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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by supernova

  1. Another bump. I am putting all the figs for sale: bley emperor palpatine from 7264 ($30) yoda ($15) lando from cloud city 10123 ($31) red royal guards x2 ($7) kashyyyk troopers x2 from 7261 (unassembled, $10) bib fortuna ($10) r2d2 ($4) Prices don't include packing and postage, but if you spend over $50 on figs I will throw it in FREE, worldwide. I am still interested in trades, in this order of priority: 1. 10178 x2 2. 4500 just snowspeeder x1 3. MISB 6210 x1 4. will trade figs for figs (at same mkt value), I'm most interested in rebel troopers from 7668 Hopefully some1's interested in something *sweet*
  2. Yes, here's a picture for it: Its a test mould (or at least as I understand it), and was available for sale on bricklink some time ago from a German seller.
  3. Been a long time since I posted, been really busy. Anyway, here goes: I have sets: 4504 Millennium Falcon (used, mkt value ~$175) 10123 Cloud City (used, mkt value ~$200) 4501 Mos Eisley Cantina (used, mkt value ~$60, I might have 2 of these) and figs (all new and assembled, unless o/w stated): bley emperor palpatine from 7264 (mkt value ~$30+) yoda (mkt value ~$15) lando from cloud city 10123 (mkt value ~$30+) red royal guards x2 (mkt value ~$7-8 ) kashyyyk troopers x2 from 7261 (unassembled, mkt value ~$10) c3po pearl light gold (mkt value ~$12) bib fortuna (mkt value ~$10) r2d2 (mkt value ~$4) and rare part 1x red vader helmet (mkt value ~$30) I want the following: 10178 motorised AT-AT x 2 (mkt value ~$150 new, less if opened) 4500 snowspeeder only x 2, I don't need the figs/radar dish (mkt price ??) 6210 MISBox (mkt price $75) 7662 MISBox (mkt price $100) 7036 dwarf mine (mkt value ~$65) figs from 7666 (tell me how much u think its worth ;-) ) figs from 7665 (tell me how much u think its worth ;-) ) new battlepacks especially 7668 x many many (~$10 each) 7669, 7672 ($20, $50 respectively) chrome gold c3po, but only if reasonably priced :-) I am on the SSL with multiple +s on FBTBforums, and am located in Singapore. I ship worldwide (airmail please). PM me if you are interested in any kind of trade (I might be interested in purchasing want-items if the price is reasonable). I am kinda busy nowadays, so trading might be slow; but if we both respond pretty quickly then there should be no problems.
  4. supernova replied to mutley777's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    all i can say is... WOW... can't wait for my local stores to stock this! Nice review btw :-) Does the snowspeeder actually fit through the door? Thanks!
  5. I don't really have an all-time favourite set, but here are some select ones from various themes I dabble in: 6067 Guarded Inn (or the re-release 10000).. Need I say more? *wub* 6074 Black Falcon Fortress (or the re-release 10039). Possibly the best castle set ever built, wonderful construction and a joy to build. I've got 4 of these, 3 of which are in my parts bin :-) 7658 Y-wing This is my current favourite SW set, but I think the new UCS Falcon will completely kick @ss! I didn't like 4504 that much cos its not sturdy, and 4483 AT-AT's head just falls wayyy too often :-P I actually owned it when I was a kid (I still do, its in a BIG tub mixed together :-/ ) Really fun playset. I think the new gas station might trump this tho. this baby will be mine soon!!
  6. wow snowies and rebels?! haha then maybe i shouldn't stock up so many hoth bases then! (I was planning to buy at least 4, so I can get 4 snowspeeders, and get some extra troops off BL/ebay) snowie prices are sooo going to fall :)
  7. here's mine:
  8. Sounds like a fun idea :-)
  9. Hey, I'm just looking for the ships, both yellow and red ones, no need for figs etc. Does anyone want to sell or trade? I got quite some amount of SW figs for trade - kashyyyk troopers - ep2 clones - bib fortuna - r2-d2 - at-st drivers - slave leia, yellow etc Drop me a PM :-)
  10. if i had a lot of spare $$ and an ebay store this might be a worthwhile purchase :-/ but even then probably not; the profit margin still isn't great enough.
  11. I did??! I said I will trade AT-ST drivers for dewbacks/speeder, at roughly market value. Drop me a PM :-)
  12. Quick question to anyone in the know: If it's a contest (i.e. there's judging and stuff), why is it called a raffle (i.e. lottery)? Do we have any vague idea how many 3POs are being raffled/given to winners? Thanks in advance :-)
  13. *bump* No one interested in these? I will trade for a dewback, and a speeder from the Clone Turbo Tank.
  14. Statistically the probability of getting 2 3POs if you buy say about 100 sets isn't SUPER low.. not as low as striking lottery. So for those big time ebay Lego sellers, I'm pretty sure they found them in the sets.
  15. Possibly the most expensive lego fig ever sold: Chrome gold 3po Was watching this auction, and I am kind of appalled by the ending price, considering there are a couple of buy-it-nows for under $300 at the same time. Oh well. As for the current discussion at hand, I was thinking, if Lego is really smart, they can release a special edition of 7106 or something, with the chrome 3po droid, and make it an exclusive (S@H maybe?) and sell it through there. There is bound to be demand if prices are less than $50, and Lego is bound to make a nice profit. And everyone of us here will be happy :-) But this is wishful thinking heh X-D
  16. The good thing is there are currently about 6-7 3POs on ebay now (and hopefully more to come), and no one are buying those at $260 and above, so there's a good chance prices will fall. But by how much, only the market can determine that :-(
  17. Nice graph Starwars4J :-) You must have spent quite a bit of time on it. Right now, I think the best thing we can hope for is Lego releasing the chrome 3PO in a set. Looks like there are very desperate people trying to get them, and spoiling it for lots of kids and AFOLs alike: Link to FBTB thread
  18. supernova replied to gylman's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, Trade and Finds
    The last time I was watching one it was about US$60. BL price is about this price too.
  19. Morris, I know your intentions are good, but let's be realistic here. Many people who are not fanatics, if they find the gold 3po, they will keep it. It doesn't make economic sense (they can buy about $250 more of lego if the price point remains as it is today if they sell it on ebay), but hey, why would non-fanatics know this thing is worth so much? Its shiny and cool, so they keep it in their little box of lego figs. There. Also, you forgot to account for that fact that some people want MULTIPLES of this, and will pay lots of money for it. Trade_express has already bought about 3-4 of these, at $250-300 a piece. A few of the big ebay lego sellers have bought one too, and we all know there are a good 50odd big time (meaning their ratings is >1000) lego sellers on ebay, so if they all buy at least one that depletes the supply as well. All in all, I think the best is to let time tell, but since I don't see how more than about 1-2 can pop up each day, we need all the people who are really willing to pay to be depleted, and I don't see that as a possibility in the near future. I do hope lego releases him in a set tho :-)
  20. Hehe I don't like that movie, sorry. If you have something else I might be interested. Shoot me a PM :)
  21. I'm selling the whole thing. You can do better for the head and helmet by getting the magnet (on ebay) or getting them off bricklink.
  22. More and more of these are appearing on ebay everyday. The bad thing is that all the ones nearest to ending are all going for about $250, and looks like it may go up further!! :-| Sigh... guess market value is defined at ~$250 for now. WAYYY out of my budget.
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