Excellent work, @Eggyslav! I'm glad we had the same basic idea for the Little Witch. Anyway: Evil Scarecrow "Heheheheh...lost your way, little one?" Don't go into the crusty barn on the hill, kids. It's said that it's haunted, by the spirit of the farm's former owner. Legend says that he hated kids, so much so he put on a raggedy scarecrow suit, and had some fun scaring the little ones who dared to step on his lawn. Until the fateful day when the kids decided they had had enough, and gave him a taste of his own medicine. They say he died of fright that day, only to come back, as a more twisted version of the tattered terror he used to wear. It's said that no kid who trespasses on the Evil Scarecrow's property ever returns. But hey, that's just a legend...right? Jetpack Guy "Stand back, Pauline. You don't want to get a whiff of these exhaust vapors!" For the Jetpack Guy, the sky is no longer the limit. With an astounding new device capable of making a man fly, he's amassed a gigantic following for his astounding aerial performances. Of course, he wasn't exactly a pariah before he got the jetpack; all his life the Jetpack Guy has been followed by an aura of masculinity, handsomeness, and eternally-clean clothes. For some reason, he's never seen without the jetpack on; though most think it's to protect his image, the truth is it's just a massive pain to take off. Motocross Racer "WOO-HOO! Who's the best? I AM!!" For the Motocross Racer, EVERYTHING is a competition. After practicing her trademark quintuple-flip on the track, it's a race to get home, a quest to find the greatest bargain at the supermarket, and a blood match to beat her friend at video games. You might think this would be extremely annoying, but you'd be wrong. Sure, it might be a little irritating, but she puts so much energy and positivity into everything she does, it's hard to stay mad at her for long. And, no matter how inflated her ego may be, she always takes time to have some fun with her fans--usually by an autograph signing contest. Retro Robot "BEEP. BEEP. ROBOT NOISES." Built on a space station orbiting the gas giant Jupiter, the Retro Robot has a device or gizmo ready for any contingency. Computer trouble? He's got a connector probe. Invading Insectoids? Bug spray is in the storage compartment. Locked out of the airlock? Just call his distress communicator. Sadly, they stuffed so much tech in him that the Retro Robot barely has room for a brain. Unless someone tells him what to do, chances are you'l find the Retro Robot aimlessly wandering and making beeping noises. Elf Soldier "For the trees!" The Elf Soldier is a stern, steadfast guardian of the forest. With his mighty golden spear and gem shield, he and his compatriots have routed dozens of threats against the Elflands. Some may think the idea of an Elf Soldier--a warrior from a generally peaceful race-- as a bit paradoxical, but no one can doubt the prowess and might of this great fighter.
Ideas for CMFs
Nailed it again, Rob! The Retro Robot, Little Witch, and Rogue Lady look absolutely amazing. I especially like the Jetpack Guy; he reminds me a lot of one of my favorite movies, The Great Race. I eagerly await penning bios; I'd do it now, but it's someone else's turn for first pick.
The Lego Ninjago Movie (2017)
I really hope we get that toasty octopus at ~1:26! Also, Garmadon was bit by a snake. Sounds familiar.
- Harry Potter 2018 - Rumors & Discussion
- Lego Marvel Superheroes 2
LEGO Ninjago 2017 Discussion
That's a new one.
LEGO Ninjago 2017 Discussion
My local LEGO store had a fairly good stock, only missing Master Falls and Lightning Jet, AKA the set I wanted the most. Figures. Luckily, they did have the CMFs, and that, combined with a Manta Ray Bomber, was able to give me a nice jump-start for building my Shark Army.
LEGO Ninjago 2017 Discussion
And I had ALMOST convinced myself I didn't need this set. Thanks a lot, Brickvault.
The Lego Ninjago Movie (2017)
DUDE! That's clearly watermarked! You can't show that here!
- Lego Marvel Superheroes 2
The Lego Ninjago Movie (2017)
I think I'v discovered an interesting plot thing:
The Lego Ninjago Movie (2017)
Oh; Yikes.
The Lego Ninjago Movie (2017)
I'm glad to see that Garmadon still has some semblance of love for his family. Edit: Wait, OCTOBER 13?!
- What future LEGO Movies would you like to see happen?
The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
Sweet! Jor-El was one of my favorite designs. Zod was pretty cool too.
- Lego Marvel Superheroes 2
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