REVIEW: Creator 5766 Log Cabin
A nice, quaint little set. Growing up in a county in Oregon still considered "frontier" (as there are not enough people per sq. mile to make it "rural"), and having parents whose first home was a log house, this set appeals to me quite a lot. The nostalgia aside, the design is simple and 'homey' and the colors work well. I would have liked to see the alternating corners with round bricks at the end, but the more I look at what there is, the more I'm ok with it. I like the raft/kayak. That tree is odd, but more for the green bricks than anything... I have always enjoyed a set outside of LEGO's norms (fire, construction, city, etc.) and am very happy to see they have taken a more "frontier" route here.
MOC: Here I stand! Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms
Thanks everyone! I'm glad you appreciate the details!
MOC: Here I stand! Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms
Happy Reformation Sunday!!! This year, in my continuing Reformation in LEGO series I present to you Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms (pronounced 'Vorms') Image = Link The Imperial Diet ('Assembly') of Worms (in Germany), May 1521, presided over by Emperor Charles V. At the diet Luther was asked if he would retract his teachings condemned by the Pope (to include his 95 Theses). After a day's meditation he refused. "Unless I am convinced by Scripture and plain reason - I do not accept the authority of the popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other - my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. God help me. Amen." According to tradition Luther ended his defense on Apr. 18 with the words, "Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise. God help me. Amen." Finally, on Apr. 26, the emperor, seeing that the dispute was fruitless, ordered Luther to leave the city. He was formally declared an outlaw in the Edict. Even though he was promised safe conduct, it was secretly understood that he was to be taken on his way. However Prince Frederick the Wise, of Saxony, got to him first and hid him in Wartburg Castle, where Luther spent his time translating the New Testament into German, the common language. Semper Reformanda!
Magnificent Masterful Marriage Masks (Seed Part)
Hey all! Here are my two entries for Forbidden Cove's April Seed Part Contest: Numero uno - The Merciless and Mischievous Captain Morgan's Blood-Red Chest of Dread! (There are two seed pieces on each end, forming the pattern and silhouette of the chest.) Second (and my favorite) -Magnificent Masterful Marriage Masks (Seed pieces serve as the bases for all four masks.) Be sure to check out all three images for all the details! Thanks for looking!
A Slew of Jolly Roger Entries
Hey all! I finally had a bit more time to build and figured I'd share these with y'all. They were built for the Jolly Roger Contest over on Forbidden Cove. My apologies for the long post, I figured this would be better than individual posts clogging the forum. FYI: ALL IMAGES ARE FLICKR LINKS. First up, "Impressive Impressment" for the Imperial Impressment category: The Admiral has ordered new sailors be, uh...requisitioned for the sailing of his new dream ship. Pandemonium strikes as scoundrels and honest men alike are rounded up in this Impressive Impressment. Features include: Rugged cobblestone walk Port crane with trap door for lowering goods onto a cart under the archway Detailed interiors of all buildings Detailed captain's quarters on board the ship Pandemonium-struck sailors and a bathing Admiral Duck... (There will be more photos as I have time to upload them...) Secondly, "Treasure on the Mind" for the Pirate Island Category: How do you get treasure off a pirate's mind? - You dig it out... Captain Morgan's crew digs treasure from the odd island he uses as a stashing ground for his plunder. Modeled after the skull LEGO used on many flags and sails for years. (And, there is no flora or fauna because once I added any, it ruined the skull effect...) Third, A couple pirates have fun at a soldier's expense... And it is 8x8, just at different angle... Lastly, "Sand Castle Bullies" for the Misc. Category: Poor guy, he worked hard on that... I have MANY more ideas, but I'll have to just hold on to them, till I have time to build Pirate again. Thanks for looking!!!
Luther's Rose - Reformation Sunday Moasaic
The 31st of October not only marks the holiday many of us call Halloween, but also the day in 1517 when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the castle church door in Wittenburg Germany, sparking the Protestant Reformation. I've celebrated this several times in LEGO form, but this year instead of a traditional MOC I went for a mosaic. (Which is not my norm, so be gentle...) In Luther's own words: In Luther's words" "From the wilderness of Koburg Castle 8 July 1530 Honorable, kind, dear Sir and Friend! Grace and Peace in Christ! Since you ask whether my seal has come out correctly, I shall answer most amiably and tell you of those thoughts which now come to my mind about my seal as a symbol of my theology. There is first to be a cross, black, and placed in a heart, which should be of its natural color (red), to put me in mind that faith in Christ crucified saved us. For if one believes from the heart, he will be justified. ["For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved." --Romans 10:10] Even though it is a black cross, which mortifies and which also should hurt us, yet it leaves the heart in its natural color and does not ruin nature...that is, the cross does not kill, but keeps man alive. For the just shall live by faith, by faith in the Savior. ["This Good News tells us how God makes us right in His sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, 'It is through faith that a righteous person has life.'" --Romans 1:17] Such a heart is to be in the midst of a white rose, to symbolize that faith gives joy, comfort, and peace. In a word, it places the believer into a white joyful rose, for this faith does not give peace and joy as the world gives. ["I am leaving you with a gift--peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn't like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid." --John 14:27] Therefore, the rose is to be white, not red, for white is the color of the spirits and of all angels. [" angel of the Lord came down from heaven and rolled aside the stone and sat on it. His face shone like lightening, and his clothing was as white as snow." --Matthew 28:2b-3 and "She saw two white-robed angels sitting at the head and foot of the place where the body of Jesus had been lying." --John 20:12] This rose, moreover, is fixed in a sky-blue field, symbolizing that such joy in the Spirit and in faith is a beginning of the future heavenly joy. It is already a part of faith, and is grasped through hope, even though not yet manifest. And around this field is a golden ring, to signify that such bliss in heaven is endless, and more precious than all joys and goods, just as gold is the most valuable and precious metal. May Christ, our dear Lord, be with your spirit until the life to come. Amen." Martin Luther Semper Reformanda!!!
Border Outpost (Castle Dio)
Hi-ya everyone! Finally done... This MOC was originally built for BrickCon 2008 and has sat in a "Mostly finished state for over a year taking over my LEGo table. It's time it goes, so I finished it off quick and here it is. Photo is a link (for larger images on Flickr, click "all sizes") I'm not particularly proud of the castle, but I think most of the landscping came together quite nice. There are alot of details in the gallery/set. Hokay, so here's the story I worked up in my head: This small border outpost was attacked by some rabble during the winter, only causing some damage to the front wall and burning the barracks. Now spring has come and the baron in charge of the area is able to pay a visit. He is coming to check up on the progress of the new barraks, while the town patriarch wished to discuss paving the courtyard to quell the mud... The miller takes a break upon the arrival, while the Inn maid and stableboy finish their tasks. Not even the stable boy is aware of the secret passage under the stable. The diorama features a working waterwheel and millstone, secret passage, and more than enough rockwork to drive me crazy... Thank you for looking, and for reading if you made it through all that!
[Micro Castle] "Untitled"
Thanks! Oh, and most of the dark trans blue I have in any form is actually from LEGO store PaB. ; )
[Micro Castle] "Untitled"
Wow! Thank you, I never expected this little MOC to garner so much attention. I am pleased the little technique has caught so many eyes! Thanks for looking!
[Micro Castle] "Untitled"
Hokay... So there are a ton of fantastic entries in Classic-Castle's Mini Castle Contest so far, and mine will most likely not really compete, but I've had this idea for a while, so... I was pondering micro stuff one day, and decided to attempt the smallest, instantly recognizable castle I could. These 8 parts are what I came up with. Enjoy, and best wishes for all the entries!
[Sculpture] Gifts of Grace Maxifig (6xscale)
Hey all! Our church has a program called Gifts of Grace which gives families with kids winter clothing (hats, gloves, jackets, bibs, boots...) who are without the means to buy them. (Based on multiple verses to the effect of "If a brother is without clothing, provide..." and "Whatever you do to the least of these you do for me" and as a way to reach the community with a felt need, building a 'bridge' for the message. I was asked to have a LEGO station where the kids could come and play while their parents were talking or handling other things. Here is a link to the Flickr Set with some images of this. I also built a 6x scale minifig dressed in winter clothes to bring along. (Based on Ryan Wood's and this one.) Enjoy! Thanks for looking! If you want more info, please just ask!
Petition for Western returning
Sure! Consider the petition signed!
[MOC] Snake's Apocafied Cargo Truck (5972 'mod')
Well, as some of you may know, I wasn't able to make it to BrickCon this year... :'( But as soon as I heard about the "Best apocafied official set" category for the Apocafest, I HAD to do the 5972 Space Truck Getaway. I present you with the end result (full description on Flickr): I sure missed presenting this at the 'Con, hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for looking!!!
LEGO wedding cake toppers
Thanks! The set is #3569 "Grand Soccer Stadium." These torso stickers are on the first sheet!!! Hope that helps!
LEGO wedding cake toppers
Thanks folks!!! My now wife and I met while at college, so when summer came around, I was slated for work with the Oregon Department of Forestry in John Day, OR, as an Engine boss on a type 1 brush truck. Erin had been signed up for a mission project in Tahoe, CA. We spent the summer calling each other when we could, and while it was a tough time, we came out all the better for it! Thanks for the interest!
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